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Bruce Lee Legendary Collection Box set Blu Ray

David Rees

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This Blu ray box set to be released in Hong Kong end of August.


# Disc 1 (Blu-ray): The Big Boss (1971)

# Disc 2 (Blu-ray): Fist of Fury (1972)

# Disc 3 (Blu-ray): The Way of the Dragon (1972)

# Disc 4 (Blu-ray): Enter the Dragon (1973)

# Disc 5 (Blu-ray): Game of Death (1978)

# Bonus Disc 6 (DVD): Bruce Lee: the Man and the Legend

Game Of Death (Blu-ray) Special Features :

1. Hong Kong & International EditionTrailers

2. The Legend of Bruce Lee (46mins)

3. "Game Of Death" Secret Files (39mins)

4. "Game Of Death" Deleted Scenes (4mins)

5. Photo Gallery

Who knows what the transfers will be like...probably locked to region A.

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Damn looks like I'm gonna empty out the piggy bank for this one!!! Are they gonna add English Dubs??

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... Are they gonna add English Dubs??

These are the same that have been available for a few months, with the exception of now GOD (1978, even though it says "73), has been remastered and added.

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Guest Markgway

I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Probably a repackage of the previously available (and woefully inadequate) single editions.

There's a good chance Game of Death will have an English track (but it'll probably be a screwed-up remix like the rest).

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This Blu ray box set to be released in Hong Kong end of August.


# Disc 1 (Blu-ray): The Big Boss (1971)

# Disc 2 (Blu-ray): Fist of Fury (1972)

# Disc 3 (Blu-ray): The Way of the Dragon (1972)

# Disc 4 (Blu-ray): Enter the Dragon (1973)

# Disc 5 (Blu-ray): Game of Death (1978)

# Bonus Disc 6 (DVD): Bruce Lee: the Man and the Legend

Game Of Death (Blu-ray) Special Features :

1. Hong Kong & International EditionTrailers

2. The Legend of Bruce Lee (46mins)

3. "Game Of Death" Secret Files (39mins)

4. "Game Of Death" Deleted Scenes (4mins)

5. Photo Gallery

Who knows what the transfers will be like...probably locked to region A.

Thanks for the heads up on this upcoming release David.

I just completed watching the Ultimate Collection FOX DVD remasters again and want to share some thoughts:

The transfer of these films is starting to show its age IMO and I really hope the blu ray versions are improved in this department. Way of the Dragon in particular has a sub-par transfer and could really benefit from a hi-def remaster.

But what really grated on my nerves watching it this time around, was the English 5.1 "enhanced" soundtrack. I HATE IT! I mean , I love the English dub because of nostalgia, but why did the studio deem it necessary to modify certain sound effects in the first three films, and add unnecessary "kicks and punches"? It makes the audio sound even more fake and it comes off as corny. Plus, on WotD, they removed Bruce's original fighting cry effect from the original English track. I love hearing his original cat-like "Waaa waaar" cry on the English dub and it's sorely missed here. Plus they added some stupid "whooshing" sound to the nun-chaku effects.

AND to top it off, in Fists of Fury(Chinese Connection), they changed the song in the opening credits to an English version(W...T....F...????) and it sounds super cheesy!

Man, I really hope Bluray versions contain a better remastered transfer and their original English language tracks are restored and unaltered and without all the added dumb effects.

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The transfer of these films is starting to show its age IMO and I really hope the blu ray versions are improved in this department. Way of the Dragon in particular has a sub-par transfer and could really benefit from a hi-def remaster.

They're still the best restorations available, but I agree that improvements could be made. I doubt a hi-def presentation would help anymore though.

AND to top it off, in Fists of Fury(Chinese Connection), they changed the song in the opening credits to an English version(W...T....F...????) and it sounds super cheesy!

The Mike Remedios song (originally heard at the end of the 1974 Japanese version in English) must have been placed at the start for the remix.

Man, I really hope Bluray versions contain a better remastered transfer and their original English language tracks are restored and unaltered and without all the added dumb effects.

The Blu-Ray appears to have worse colours than the DVD, but I don't know if there will be any change from what we've seen, for this boxset (nor will there be English soundtracks at all).

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I have a horrible feeling that the Blu ray discs have enhanced sound only...why not put original mono too , there is plenty of room for it on a Blu ray...will wait for a western release i think and just stick with my HK Legends dvds for now.

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I have a horrible feeling that the Blu ray discs have enhanced sound only...why not put original mono too ,

The Blu-Rays have been released for months and they only have remixes. It's likely just the same discs on this boxset.

