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The Transformers

Guest Daisho2004

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Guest Daisho2004

OK I thought I'd start a post about this movie, and all I can say was WOW! It was Awesome!! I took my 4yr old to see it and I think I liked it more than him, Great Action scenes and a Great storyline, its funny I was never a fan of the cartoons but this movie sure turned that around. Michael Bay is One Awesome Director when it comes to Action movies, this movie was about 2 1/2hrs long but it didn't even seem like it, you didn't want the movie to end. I heard that there already working on a sequel to this movie. This was one of the best movies that I've seen in a long time.



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Guest vengeanceofhumanlanterns

Daisho, a little more detail on some of the action. What's the storyline actually like? Adult oriented and very serious? Seeing the previews in the theatre piqued my interest.

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Guest Daisho2004

Vengeance, I thought it had an Excellent storyline, there was some comedic moments and a lot of very serious one's also, As far as do I think it was more for an Adult or a Child I think that you'll enjoy it as much as any Kid will, the Action scenes were just Awesome and I really wouldn't even know what else to say more than that, except it would be a "Shame if you didn't see this in the Movies, and trust me you'll regret it if you don't.

From:Thomas Leupp

ReelzChannel.com, June 28, 2007

Optimus ready for battleFull disclosure: I loved Transformers as a kid -- both the toys and the animated series created to sell those toys -- and while I eventually grew out of them and moved on to more grown-up fare, the prospect of a live-action Transformers flick always seemed tremendously appealing. So as I proceed to gush over what is an obviously flawed movie, understand that I do so with a tinge of gleeful nostalgia.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Transformers universe, here's a quick rundown: they're an alien race of sentient, shape-shifting robots mired in a centuries-long civil war. Searching for an energy source to sustain their dying home planet of Cybertron, they wind up on Earth, where they're able to hide in plain sight by "transforming" into everyday objects like cars and airplanes. The robots are divided into two rival factions: the sinister Decepticons, led by the devious Megatron, are determined to exterminate the human race, drain the planet of its resources and use Earth as their own personal battery. The benevolent Autobots, led by the heroic Optimus Prime, wish to peacefully coexist with their human friends.

Transformers director Michael Bay has had his share of critics (myself among them) who questioned several key elements of the film that depart from the original canon, but when Peter Cullen (who plays Autobot leader Optimus Prime) first speaks during the movie's opening credit sequence, suddenly the fact that they gave Prime lips or turned Bumblebee into a Camaro Frozen Megatronseem entirely irrelevant. To Bay's credit, it's obvious throughout the film that he did everything possible to stay true to the original source material while making the movie as modern and believable (and relatable to non-fanboys) as possible. Although some of the stylistic changes are debatable, I have a feeling even the most orthodox fans of the '80s animated series will adore this movie as much as I did.

With Transformers, Bay has raised the bar for the summer blockbuster, crafting a mind-blowing visual effects experience rivaled perhaps only by 300. But whereas Zack Snyder's film presented a hyper-stylized, heavily green-screened reality, Bay's version is firmly entrenched in the real world, with the computer animation integrated almost seamlessly into the live-action footage. Nary a single green-screen shot can be found in the film. When a giant robot collides into a freeway overpass or tumbles through the streets of downtown Los Angeles, it looks and feels authentic.

The first two thirds of the film maintain a very tongue-in-cheek tone, an approach mandated by the inherently absurd premise. Several times the filmmakers wink at the audience, as if to say, "Yeah, we know this is ridiculous too, but just go with it." Sometimes it works -- the interaction between Shia LeBeouf and his Camaro (later revealed to be the Autobot Bumblebee), in which the car plays the role of "wingman" as he attempts to woo Megan Fox, is particularly fun. More often than not, however, it proves annoying and tedious.

Nowhere is this more painfully evident than during one interminably long scene in the middle of the film, in which LaBeouf's character, Spike Witwicky, is confronted by his parents while trying to sneak into the house as his Autobot pals attempt to hide outside in the garden. The scene starts out funny, but the Ironhide in actionhumor soon turns to horror as it slowly becomes apparent that the scene is never going to end. I had terrifying visions of the closing credits rolling an hour later with the Autobots still stumbling around in the yard and LaBeouf still bickering with his parents.

