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I agree with you guys, this last episode was really a gut-churner (emotionally). I'm so thanful that the acting is of such a high calibre. It really makes a huge difference when you truly feel connected to the characters. When I was a kid, I was content to see a bunch of one dimensional characters get offed one after another because I was thrilled to see some cool makeup effects or the monster in action. But after being treated to stuff like the original ALIEN I started longing for the thrills of the genre combined with a higher lever of filmmaking/scriptwriting. I think THE WALKING DEAD- both the original comic (thanks Corey!) and the TV show are a prime example of those two virtues meeting to create something special.

As for the ending of this episode (spoiler free), as a guy that is rarely caught off guard after years of watching this kind of thing, I was completely and utterly shocked! Nice.

Also, are you brothers and sisters enjoying the follow up show THE TALKING DEAD? I really dig it. Lot's of fun as a host and guests discuss the episode which just aired.

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Talking Dead is a great show, I enjoyed last week's guest with Robert Kirkman and Greg Nicotero very informative stuff, pretty cool they had Alice Cooper called in the show.... Those zombies look fantastic on the show, great make-up effects... I always wanted to call in the show but don't know what to say, you guys have any suggestions, I'll even use my KFC name if I get through, lol....

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pretty cool they had Alice Cooper called in the show....

I know! That was cool! They should incorporate some of his songs like "No More Mr. Nice Guy" or "Welcome To My Nightmare" into an ep.

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  • Administrator
Talking Dead is a great show, I enjoyed last week's guest with Robert Kirkman and Greg Nicotero very informative stuff, pretty cool they had Alice Cooper called in the show.... Those zombies look fantastic on the show, great make-up effects... I always wanted to call in the show but don't know what to say, you guys have any suggestions, I'll even use my KFC name if I get through, lol....

That would be funny! I've got one for you...

Also they've announced that season 3 will be 16 eps!!!! (Job security for Chris Hardwicke, host of "The Talking Dead".:tongue:)

... ask "Is there any chance that Chris Hardwicke will make a cameo as a zombie?"

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Found a couple of clips from the mid-season premiere due Feb. 12th.




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I always have to remember not to eat anything during these shows. I love it and the last season went out with a bang with "Pretty Much Dead." I'm looking forward to see where the go from there.


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Sunday's ep was good. Not a lot of zombie killing but things are being put into motion.

Love how Rick did a little gun-slinging like a sheriff in the Old West. That was cool. Quick on the draw.

The ep of "Talking Dead" was good, too. Dave Navarro (of the band: Jane's Addiction) was a guest. You could tell he's a true fan of the show and lamented the fact that there wasn't enough zombie killing and that the guys had been on the farm too long in his opinion. He also wants Hershel killed off.:tongue: One of his daughters is bedridden with shock after Barn-a-geddon and Dave said rather sardonically, "That's great. Let's have someone stuck in bed again for a few episodes." Or something to that effect which owned me. I was crying, I was laughing so hard.

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You're correct.

The first 7 eps of season 2 aired back in the fall. Then it took a 2 month hiatus. The other 6 started Sunday night.

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Sunday's ep was good. Not a lot of zombie killing but things are being put into motion. Love how Rick did a little gun-slinging like a sheriff in the Old West. That was cool. Quick on the draw.

Yeah, it was decent. Watched that Comic Book Men show afterward to see next week's episode teaser. Thought the latter show would have been better but the guys were not very interesting. Anyway, back to Dead ... Rick's wife proves to be a PITA as always. Hope a zombie eats her while she's stuck in her upside down car :tongue:

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Yeah, it was decent. Watched that Comic Book Men show afterward to see next week's episode teaser. Thought the latter show would have been better but the guys were not very interesting.

Dude! Me and the Mrs. were irked about that. I'd dvr'ed it so we could watch it after the kids went to sleep. No previews 'cause they stuck it in CBM which I didn't record.:cry: We did get the 1st minute of that and based on what we saw then, you're right.

Anyway, back to Dead ... Rick's wife proves to be a PITA as always. Hope a zombie eats her while she's stuck in her upside down car :tongue:

Hah!!! Yeah, man, I feel you on that. Like.....what more could she do? Rick has gone to get Hershel already. Does she think it helps to stand there looking skinny and frustrated?

You know, on "Talking Dead", they always show the ep's kills. They did not show the zombie she creamed with the car. What do you want to bet he starts crawling towards her. (How do you say, "Geez, lady, I was walkin' here! You got a first aid kit?" in zombie?)

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Wow! What an intense ep!!!!! Last night's show was sooooooo good. At one point my wife muttered, "I can't take much more of this." My response was, "Good, it's not just me."

There was a fair amount of zombie killing and more stirring of the ethical pot.

Steven Yuen (Glenn) was a guest afterwards on "The Talking Dead". He gave props to his stuntman, Dante Ha (I believe that was his name), who he said did a number of other stunts in last night's ep.

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Yeah, last night's ep was decent. The "thanks for the ride, lady" zombie was tearing off his facial skin to get a bite on ol' Lori. What a dumb zombie. Ain't no meat on that broad :tongue: The writers really need to do something with T-Dog because he hasn't had any character development at all. Again, I got sucked into watching that comic book show afterward. Again, a waste of time.

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Glenn is an idiot... Why is he acting like a douche to Maggie all of a sudden, it was so out of character.... Doesn't make sense really, he said that he only thinks about himself, UUUUUMMMMM, I've been watching the show since the beginning and he has helped out more than he has at being selfish..

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He's self-conscious because she told him she loved him. He's forged a greater emotional connection with her than anyone else since the zombie apocalypse. His reactions are now motivated out of the fear of what the trauma of his death would do to her. The thing is he recognizes that and is confronting it. This will make for more good tension between the characters and hopefully be resolved so that they remain a couple and she tags along when the group leaves the farm.

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The governor has finally been cast. And it is... British actor David Morrissey. Not sure that I'm too thrilled about this, I can't ever remember seeing Morrissey in anything that was good.

Here's the story at IGN: http://uk.tv.ign.com/articles/121/1219418p1.html

LOL, yeah Basic Instinct 2 comes to mind... What a piece of crap that movie was...

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'ello, Guv'nah! (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

Never heard of this guy, David Morrissey. Is he related to the former lead singer for "The Smiths"? (Sorry, couldn't resist that one either.)

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Wow! Another good ep last night!!! A little heart-to-heart chat and then a little one-on-one with Rick and Shane putting the beatdown on each other and essentially stirring up a zombie hornets' nest. What was interesting was the fact that the issues I thought would've led to fisticuffs weren't a contributing factor for it being set off. I know lots of folks seem to think that Shane may prove to be villainous. That may be true but I tend to believe he's a "good guy". I think the difference is this: Both he and Rick aren't afraid to go to the extreme. Rick however doesn't view that option as a 1st or preferred choice. They are both men of action. But Shane comes across more as a man of reaction while Rick wants to weigh his actions first.

The only bad thing about it was that there were no appearances by some of my fav characters: Glenn and Darryl.

Darryl especially has been acting withdrawn and I'm hoping he'll go on the zombie warpath before long.

Oh, and director Kevin Smith was a guest again on The Talking Dead. They should have him on there every week. He owns me. He's hysterical. He has some of the best comments and his perspective is hilarious.

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Well, was that last ep a surprise or what? A shocker and a bummer. Man, I love this show!

2 eps left to go and think the action is really gonna kick up.

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Sad way to go for Dale, but I suspected that was going to happen after his speech. I wonder how next season will go story wise?


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