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Guest Markgway
I have a horrible feeling that the Blu ray discs have enhanced sound only...why not put original mono too.

Because they're ignorant, incompetent morons... and even if you did get them to include a mono track it would either be a downmix... or the wrong language.

Abandon hope.

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I now have this set. The review is simple...


Don't waste your money. The GOD remaster is no more than what appears to be the HKL transfer of the film. The audio is exactly the same; even though it say DTS-HDMaster Audio, no... it's not. The only decent addition is the bonus disc, Bruce Lee: The Legend (R2?) It will not play on standard players. It has a remastered version of Bruce Lee: The Man and Legend included on the same disc and the video of it is pretty good.

I only have it because I collect all Bruce Lee stuff.

The Ultimate Bruce Lee Collection by Joy Sales/Fortune Star are still the best audio/video versions, and the HK Legends set has the best special features along with Bey Logan commentary.

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I now have this set. The review is simple...


Don't waste your money.

We knew that:tongue:.

The GOD remaster is no more than what appears to be the HKL transfer of the film.

You sure? Seems very unlikely.

Here's a comparison. Although the Blu-Ray will be different (colours mainly), it should help determine the source in terms of framing.

The Ultimate Bruce Lee Collection by Joy Sales/Fortune Star are still the best audio/video versions, and the HK Legends set has the best special features along with Bey Logan commentary.

Definitely about the extras, but I'd choose Fox because it's got Mandarin mono.

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Guest Markgway

Can't be the same as HKL........... unless we're talking about an upconversion (which knowing Fortune Star is actually a good possibility).


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Don't waste your money. The GOD remaster is no more than what appears to be the HKL transfer of the film. The audio is exactly the same; even though it say DTS-HDMaster Audio, no... it's not. The only decent addition is the bonus disc, Bruce Lee: The Legend (R2?) It will not play on standard players. It has a remastered version of Bruce Lee: The Man and Legend included on the same disc and the video of it is pretty good.

I only have it because I collect all Bruce Lee stuff.

The Ultimate Bruce Lee Collection by Joy Sales/Fortune Star are still the best audio/video versions, and the HK Legends set has the best special features along with Bey Logan commentary.

How is the GOD picture quality? I recall THE BIG BOSS looking awesome. Fist of Fury looked meh.......... never saw what Way of the Dragon looked like.

Is GOD at least up to The Big Boss standards? Does it look like a Blu-ray for an older film? ?

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How is the GOD picture quality? I recall THE BIG BOSS looking awesome. Fist of Fury looked meh.......... never saw what Way of the Dragon looked like.

Is GOD at least up to The Big Boss standards? Does it look like a Blu-ray for an older film? ?

No where near TBB standard, and worse than FOF. WOTD is about on-par with FOF.

This transfer is the HKL version, right down to the trailers and extras:

Legacy of The Dragon doc

GOD outtakes

GOD re-edit

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Damn, are you serious?

Why did TBB turn out so good and others, lame? (other than the obvious blurry camera work).


Especially for Game of Death; there's no reason that one should look bad.

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Damn, are you serious?

Why did TBB turn out so good and others, lame? (other than the obvious blurry camera work).

It is a wonder... TBB does look surprisingly good on Blu-Ray, and it was the older of all his films. That and Warner's ETD are the films with the best P/Q. Now if only Warners added a hi-def audio to ETD...:angel:

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Damn, are you serious?

Why did TBB turn out so good and others, lame? (other than the obvious blurry camera work).


Especially for Game of Death; there's no reason that one should look bad.

I am going to play devil's advocate just for a minute, because deep down I too, have a soft spot for Game of Death(don't ask why). But with that being said.....

[/devil's advoate on]...why are you so concerned with GoD? It's not even considered a real Bruce Lee film. It's a bastardization and that's putting it nicely. Yes the last few scene with the real Bruce, as well as the ending credits are very nice. But that's about it. Do we really need to see Billy Lo in high def? :tongue:

[/devil's advoate off]

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Game of Death is the perfect example of cut 'n paste. It basically is a 'game' of trying to catch all the goofs.

I still think the real Bruce Lee footage at the end is one of the best editing jobs ever!

Besides, what other movie will you hear Collen Camp say "They're across the street, they're across the SCREET, hurry, hurry!"

And yes, Warner's ENTER THE DRAGON in any format always ate up any other release.


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I still think the real Bruce Lee footage at the end is one of the best editing jobs ever!

If that wasn't intended to be sarcasm, me too.

People complained that there wasn't enough footage. I thought not only was it ample in length, but anymore and you would have included stuff not belonging to a serious film.

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