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Likely SB DVD Cancellations - Iron Bodyguard & Mighty Peking Man

Shaolin Patriot

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Shaolin Patriot

According to HK Flix, Iron Bodyguard (Media Blasters) and Mighty Peking Man (Well Go USA) seem to be cancelled. This applies to both Standard and Blu-Ray DVD versions.

Iron Bodyguard - previously delayed, but now listed as "Out of Print." Not yet confirmed on the MB website.


Mighty Peking Man - listed as "Out of Print" and "Cancelled by the Studio." Also not yet confirmed on the WG website.


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According to HK Flix, Iron Bodyguard (Media Blasters) and Mighty Peking Man (Well Go USA) seem to be cancelled.

Amazon.ca and Amazon.com have Iron Bodyguard as being released on Sept, 28th and Mighty Peking Man on Sept. 14th. No mention of cancellations.

As for Media Blasters site.... forget that it even exists, as it's almost never accurate and rarely ever updated.

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Shaolin Patriot
Amazon.ca and Amazon.com have Iron Bodyguard as being released on Sept, 28th and Mighty Peking Man on Sept. 14th. No mention of cancellations.

It's odd that a site which has been carrying all the SB releases so far would have them as cancelled, but Amazon still has them as pre-order. Deep Discount doesn't have them either. We'll see what happens in a month.

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Shaolin Patriot
why would anyone take HKFlix word over Amazon ? :ooh:

Amazon can be just as inaccurate as HK Flix, particularly when they sometimes list "Japanese" as audio on some previous SB titles.

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Morgoth Bauglir
why would anyone take HKFlix word over Amazon ? :ooh:

Amazon is always behind on this stuff. I remember when Hk Godfather was going to be released by BCI, hkflix was on top of the cancellation, while Amazon had the same release date listed LONG after it was cancelled. Also when everybody here was pissed and wondering when Golden Arm from Media Blasters would finally come out, hkflix was the first to give the real release date, and they were correct on that release date.

As for these movies not being released, this sucks real bad. I wasn't eagerly awaiting these 2 movies to come out, but I definitely would have bought them. Worst of all, and I hate to think this, but does this mean that Well Go and Media Blasters are going to stop releasing Shaws? First BCI (after only 2 releases), then Image, now 2 more companies? I really really hope that's not the case.

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Fang Shih-yu

OK, it's agreed upon Amazon and HK Flix aren't perfect!:tongue: I'll just wait for more information that should bring a definitive answer as to the fate of these releases, once and for all!:bigsmile: I'm hoping that nothing more is going on here than delays, myself....

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shoo... man, I am going to be MIGHTY peeved if those aren't released! There's palpable excitement all over the internet about Peking Man , I can't see why they would drop it now.

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Morgoth Bauglir

I find it odd that Mighty Peking Man has the "urgent note", but Iron Bodyguard doesn't. MIghty Peking Man seems like it for sure got cancelled. But let's hope for the best. Maybe they will just be delayed. Media Blasters doesn't like to release movies without a delay anymore it seems.

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Fang Shih-yu

I see Best Buy and f.y.e. both still have September 14 as the release date for the DVD and BD of Mighty Peking Man, if that helps add to the conversation!:angel:

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Shaolin Patriot
Worst of all, and I hate to think this, but does this mean that Well Go and Media Blasters are going to stop releasing Shaws? First BCI (after only 2 releases), then Image, now 2 more companies? I really really hope that's not the case.

I was thinking the same exact thing when I originally posted the topic. I sure hope WG and MB continue releasing more titles. MB has quite a line-up yet to go....

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I'm hoping Iron bodyguards still comes out, I've never seen it and have been pumped to check it out since it's announcement!!

Man I'm really hoping a new company will jump out of the woodwork's and gain the rights to some Shaw Films, because as some previously posted the number of company's are dwindling away fast...

I think Funimation has like 5 movies left on there current contract.. then that will be another one that bites the dust...:sad:

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Fang Shih-yu
I'm really hoping a new company will jump out of the woodwork's and gain the rights to some Shaw Films, because as some previously posted the number of company's are dwindling away fast...
It is a little surprising some other company hasn't considered licensing a number of Shaws for (at least) DVD release. Then again, if you think of the assorted little nightmares Dragon Dynasty, Image, Media Blasters/Tokyo Shock and Well Go USA have been through as they put out what movies they have, it's easy to see why the "new kid in town" has yet to show up! Sale figures must be considered in this, too; these Shaw DVDs and BDs aren't flying off the shelves like Avatar!:crossedlips: However, as I write this, let's keep in mind the company Shout! Factory, who recently started reissuing Gamera movies. (See where I'm going with this?) If somebody wants to start up a petition lobbying for more Shaw reissues, I suggest trying THAT place, if it hasn't been done already! "You want a Shaw movie out? SHOUT! it out!":tongue:
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Guest HKFlix.com

Hiya guys,

We update our site daily and you can be assured that the information we post is the latest and most accurate available from the studios and distributors.

