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What would yo think of Donnie Yen doing G.O.D


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Donnie is clearly a Bruce Lee afficiendo and loves doing projects that are related to him in some way. You can't even call this a remake as Lee didn't finish making the movie.

What would you guys think of Yen collating Lee's surviving material and working a project around the original concept? He doesn't have to jump around in a yellow cat suit or fight a basketball player to do it. He could also incorporate his own ideas of the martial arts in to this film, many of which do resemble Lee's unique philosophy.

He could keep it old school and use a pagoda or modernize the idea somehow. I'm not talking about him fighting on every floor of a glossy new nightclub in Las Vegas but you get the point. The original storyline was done to death back in the day by imitators and clones but nobody has touched it in years.

Yen would play a retired tournament fighter who's family is kidnapped by gangsters. He is then forced to plan a raid on a building containing martial artists from all over the world in order to get his family back. What about Jing Wu and Siu-Wong Fan as accomplises?

As for opposition within the Pagoda? The mind boggles. Tony Jaa? Sammo Hung? UFC Champions?

I'm off sick from work, feel like shit and I'm just letting my mind wonder so please take it easy on me. I thought it wasn't a bad idea and it would be a massive attraction in my book.

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Well from what I know the concept had been established so they could take it and make a new film. They don't really need to modernize the idea. The original is special for what it is.

Never considered potential candidates to take Bruce Lee's role though. There are people like Donnie who have the martial arts experience to carry it out yes, but think about somebody with the charisma and personality to make you believe it, the philosophy behind it. I don't know how to explain... you could take an established martial artist to cover the role, but without somebody who had the intensity on screen like Bruce, somebody who understood the meaning behind it and what it was trying to represent, that would be the difference between it being something special, or just an average martial arts film.

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Well from what I know the concept had been established so they could take it and make a new film. They don't really need to modernize the idea. The original is special for what it is.

Never considered potential candidates to take Bruce Lee's role though. There are people like Donnie who have the marital arts experience to carry it out yes, but think about somebody with the charisma and personality to make you believe it, the philosophy behind it. I don't know how to explain... you could take an established martial artist to cover the role, but without somebody who had the intensity on screen like Bruce, somebody who understood the meaning behind it and what it was trying to represent, that would be the difference between it being something special, or just an average martial arts film.

Hi Mate

Thanks for gettng back to me.

I agree with you regards keeping it old school but I do think that Donnie has wonderful charisma. Nowhere close to what Bruce Lee had but if he makes the fight scenes versatile and explosive then he cold pull it off.

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Your topic was interesting.

Yes he has the ability to deliver good action as you said, but I believe the film was more than just well choreographed and delivered fight scenes. I'm not trying to criticise Donnie Yen's abilities as an actor. Its hard for me to explain what I mean. Imagine if "Enter the Dragon" was released with a different lead actor. It may be a good action movie all the same but it just wouldn't have the determination and strength that Bruce fills it with, ambition, dedication, however you want to call it.

Sorry I couldn't contribute any further. Maybe someone else might see this and have an idea at what I'm trying to convey.

Hope you recover from your illness quickly.

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Your topic was interesting.

Yes he has the ability to deliver good action as you said, but I believe the film was more than just well choreographed and delivered fight scenes. I'm not trying to criticise Donnie Yen's abilities as an actor. Its hard for me to explain what I mean. Imagine if "Enter the Dragon" was released with a different lead actor. It may be a good action movie all the same but it just wouldn't have the determination and strength that Bruce fills it with, ambition, dedication, however you want to call it.

Sorry I couldn't contribute any further. Maybe someone else might see this and have an idea at what I'm trying to convey.

Hope you recover from your illness quickly.

Thanks mate.

I think Donnie has the same kind of versatility with choreography as Bruce had, plus he could incorporate so many different fighting methods in to the film, which was a big part of what Lee wanted to achieve. I think you are referring to presense and magnetism - Donnie doesn't have that but who does in this genre?

We'll probably never see a new G.O.D but here's hoping:wink:

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Is this idea induced by your medication? If so, stay on it.

G.O.D. would make for a good retelling. Hmmmm, maybe re-visualization would be a better term. Yes, I think so.

Donnie Yen would be good. Or I could see Jet Li doing this. And I love Tony Jaa but most folks would be down on his acting. And I think Sammo Hung would be a must have as a choreographer. In fact, he should direct something like this.

The great thing to me about G.O.D. was the contrasts especially in the final duels: weapons, styles, size. That could be expanded on and with great depth and experimentation. There could be discussions of weapon preferences and philosophies and reasons why prior to the fights. The same could be said of the empty-handed battles. There would be so many facets to explore.

Wow. Philosophical violence. Think I'll go self-medicate and find something to watch.

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Is this idea induced by your medication? If so, stay on it.