Adding to the frustration is the fact that the sequence takes place immediately after we've been introduced to the whole Autobot crew -- Optimus Prime, Jazz, Ratchet, Ironhide and Bumblebee -- and we're jonesing for some kickass robot action. Instead, we're forced to sit through a 15 minutes of comic relief.

The inane -- and utterly pointless -- scene serves as a microcosm for the problems that plague the movie as a whole. The tone vacillates awkwardly between blockbuster action and slapstick comedy without ever finding the right balance between the two.

The tonal imbalance of Transformers extends to its cast. John Turturro, who plays the head of the super-secret government agency known as "Sector 7"(think of it as the Transformers version of Area 51), turns in a completely over-the-top, buffoonish parody of the archetypal CIA "Men in Black" character. The performance is entertaining, to be sure, but it feels oddly out of step with the rest of the actors, who more or less play it straight.

Prime vs. BonecrusherThankfully, the movie does eventually dispense with the lame attempts at comedy. The last third of the movie is all big-budget spectacle, with ample robot-on-robot action and tons of stuff blowing up (a Bay trademark). It's the first movie I've seen in a long time that can honestly be labeled "Spielberg-esque." (And when I say Spielberg-esque, I'm not talking about Amistad.) It's one of those movies that demands to be experienced in a theater; a 15-inch laptop screen will simply not do it justice.

LaBeouf nails his role as the gawky teenager who becomes the Autobots' greatest ally. Watching his performance, it's easy to see why he's become the apple of Spielberg's eye.

The real stars of the film, however, are those Autobots and Decepticons, and they're simply amazing.

On rare occasions a film comes along that is so visually impressive, so viscerally appealing, that one can excuse its glaring flaws. This is one of those instances. In a season packed with big-budget tentpole flicks, Transformers is the first among them that truly feels like an event. It may not be the best film I've seen this summer, but it's by far the most entertaining one.

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I enjoyed 2/3 of the movie they just did not do my boy Megatron justice though cmon he can't catch a boy running up a flight of stairs....but Starscream was extremely satisfying:smokin

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Guest Daisho2004

Yeah Cassannova72, I was thinking the samething I was like come on already but hey it Hollywood how many times have we seen this in a movie. There was also a few other scenes that coulda been cut out or cut down.

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Guest Beat TG

Just came home now from the theatre... It was highly fun! As expected with Michael Bay movies, there were alot of those patriotism touches, emotions, explosive/over-the-top action scenes which was highly enjoyable to watch, and most unusual humor (well not that unusual since Bay often injects humor to produce more entertainment) which kinda gave the movie an different effect alongside the aforementioned stuff I just mentioned. as for the good and evil Bots, designs and such were excellent in my eyes so no complains there except the fact that some Bots got less screentime than others... oh well, the sequel might improve that. and last but not least the castmembers, they were quite ok (Shia LaBeouf made the movie comedy-wise as did good ol Anthony Andersson) and the leading ladies were doing great jobs looking convincing, pretty and all (especially Megan Fox;) ).

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Guest Daisho2004

Soda Drink I agree with you about Megatron and Starscream needing more screen time, I wish the Battle scenes were a little longer also but overall still a Great Movie.

BTW: I was told that there already working on pts.#2&3

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Guest Daisho2004

Chen Zhen, you always do that but never say why you don't like something. Atleast tell us your point of view.

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Guest Chen Zhen

i always do that? when else did i not explain myself?

in any event, i dont think i even need to mention y i didnt like it.....i dont need to mention the god awful dialogue, comedy and, script and the crazy long running time.

sorry but special effects alone dont impress me. maybe i shouldnt have sed it 'sucked', but its very very very overrated in my opinion.

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well i really enjoyed it...and the comedy was funny..and i found shia leboeuf is a very good actor...will see it again

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Guest Daisho2004

Chen Zhen, don't take it so offensively but there has been a few post that you've replied to that your always very negative about but hey that's what this board is for to discuss movies. See to me the movie just flew by it didn't even seem that long to me. I thought the comedy was funny lets not forget this movie is based on a Children's cartoon series. And I think it was made more towards Teenagers then Adults. Seeing that the majority of people who see these movies are Teens.

