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City under Siege(2010)-first mutant-themed film made in China


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Release Date: August 12, 2010 (Hong Kong)


Action Director: Ma Yuk-Sing (ENTER THE PHOENIX)

Cast: Aaron Kwok, Shu Qi, Collin Chou, Wu Jing, Zhang Jingchu

The movie revolves around a circus troupe who after inhaling toxic gases, gain super powers and mutate. Collin Chou leads the troupe to do criminal activities, but Aaron Kwok's good natured character breaks free and teams up with Wu Jing's detective and Zhang Jingchu's cop to stop the villains.







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Release Date: August 12, 2010 (Hong Kong)


Action Director: Ma Yuk-Sing (ENTER THE PHOENIX)

Cast: Aaron Kwok, Shu Qi, Collin Chou, Wu Jing, Zhang Jingchu

The movie revolves around a circus troupe who after inhaling toxic gases, gain super powers and mutate. Collin Chou leads the troupe to do criminal activities, but Aaron Kwok's good natured character breaks free and teams up with Wu Jing's detective and Zhang Jingchu's cop to stop the villains.

oh my god

thx hk for another crappy movie :squigglemouth:

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Good to see Collin Chou back in action, and Wu Jing looks pretty badass in those pics. From what I've heard, there's a lot of martial arts and a lot of blowing things up. Hong Kong takes a pretty big blow in this one.

On the Benny Chan tip: he's a good director. He's somewhat ham stringed because he's the prototypical mainstream HK director, the pay for hire-guy usually called up to direct a star vehicle for an HK actor, but he's very consistent. Most importantly, he's a dependable action director, and those seem to be few and far in between in Hong Kong now a days.

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What were you expecting from Benny Chan?:tongue:

Actionwise it may be like Invisible Target.

lol u' right

anyway i really liked Invisible Target :xd:

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Actionwise it may be like Invisible Target.

I really hope not! I hope it's much, much better from an action point-of-view. Still as Fiol pointed out it's probably going to be a really crap movie anyway. I just hope it's a successful film so that Wu Jing will get another chance at making a decent martial-arts action film with him in the lead.

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I would hope it's at least better than "Invisible Target". There is a preview showing some guys as fully-mutated, hulk-like monster; those bits will probably not be very good. But otherwise, we got Collin Chou and Wu Jing. Even Aaron Kwok was in China Strike Force, and he's an alright dancer so at least he should have some understanding choreography.

I'm not exactly looking forward to this, but I wouldn't be shocked if it was half-way decent.

Plus, Hsu Chi <3. She and her goofy Cantonese are still cute to me.

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I seriously doubt I'll watch this judging by the trailer, I really don't like, comic book style movies

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Movie Guide: 'City under Siege'

"City under Siege" is hailed as the first mutant-themed film made in China. It has drawn comparisons to "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" and "Fantastic Four".

PLOT: It's the year 2015.

A circus clown named Sunny (Aaron Kwok) goes on a hiking trip with a few colleagues to explore the mountains of Malaysia. The group finds a cave where they accidentally inhale a type of gas which turns out to be a biological weapon leftover by the Japanese from World War II.

After the group returns to Hong Kong they begin to show signs of mutation. Four of them, led by Dachu (Collin Chou), use their newly gained superpowers to commit a series of crimes.

Biological experts Sun Hao (Wu Jing) and Cheng Xiuhua (Zhang Jingchu) are invited by the police to join the investigation into capturing the mutant criminals. They eventually discover that Sunny, who is a mutant but not evil like his colleagues, can help them break the case.

Meanwhile, demoted newswoman Angel (Shu Qi) is planning to make use of Sunny to save her career.

At the same time, the virus begins to spread throughout the city. The clock is ticking for Sunny the superhero.

TRIVIA: "City under Siege" is hailed as the first mutant-themed film made in China. It has drawn comparisons to "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" and "Fantastic Four". Director Benny Chan says his film distinguishes itself with live-action fighting scenes and Chinese kung fu, and is "fundamentally different" from Hollywood sci-fi thrillers.

Some of the props used in the film have become permanent collections at the China National Film Museum.

Lead actor Aaron Kwok, who is also a popular singer, lends his voice to the movie's theme song "Forget How".

"City under Siege"

Director: Benny Chan

Cast: Aaron Kwok, Shu Qi, Collin Chou, Wu Jing, Zhang Jingchu

Genre: Sci-fi/Thriller/Crime

Release Date (Chinese mainland): August 6, 2010



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Guest ekisha

By the way, Tsui Hark's crappy Big Mask II featured some ugly mutants too. This means it's not the first attempt at making a mutant stuff.