G.O.D. would make for a good retelling. Hmmmm, maybe re-visualization would be a better term. Yes, I think so.

Donnie Yen would be good. Or I could see Jet Li doing this. And I love Tony Jaa but most folks would be down on his acting. And I think Sammo Hung would be a must have as a choreographer. In fact, he should direct something like this.

The great thing to me about G.O.D. was the contrasts especially in the final duels: weapons, styles, size. That could be expanded on and with great depth and experimentation. There could be discussions of weapon preferences and philosophies and reasons why prior to the fights. The same could be said of the empty-handed battles. There would be so many facets to explore.

Wow. Philosophical violence. Think I'll go self-medicate and find something to watch.

LOL:xd: Classic.

It's an idea I've had for a while.

Donnie Yen, as a martial arts FIGHTER, is the nearest thing there has ever been to Bruce Lee in my opinion. He's not an acrobat, he just whips ass, and his techniques are pristine.

The versatility of fight action from the 1972 footage is one of it's greatest assets. You have Escrima, Nunchaku, Hapkido, Western Boxing and Grappling. If Yen takes these and adds in another two or three floors then you could have an absolute classic on your hands - I'm sure of it. Not only that but it would be a MASSIVE intenational attraction.

Imagine him shooting the kicking style floor that Whang In SIk was supposed to occupy, along with his students. Sammo Hung could be the Wing Chun master or Praying Mantis. I just wish he would do it.

Are you sold on it?

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It is definitely a good idea and one that I have thought about myself. The prospect of a re-telling or a re-imagination, rather than a recreation of Bruce's original vision of the film, might give it more flexibility in content and approach but just as easily ignore the original intention of the film.

The thing that I like about the footage from the original film is that it is 'timeless', meaning the setting, the visuals, the location, the techniques are not necessarily dated or set to any period of time. Also the choreography in particular stands out. I like the way that Bruce subtley adapts and changes his techniques during the fight, almost as if he is learning from the opponent, rather than, for instance seeing a Tai Chi master getting choked out/submission.

In terms of actors, Donnie Yen might seem like an obvious choice based on his achievements and his skill, yes, but there just as easily could be somebody else out there more suitable for the role. I wouldn't want it to become "Donnie Yen, if you didn't already realise, yes, he is the new legend, continuing Bruce Lee's legacy" etc.

In terms of potential opponents though, that would be easier. Sammo could be a Wing Chun or Hung Gar master. I've seen recent footage of Bolo Yeung demonstrating Tai Chi at his age with good technique. Even Dan Inosanto is still going strong and could reprise his role. Tony Jaa as a Muay Thai or Krabi Krabong fighter. Also a silat exponent like Iko Uwais or another established martial artist from that region.

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Okay. I'll say Donnie should do this. He does come across on screen as more of a fighter and less of an acrobat.

Opponents? Hmmmm.

He could enter the structure and put the smack-down on some minions. Then......

1) A weapons opponent in the first floor. They could do a whole course of weapons similar to what Michelle Yeoh ans Zhang Ziyi did but a little more brutally.

2) A capoeira stylist.

3) A karate stylist (preferably in Shotokan, I think).

4) A tai chi/wing chun stylist.

5) A jiu jitsu stylist.

6) A muay thai stylist.

7) A kung fu stylist (preferably one schooled in animal styles).

Then he can hit the top floor, wipe out some more minions, and put the smack-down on the big boss.

I don't know. That could probably be tweaked a bit. If you average 5-10 minutes per fight scene you're looking at about an hour or so. Plus whatever leads up to all of this. Hmmmmm. Okay, now I want to see this. Somebody get Donnie on the phone................

Pronto! ASAP! Stat! Whatever, just get him on the horn!

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That is a great fantasy guys but I really can't see Donnie Yen in the role. Theoretically he would be almost perfect if you could really see him doing all those fights sequences. I can't foresee Donnie Yen making such an action-packed movie with him doing so much of the fight sequences himself. I really wonder he if his body would be able to cope with the task.

I would also foresee the same problem for Jet Li who in my opinion has even more on-screen charisma than Donnie.

I know from an acting point of view Tony Jaa wouldn't do the job the same as Jet for Donnie but physically I think he could overcome that and own the film. Besides I thought he improved in Ong Bak 2 in the more dramatic scenes. Who's to say he wouldn't improve further after all it wasn't that long ago Donnie Yen wasn't much of an actor.

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Okay, I'll buy that the physical punishment might get a bit much but Donnie could still probably pull it off. That's his call. And I am more than cool with letting Tony Jaa take a crack at this. I thought his acting improved in OB2 as well. And you know he'd deliver some awesome fights.

How about a newcomer? Or an up-and-comer? Jing Wu? Dan Chupong? Kane Kosugi?

