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Solomon kane


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SOLOMON KANE: Has anyone seen this movie yet it looks really good, but it hasn't been released on DVD in the US as of yet.

synopsis: Once a mercenary of Queen Elizabeth I fighting Spainards in Africa, He met the Devil's Reaper and discovered he was bound for hell! Barely escaping he soon renounced violence to atone for his past sins, seeking out redemption in a life of peace. That is until the followers of priest turned sorcerer Malachi kidnap a Purtian girl Meredith Crowthorn and brutally slaughter her family before his very own eyes (including butchering her beloved younger brother Edward who Solomon had befriended)! Forcing Solomon to take up arms and return to his violent ways once more to rescue her! In doing so means returning to his birthplace and facing his older brother Marcus who (in his youth) he accidentally left disfigured (and for dead), who now serves as merciless enforcer to Malachi.

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Just watched the UK dvd. A good, straightforward sword and sorcery movie thankfully free of camp. The best Robert E. Howard adaptation to celluloid I've seen. Fans of the old Hammer, Tigon and Amicus movies would dig it as well.

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OK I just watch this movie tonight and it was an excellent movie I thought, if you like Sword fighting against Demons type movies. This movie was non stop with action and it had a really good storyline. This movie for some reason hasn't gotten a US release yet and that is a shame. This is a must watch movie, and believe me you'll watch it again for sure.

Here is the Official Site:


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This is a really good review so I decided to post it.

A Dark and Stylish Sword & Sorcery Film for Grown-Ups, July 6, 2010

By Crossplain Pilgrim

This review is from: Solomon Kane (DVD)

I first saw "Solomon Kane" at the Alamo Draft House screening in Austin in October of 2009. SK is a terrifically entertaining tale of a 17th Century soldier of fortune who turns his sword against dark and demonic forces threatening Elizabethan England. It was a real thrill to see a high adventure film with strains of horror and fantasy. These days movies like "Solomon Kane" are far and few between. I can't think of a Sword and Sorcery genre film since the first Conan film that has taken this serious, respectful approach to the genre. In fact, the film is based on a character created by the legendary Robert E. Howard, inventor and master of the Sword and Sorcery story. The film follows an origin tale that Howard never wrote, but in the opinion of this long time REH reader it is Howard's vengeful Puritan up there on the screen by the film's closing credits.

Michael J. Bassett's direction is classic in style, employing plenty of stylish tracking shots and thankfully very few of the hand-held, jerky camera moves so deplorably common in contemporary action films. The film boasts surprisingly high production values with great sets, costumes, special effects, and, of course, many well-staged sword fights.

James Purefoy of "Rome" fame gives a haunting, powerful performance as the title character, and the supporting cast, which includes the great Max Von Sydow and a typically solid turn by Pete Postlethwaite, is excellent.

If you consider the Rings films heroic fantasy rather than the more down and dirty Sword and Sorcery genre, the dark and haunting "Solomon Kane" may be the best S&S film ever made. Highly recommended.


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Great movie, James Purefoy is excellent. One of the things which help it is that most of the movie is set in Somerset, and James Purefoy is actually from there, so the accent is perfect. It would've been awful if they'd got someone with a yank accent to do it instead.

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DragonSword: For some strange reason its not out on DVD in the US only overseas, and I cannot understand why. I even did a search for it but it comes back with no release date. I got my mine from a seller on eBay who I buy from and I'm glad I did.

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I've never seen anything but trailers for this and it makes me drool. Just from what I've seen I think this should get a theatrical release. Oh well. Once I have enough $ for some serious DVD hunting I'm getting this.

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Well, I just got this the other week and it's worth a watch, perhaps even a buy for dark fantasy fans but there are some complaints:

1) The DVD I received had glitches like minor pausing at many points, just a second or less, but very annoying.

2) Plot is serviceable and solid but very linear

3) Acting is good, perhaps better with some (James Purefoy, Pete Postlethwaite) delivering memorable performances

4) Fairly 'dark' palette and I don't mean the tone of the story (although it is dark too) but rather the cinematography, which I don't like as it reminds me of 300 and Underworld a bit too much. It may match the mood of the story but at times it was difficult to discern things.

5) Little bit of a let-down at the end; won't spoil it but the baddies had potential to be really memorable but it just sinks into some LOTR-lite riff at the end.

6) Left it wanting a little more to the story and world; it feels like it wanted to be an epic dark action/fantasy but at times it underwhelms.

7) Effects range from inventive to derivative (it will remind you of a couple of more famous fantasy films at times)

Still worth a look, though and definitely not bad at all. Just don't expect anything more than a somber B-movie with some good acting and low budget.

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