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WTF Moments (contains spoilers)


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One thing I like about the old school flicks are the crazy ass wtf moments that pop up out of nowhere. Not something like Taoism Drunkard where the whole thing is crazy but when a scene just comes out of nowhere. Some of my favorites (without ruining the suprise):

Warriors Two - when the Mantis master is revealed

Mystery of Chessboxing - the final kill

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Noelle Shadow Kick

Haha my favorite example is in Ten Tigers of Kwangtung when the bad guy pulls out a weird golden women statue to fight with. It's uncovered like it's the ultimate weapon. Hilarious lol

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Haha my favorite example is in Ten Tigers of Kwangtung when the bad guy pulls out a weird golden women statue to fight with. It's uncovered like it's the ultimate weapon. Hilarious lol

My favorite from the same film, the first time I ever saw it was the money-shot kill at the end!!! Always a WTF?! moment even though I've now seen it many times over!


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Noelle Shadow Kick
My favorite from the same film, the first time I ever saw it was the money-shot kill at the end!!! Always a WTF?! moment even though I've now seen it many times over!


Hahaha I'm not sure why I didn't think about that! When I first saw the movie everyone in the room was like "Wait.....wtf?! Rewind."

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lol this is actually something I was thinking about earlier.

Some of my favorites:

Leung Kar Yan eating Eddie Ko at the end of Thundering Mantis

Sammo Hung giving it to his cheating wife at the end of Spooky Encounters

Jack Long punching and subsequently blowing up the head of his dying henchman in Five Fighters from Shaolin

Bruce Li snapping Philip Ko's head back 180 degrees at the end of The Iron Dragon Strikes Back

Hwang In-Shik ripping the eagle in half at the end of Fistful of Talons

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Shaolin Master & the Kid is full of them, that why I love the movie...

Two that come to mind in this flick...

When the Hero is taking a raft across the river, and the water explodes and the Hero takes 2 giant leaps bouncing off the surface of the water and then up a 100+ foot cliff...

Also in one scene the Hero is attacked by an eagle, and he waves his sword up in the air, and a roasted chicken flops onto the floor.

Gotta love this movie!!

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The Horse revealed- Two on the road (fearless Dragons)

Cheng Kay Ying Killing then Roasting a Dog in Eagle fist (Uncut)

Free Cartwheel on fire -Spooky encounters

Man (Peter Chen or fSo Yuen-Fung ) Flips off cliff-72 Desperate Rebels

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Theres quite a few (for me anyway), but i cant remember exactly. It's usually scenes where guy is killed and you wonder how is he dead.

Dragon on Fire - final scene, Dragon Lee i think is running to help his brother who doesnt look like he needs it, they cut to Dragon Lee sprinting down the hill to reach the fight and his brother is somehow dead lool when 10 seconds ago he was kickin ass

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Drunken Monk

Ninja: The Final Duel - I know this film has plenty but I have to mentioned the nude fight. I recall watching it and thinking, "She's going to have to put clothes on, right? Right? Oh...there's her vagina. Best fight ever."

Mad Monkey Kung Fu - The killing of the monkey is a little odd, especially as we're not used to seeing such brutality on western screens.

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Mad Monkey Kung Fu - The killing of the monkey is a little odd, especially as we're not used to seeing such brutality on western screens.

Yes. I found that wholly unpleasant and marred the film a tad for me.

Most of Drunken Dragon had me flabbergasted. The owl camera and the guy in the boat on wheels in particular.

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Noelle Shadow Kick

In Shaolin Temple (Jet Li's) when he accidentally killed the dog.....and all the monks proceeded to eat it. Also in Shaolin Temple 2 when the father was so excited about having a baby boy that he started kissing the baby's weiner.

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sifu iron perm
In Shaolin Temple (Jet Li's) when he accidentally killed the dog.....and all the monks proceeded to eat it. Also in Shaolin Temple 2 when the father was so excited about having a baby boy that he started kissing the baby's weiner.

you beated me to it with the kids from shaolin ref. Also from the same film when the boys all huddle together and shout.."Dad's a Bastard"..

Bruce kicking a dolly (mr han's double) in lightning speed in enter the dragon/

speaking of dolls, Jackie's earlier film..eagle shadow fist..

clip says it all


from 9:35..lol..watching kids get killed isn't funny but shit..

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I was about to say some of you guys are giving too much away but I see someone added "contains spoilers". I figured Thundering Mantis would make the list based on Mark's hints in his review, I'll be checking that and a few other suggetions out soon.

I think there are a couple wtf's in end of Kid with the Golden Arm, put that one on the list too.

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I was very young when I saw this (about 4 years old), so I might not be remembering it right... It was set in what may have been a dojo/kung fu school. There were a bunch of martial artists standing in a row, and another martial artist standing in front or them. The man in front goes to one of the students and just punches him in the eye. They then show an extreme close-up of the guy's eye socket! His eye was gone! I have no idea that movie that was.

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Yang Wu Liang

Both my examples happen at the end of the film so I won't describe them -

Majesty Cat - Ehhhh!!!! Where did that come from?!?!

Mantis Fist and Tiger Claws of Shaolin - LOL!!!!

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LMAO the ending in Killer Army. Even in the extended cut I was like WTF?!

The fight has awesome ma choreography - still unrivaled decades later. Then all of a sudden Chiang Sheng jumps in the air, gets, er, um stabbed and flips like a 780 front-flip catapult style. Then a shot of 4 big green ass olive vegetables bused open by the 3 sectioned staff spurting out with blood. Next shot - everyone is layed out on the floor dead. LMAO

I was like WTF?!? Everytime. Check it out:


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Noelle Shadow Kick

Another good one is in Way of the Dragon when Bruce Lee is fighting Chuck Norris and they keep cutting back to the cat for reaction shots haha

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Fang Shih-yu

Don't forget onward into Bruce and Chuck's [WotD] fight where Bruce rips out some of Chuck's chest hair and then gently blows it out of his hand!:tongue:

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sifu iron perm

how could you all forget the children crying and singing in the Final fight fest in Shaolin Chastity of kung fu..that was irritating!

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The name of the movie totally escapes me right now. It's a Bruce Liang one where he's in a place where they have weird characters like Popeye, iirc. At the end, his character gets tossed in the air, then you see some f*(*&ed up mannequin floating along some cliffs. It was bizarre.


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