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Lat night's ep was GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To tell you the truth, I was getting a little irked that only 1 zombie had been killed midway through the ep but then the last 15 mins. kicked in and I was shouting at the TV.

Love this show!

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Last night's episode was indeed quite good.

One, it finally showed some folks served up for lunch.

Prior to that, we had a horse and a deer but don't recall any people getting bite.

Second (and more important for me)

....(minor) spoiler ahead....

was the strong plot. The "gang of thugs" and what they were really doing once again shows how this series isn't just about bloodthirsty ghouls but how individuals react in the apocalyptic nightmare they find themselves in.

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was the strong plot. The "gang of thugs" and what they were really doing once again shows how this series isn't just about bloodthirsty ghouls but how individuals react in the apocalyptic nightmare they find themselves in.

Absolutely right. It's the human degeneration which is the real heart of the drama, and a theme which develops even more as the show continues. At least, that is if it remains faithful to the comic.

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Shaolin Chamber 36

I just downloaded 76 issues of the comic book to my iPad, I look forward to checking it all out from beginning to end later tonight.

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I just downloaded 76 issues of the comic book to my iPad, I look forward to checking it all out from beginning to end later tonight.

You won't be disappointed mate, it's a great read. How do comics look on the Ipad? I've read lots on my PC, but the Ipad seems to be just the right size & shape for digital comics.

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Shaolin Chamber 36
You won't be disappointed mate, it's a great read. How do comics look on the Ipad? I've read lots on my PC, but the Ipad seems to be just the right size & shape for digital comics.

Well I've just read issues 1-7, and I've already read past the storyline of what they have showed on the show so far. I am not worried too much about spoilers, because there's always the chance they might make some changes to the script. As I've already noticed the way some things have been shown on the show, was different than the comics.

The iPad is truly great for comics, magazines, movies etc. I use it every night while in bed. Movies I have on my computer, that I've downloaded in avi format, I use a program called Air Video, to stream them to the iPad, no need to actually load them on.

An iPad is Shaolin Chamber's #1 recommended Christmas gift this year!!! It's a very powerful device, especially when jailbroken. :)

Well, you may be better off waiting for iPad 2.

Sucks only 2 episodes of The Walking Dead this year, I will most definitely be buying the DVD of Season 1, as long as it's loaded with special features, director's cut of episodes, etc!! Looking forward to it.

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OK I just watched Sunday nites episode on TIVO kinda slow episode no Zombies or anything, only thing this one showed the dark side of Friendship! Not going to give away any spoilers until everyone posts on it.

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Another good ep.

daisho2004's statement is spot on.

I'm impressed with the extent this series goes to in order to show the absolute grossness of what a zombie epidemic would be. The last few minutes of the ep when everyone heads back to Atlanta to the CDC is just........I'm not real sure how to describe it. The stench, the flies, the bodies every fifteen feet. It just gives me the heebie jeebies, man.

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Shaolin Chamber 36

5 days ago I posted that I had read The Walking Dead comic book, issues 1-7, a few minutes ago, I completed the issue for December, #79, and am now all caught up.

I have to say, I am definitely not one who particularly reads comic books, at least not since I was very young, or even regularly reads books, but this comic book has me HOOKED!!!!!!!!!!

I can not wait for the next issue, especially since I am all caught up. I HIGHLY recommend The Walking Dead comics, especially if you are already a fan of the show, you will not regret it.

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Another good ep.

daisho2004's statement is spot on.

I'm impressed with the extent this series goes to in order to show the absolute grossness of what a zombie epidemic would be. The last few minutes of the ep when everyone heads back to Atlanta to the CDC is just........I'm not real sure how to describe it. The stench, the flies, the bodies every fifteen feet. It just gives me the heebie jeebies, man.

Yeah, it was pretty sick man. Prob the best episode tension wise for me. Looking forward to next weeks!

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Just read some news on twitch, apparently Frank Darabont has sacked the entire writing staff. He plans to write the entire next season himself, with some freelancers when needed. Not sure what to make of this news, if it's good or bad?

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Well, that does seem a little mondo bizarre. I haven't had any issues with the writing for this season. Maybe there are disputes about what to do in the 2nd and he pulled rank.

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Well, that does seem a little mondo bizarre. I haven't had any issues with the writing for this season. Maybe there are disputes about what to do in the 2nd and he pulled rank.

Who knows? But I guess with Darabont's past credits, we have to trust in his vision for the show. I think that without him onboard, the series may never have been comissioned at all. Let's keep our fingers crossed that next season is good.

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Thank you much for the link, Karlos.

Well, I'm a little perturbed. And a lot worried. But.......I'll try to keep an open mind (like the cracked skull of a corpse a zombie is eating brains from).

I take it that essentially Darabont is wanting 'stand alone' eps. Like a comic book series. Okay, I'm cool with that, I guess. But there is still a thread of continuity that strings those together. And I worry that this will create contradictions in events further down the road unless he's already got an idea of what he wants to take place over the course of the 2nd season and how he wants it to end. Then he could give the free-lancers certain guides such as "you're picking the story up here (event/circumstance) and I need you to get it to here (event/circumstance) ---- have at it".

I guess we'll see what happens, kaleyboy, and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed, too. (Unless the season finale makes me gnaw them off.) I just hope this doesn't kill the show. (Sorry, bad pun.)

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Well, tonight's the season finale. Me and Mrs. ShaOW!linDude will be cuddling up with some popcorn once the kids are sound asleep. Then the freakout will begin. Bring on the........


This is updated as I've now watched the ep. Not much in the way of zombie killing but a solid ep with a harrowing end. Now I have to wile away 11 months for this to come back on.:cry: Well, there's always Spartacus and True Blood.

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This is updated as I've now watched the ep. Not much in the way of zombie killing but a solid ep with a harrowing end. Now I have to wile away 11 months for this to come back on. Well, there's always Spartacus and True Blood.

ShaOW!linDude: Have to agree with you about it all.

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It's a good thing I have the comic books cause a year of waiting for this thing to hit again is gonna take awhile.. Was that a Bob Dylan track they used at the end of the episode?? It really fitted nicely and pretty much summed up the season... Come on Darabont make Season 2 awesome!!!

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Noelle Shadow Kick

Yep! Bob Dylan's "Tomorrow is a Long Time". Very fitting and well used.

Overall I thought the finale was a little disappointing. It started out really strong, and I liked seeing the group relax a little, but the end wasn't all that amazing. For a season finale a show should pull out all the stops, and it just felt like a regular episode. That said, I still can't wait for next season. This show had some problems trying to get the first season off the ground, so I feel like in season 2 the show will really be able to hit its stride. The news about Frank Darabont firing everyone who isn't Frank Darabont is troubling, so let's just hope it all works out.

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I was hoping to see the Zombies invade the CDC at the end, but I still like how it ended. And By now everyone hopefully has seen it, what do you think the Dr. told Rick in his ear? That his Wife is pregnant? That's the only thing I can think of!

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Someone (over @ IMDb) said that's what happened in the comic. Looking forward to October.

To broaden the conversation..... do you think that the entire gov't would be wiped out within the time frame (60+ days?). I'd have to imagine that various naval ships (especially subs) would still be out to sea unaffected and would act as some type of floating gov't body. Not to mention the various bunkers around DC and other hidden installations.

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