We're not perfect....but I'm confident we are a heck of a lot more accurate than the A site. 99.99% of the time.

And just so you know we tell the studios/distributors about what is being written here and on other forums--it helps that there are so many passionate fans on KungFuCinema.

Michael Scott

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Hiya guys,

We update our site daily and you can be assured that the information we post is the latest and most accurate available from the studios and distributors.

We're not perfect....but I'm confident we are a heck of a lot more accurate than the A site. 99.99% of the time.

And just so you know we tell the studios/distributors about what is being written here and on other forums--it helps that there are so many passionate fans on KungFuCinema.

Michael Scott



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Hiya guys,

We update our site daily and you can be assured that the information we post is the latest and most accurate available from the studios and distributors.

We're not perfect....but I'm confident we are a heck of a lot more accurate than the A site. 99.99% of the time.

And just so you know we tell the studios/distributors about what is being written here and on other forums--it helps that there are so many passionate fans on KungFuCinema.

Michael Scott

You might tell em', but I doubt they listen.

And this is not to run you off the site, or anything. But as long as you peddle the panmedia bootlegs etc. You are helping to destroy the other legitimate labels. I love HKflix, and order from there all the time. But I think you need to look at what you're doing. I am aware that money come before morals... sadly. And that you're a business, first and foremost. Still, selling bootlegs is a HUGE disservice to the genre, no matter what people might say. In the past it was different. But now we are in a period where a lot of legit, niche labels are trying to bring out decent versions to the fans. And the time of crappy, bootlegs should be a thing of the past.

That's just my feelings on it.... im sure plenty of other members feel differently.

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Amen to that!

You might tell em', but I doubt they listen.

And this is not to run you off the site, or anything. But as long as you peddle the panmedia bootlegs etc. You are helping to destroy the other legitimate labels. I love HKflix, and order from there all the time. But I think you need to look at what you're doing. I am aware that money come before morals... sadly. And that you're a business, first and foremost. Still, selling bootlegs is a HUGE disservice to the genre, no matter what people might say. In the past it was different. But now we are in a period where a lot of legit, niche labels are trying to bring out decent versions to the fans. And the time of crappy, bootlegs should be a thing of the past.

That's just my feelings on it.... im sure plenty of other members feel differently.

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And this is not to run you off the site, or anything. But as long as you peddle the panmedia bootlegs etc. You are helping to destroy the other legitimate labels. I love HKflix, and order from there all the time. But I think you need to look at what you're doing. I am aware that money come before morals... sadly. And that you're a business, first and foremost. Still, selling bootlegs is a HUGE disservice to the genre, no matter what people might say. In the past it was different. But now we are in a period where a lot of legit, niche labels are trying to bring out decent versions to the fans. And the time of crappy, bootlegs should be a thing of the past.

I concur wholeheartedly, I've ordered from HKflix on several occasions, while they have a great selection.. the bootleg presence on the site is pretty bush-league, and lowers the credibility of their legit standards ...

Now since Well-Go and Media Blasters are both having these titles canceled.. I'll take it to the next step.. Are they throwing there proverbial hat in the ring, and quitting shaw distribution all together? Because I know "all men are brothers" is still tentatively slated for release from well-go, and I'm not sure what media blasters next movie up was supposed to be.. but if my fears are correct.. we could be in for some hard luck :yociexpress09:

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Sorry, it's cancelled (until further notice). This is coming from a very reliable source.

Dammit...if I haven't said it already...this F'n sucks...

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Morgoth Bauglir
Hiya guys,

We update our site daily and you can be assured that the information we post is the latest and most accurate available from the studios and distributors.

We're not perfect....but I'm confident we are a heck of a lot more accurate than the A site. 99.99% of the time.

And just so you know we tell the studios/distributors about what is being written here and on other forums--it helps that there are so many passionate fans on KungFuCinema.

Michael Scott

WOW!! A cameo from MIchael Scott! I didn't realize you were working at hkflix now. I nver thought you would leave Dunder-Mifflin. Do you know who is going to be the boss on The Office next year? Maybe Dwight? Jim? Ryan?!

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Sorry, it's cancelled (until further notice). This is coming from a very reliable source.

now Mr mpm74 knows his business, and I have no reason to doubt what he's saying is for 100% based on that it is coming from him, but I must interject to say I find it a little odd that these two cancellations are happening at the same time but from two entirely different companies. what :tinysmile_angry2_t: gives? :neutral:

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