(I'm just tossing names. Really I'm sold on Donnie or Tony.)

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I can't foresee Donnie Yen making such an action-packed movie with him doing so much of the fight sequences himself. I really wonder he if his body would be able to cope with the task.

He can, just as long as other people are in charge of the choreography. The Ip Man movies are perfect examples. It's only when he's acting and choreographing at the same time that he needs to cut back a bit because his will to achieve something new for each time would easily wear him out. Age is indeed catching up but that doesn't really mean anything if you take great care of your health. To date, I've yet to see 47-year olds perform at the same level as Donnie does.

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He can, just as long as other people are in charge of the choreography. The Ip Man movies are perfect examples. It's only when he's acting and choreographing at the same time that he needs to cut back a bit because his will to achieve something new for each time would easily wear him out. Age is indeed catching up but that doesn't really mean anything if you take great care of your health. To date, I've yet to see 47-year olds perform at the same level as Donnie does.

I'm sure Donnie is in fantastic shape especially for his age. However, it's not just being able to do the moves it's the knocks, bashes, falls and being able to suitably recover quicker enough during a shoot. Ip Man had a fair amount of action for Donnie, thinking about it it's probably the most he's done in a while in one movie, still others had action scenes as well and a good amount of the film was drama.

I think GOD would demand more intense action and would be a more rigorous movie to film, if it was done right. I just think Donnie is on the downward part of his movie career, in a physical sense (he's definitely at the height of his acting career with Ip man probably being the pinnacle ) , which is why I believe he's taking more roles with a larger acting part. You can see Jet Li has done the same thing as his body has struggled to take on the roles of yester year.

How about a newcomer? Or an up-and-comer? Jing Wu? Dan Chupong? Kane Kosugi?

(I'm just tossing names. Really I'm sold on Donnie or Tony.)

Wu Jing hasn't really established himself as a leading man and could probably use a couple of successful movies before I would consider him.

Dan, probably needs to step out of the shadow of Tony Jaa and like Wu Jing probably needs a few quality leading roles behind him... But he definitely has the physicality for the role.

Johnny Nguyen would also fit the mould physically but has the same problem as the others.

For my money you could have 2 Game of Death's and depending on your star would decide what kind of movie. I would lean towards Tony Jaa and the film could deliver much more high-impact martial-arts. The other would have fewer and perhaps shorter action sequences and more drama. In which case I would lean towards Jet Li as a first choice and Donnie Yen as a second. Li's presence winning for me.

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I think Donnie would be great for Game of Death as long as the concept of the film is done and not a copy of the original (even though the original was poor apart from the Bruce Lee footage).

In my opinion Donnie is usually not very good when he imitates Bruce Lee. Fingers cross for Legend of Chen Zhen.

It is actually more difficult to decide which styles of martial arts to put on each level bearing in mind the guy is going to be really tired. :bigsmile:

My initial thought would be the following:

Forms specialist

Weapons Specialist

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


Muay Thai

Krav Maga

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I think GOD would demand more intense action and would be a more rigorous movie to film, if it was done right. I just think Donnie is on the downward part of his movie career, in a physical sense (he's definitely at the height of his acting career with Ip man probably being the pinnacle ) , which is why I believe he's taking more roles with a larger acting part. You can see Jet Li has done the same thing as his body has struggled to take on the roles of yester year.

I think he can pull off anything right now. Maybe not some rigorous Tony Jaa 'kill myself' type stuff; but he can totally pull off a good, solid martial arts movie. And you're right: I guess you can say he's on the 'downward' part in a physical sense, but he'll most likely stay steady for a good 5 more years.

P.S. for the record, Tony Jaa doesn't have that certain charm or charisma for a GOD role. (maybe as an enemy, but not as the lead). But as we all know, there are no elephants (or bones) in GOD.

Also, Tony Jaa looks like the dude from that David Bowie video for fucks sake (1:48 to be exact):

Do we really want to see him in a yellow jumpsuit?

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Also, Tony Jaa looks like the dude from that David Bowie video for fucks sake (1:48 to be exact):

Do we really want to see him in a yellow jumpsuit?

Looks nothing like TonyJaa... Iko Uwais (Merantau) looks far more like him.

Do you really want the yellow jumpsuit in the film? It is so iconic I wondered if it would be better not used.

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Looks nothing like TonyJaa... Iko Uwais (Merantau) looks far more like him.

Do you really want the yellow jumpsuit in the film? It is so iconic I wondered if it would be better not used.

Wow. That IKO UWAIS film, is it on DVD yet? That looked pretty cool.

And yes, that GOD suit would have to be used. No cheating either. No two-piece version with popped collars.

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Wow. That IKO UWAIS film, is it on DVD yet? That looked pretty cool.


Merantau Warrior is available on UK R2 and is a very good MA movie.:xd:

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