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Guest Chen Zhen

no offense taken. perhaps i wouldve enjoyed it more if it wasnt hyped to death like the 2nd coming of christ. i dunno, i think the movie, while pg or pg13....was really trying to capture the fans of the original cartoon. being a HUGE fan of the original....i dunno i was just expecting a lil more polish in the aforementioned areas.

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Guest Daisho2004

Chen Zhen now see I never watched the cartoon series so maybe that's why I enjoyed it even more. My only real gripe is that it shoulda had more fights scenes with the Autobots, and that Megatron couldn't catch Sam, Like Yeah Right! But hey its HOLLYWOOD!!!

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Guest Beat TG
My only real gripe is that it shoulda had more fights scenes with the Autobots

I wish there could've been more of the Decepticons as they were equally as good as the Autobots. but again, the sequel might improve that.

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Guest GwaiLoMoFo

Just took my boys to watch it and it was good. Coulda (and shoulda) been great, but it was just good. Action sequences were fantastic, imo the only reason to watch. They dropped the ball big time in the way they handled the story. The movie is called "Transformers", but the film is only 30% focused on the actual transformers. Way too much screen time for the meat puppets. I came to watch the robots, not the hot (that brunette was smokin!! :eek ) second rate actors. And what the hell was that stupid sequence about dudes mom grillin him about masterbating!? They wasted too much time on stupid crap like that. And I was dissappointed how Megatron basically bitch slapped Optimus Prime. Tossed him around like a rag doll. It was kinda funny at times too. (That Bee och air freshener cracked me up) See it for the action scenes and try and not to fall asleep during the crap forced drama filler.

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It's amazing how they can take anything these days and if they tell it the right way then it's just plain

golden. The technology in CGI is so advanced these days and even so more continuously advancing

that they made the impossible possible. The transformers looked so realisitic that it's just plain and

simply amazing. I agree with Daisho, this movie is one of the greatest movies released like ever.

If you compare visually every film released from the 50's - 07 this one wipes out at least %50 of them.

I cant see how people would say it sucks, what sucks? I swear some people expect a religious exp

from films these days it make me sick and makes me think they are so ungrateful.

It's just all very visually stunnging a film filled with achievement. Just remarkable. The Transformers

are not as someone mentioned only in the film %30 percent of the time. They are in the film 60-70

percent of the time but its true not much time was about their world.

I missed seeing some of the more ridiculous transformers like Shockwave, and Jazz and Rumble too.

Not enough transformers for the first movie but just enough to to make this film as the transformers

say ''roll out''.

That girl Megan Fox was so hot OMG man that Analyst girl too the one from Australia. That kid with

the weird name did the greatest job of expressing his part. I cant wait to own the 7 DVD set with

Stickers, Fake Tattoo's, Holo Foil Prismatic cover, a chance to win 200 pounds of M&M's etc...

In the end filmaking is so primed these days if the right people are involved it makes me question

what is filmaking just an enjoyable experience or the grounds in which new worlds are to be explored.

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Guest GwaiLoMoFo
It's just all very visually stunnging a film

With that I agree 100%. All the CGi action scenes w/the Transformers were damn close to brilliant. But the rest (any scenes w/o the Transformers) was kinda boring and blah. And I had relatively low expectations for those aspects going in, and they lived down to them. The animated movie was actually more serious and darker in tone. Handled its story better too.


Perhaps my biggest disappointment was with the final showdown between Optimus and Megatron. The showdown in the 80's animated movie was 10 times better. And Megatron didnt even remotely resemble the character I grew up watching.

All that said, it still worth going to see on the big screen.

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Guest Daisho2004

GLMF after reading Alex's review he really did make a few good points, I agree about the fact that which he stated:

I still don't quite understand, the Autobots can only disguise themselves as cars, whereas the Decepticons can disguise themselves as anything.
He hit that one right on the head because I was thinking the same thing but hey its Hollywood, so you tend to overlook the obvious things in a movie sometimes.
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