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Noelle Shadow Kick

I like Wu Jing and Collin Chou so much that I'll definitely be seeing this movie. I don't really like Chinese sci fi films, but if there is good action I'll be happy enough with the film. It wouldn't be the first time I liked a kung fu movie that had a bad story haha

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This movie was stupid because I felt like I was watching low budget fantastic four with martial arts. Japan has so much anime and stories..copy that..not something that is famous already.

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I found the action entertaining, and there was some sly satire (seeing Aaron Kwok go from commercial to celebrity appearance and back was amusing, and probably pretty true to life for HK celebs).

As far as the film itself, it seems to be one of those rare HK films aimed at a younger audience, in this case I would guess tween boys, kind of like The Forbidden Kingdom was.

If you can put up with Aaron Kwok being annoying, it's worth a try if you like super-powered martial arts movies. The rest of the cast is OK-to-Good. Aaron's not bad, per se, he's just been given an annoying character to play.

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CUS is definitely goofy, has tons of wirework, CGI, and looks like (as previously described) a HK take on FANTASTIC FOUR or THE HULK. But you know what? It was pretty entertaining. LOL

I really like Wu Jing a lot, so it's always cool seeing him in a new movie. I would agree that it felt like the film was made for a teen audience. If you go into it knowing the above, I think you'll have a good time. There were some laughs, and the action was fun with a few really cool bits here and there.

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One Armed Boxer

I just got through watching this one....wow, it`s been a long time since watching such a complete train wreck of a movie, I`m not even sure how to start describing it.

Firstly, I actually enjoy most of Benny Chan`s work that I`ve seen. His Jackie Chan vehicles `New Police Story` and `Rob-B-Hood` are decent enough for later day Jackie efforts, and `Who Am I?` is actually one of my favorite Jackie movies. `Invisible Target` and `Connected` I would go so far as to say I thought where highly entertaining. `Heroic Duo` & `Divergence`, well the less said the better.

However Aaron Kwok seems to be Chan`s kryptonite, and vice versa. In `City Under Siege` gone are the mature subtle performances of `After This, Our Exile` and `The Detective`, hell, gone are the performances from `Storm Riders` and `China Strike Force`, which in any normal case wouldn`t even be worth mentioning.

In `City Under Siege` we get Kwok in full on bumbling idiot mode as a simple minded man child who wants to be as good a dagger thrower as his dead father. The cool movie poster from the first post would be much more representative if it had Kwok mugging at the camera instead of staring intensely at the ground.

Then we have Collin Chou, who has yet to do anything decent since being Donnie Yen`s punch bag in `Flash Point`. Here he gets to storm around Hong Kong in mutant makeup which looks increasingly ridiculous as the movie progresses. It would be almost tolerable if he had remained an unstoppably evil bad ass until the end, but instead, during the last stages of his mutation when he looks the most like a distant cousin of the Hulk, he decides to call Shu Qi and explain how lonely he is and how all he needs to be happy is her love.

Actually we`re almost robbed of an action finale when Shu Qi nearly brings the raging mutant to tears by delivering a laugh inducing speech questioning if he actually knows the true meaning of love. Thankfully he snaps out of it and ends up being thrown, along with Shu Qi, through the window of a tall skyscraper. Not to worry though, Kwok suddenly flys across the screen to catch her in a piece of wirework that makes Jimmy Wang Yu`s bamboo forest fight in `Return of the One Armed Swordsman` look positively smooth.

Amongst all this strangeness, Wu Jing is also in the proceedings, and it`s like his character is straight from another movie. He`s a mutant hunting bad ass, strolling around in sharp suite, sunglasses, and designer stubble, and he trashes most mutants he comes across in satisfyingly one-on-one action. When one of the mutants actually decides to blow themselves up rather than be captured, Jing simply smiles and keeps on walking. This guy is too cool for this movie.

Sadly though it looks like this will be one of his last movies (http://www.kungfucinema.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13263), along with `Shaolin`, which I hope will be more of a worthy movie to bow out with than this one.

All in all, `City Under Siege` is worth watching with a few beers and and for the unintentional entertainment factor. In the end you`ll probably be rooting more for Wu Jing to kick Aaron Kwok`s ass into the next life, but sadly that moment never comes, what you do get is lots of CGI knife throwing, pretty much every member of the cast being thrown into a wall at some point, and a few decent fist and foot action moments, aside from that though, parts of this movie could make it sit quite comfortably next to `Future Cops`.

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I thought this movie was decent. I mean the plot was kinda dumb, but it ended up entertaining me. I really wish Wu Jing would have been the main good guy and got to fight more. The whole knife throwing thing was entertaining for about the first two times and then it just got out of hand. It never really explained why the main character didn't get mutated, they said his anti bodies did it but the blood didn't work on the others. I was thinking it had more to do with the water that filtered through him which it also never really explained.

Overall good entertaining comic book type movie as long as its not taken too serious or looked at too hard.

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