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Special Edition DVDs!

Guest Daisho2004

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Guest Daisho2004

OK if your like me I hate the fact that Hollywood keeps putting out Special Edition DVD's how many versions of the same movie are we going to see released. Break it down:

1. Original Version

2. Unrated Version

3. Special Edition Version

4. Extended Edition Version

5. Directors Cut Version

6. Directors Cut Special Extended Edition Version

7. Super Duper Directors Cut Special Extended Edition Version

I mean come on already when is it enough, the reason I started this topic is because there coming out with a Directors Cut Special Extended Edition Version of "Troy" I mean what are they going to add to the movie, I've seen a few movies with the Extended version and there wasn't that much of a difference. I know that the Die hard fans want to have there favorite movies added to there collection right away, and don't want to wait a few more month. But is it really worth it to shell out the extra money for about 20 minutes of Extended scenes that should've been in the movie in the 1st. place, what do you think?

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Guest froffeecoffee

The only reason studios put out Special Editions is to make money, so no, there's no reason to shell out extra money for a S.E. If a buyer is smart, they'll wait until the S.E., like me, who likes the extras and skip the bare bones edition. But I won't buy another edition if they add new extras because if they were any good they would have put it out the first time. Example, how many Army of Darkness editions need to come out. I'm fine with my Boomstick Edition.

I think buyers are starting to wise up, now that DVDs have been out for awhile. Nobody seems to be fooled into double-dipping like they used to when it seemed like there was a new edition of the same movie coming out every few months. So this Troy edition coming out, I don't think will do that well. First, because it was only good for the Achilles/Hector fight. And second, buyers have what they need in the earlier editons and I remember sales were only moderate good for the earlier release. No matter how much they add to a movie it is still the same mediocre quality.

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Guest Daisho2004

Honestly I rarely watch the 2nd. disc in the special editions: making of etc. I do like to watch the uncut versions but I agree I'm just sick & tired of these extended versions coming out every other month. Like the Blue Ray I haven't seen any of these yet but I know my Friend sold off most all his old DVD's to buy these, I got way to many to start that project over again.

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Guest monwobobbo

don't bother unless there is something truly special as an extra. like many people i watch the extra stuff maybe once say thats cool and then never watch it again. i buy movies fro the movie and haven't seen to many "special extra whoopy" editions that i felt were worth double dipping for. if something is cheap like the recent Grindhouse releases of the sonny chiba films then i'll shell out for them (widescreen being the reason in that case). if they were $20 per film i would have thought twice and maybe shelled out for 1 or 2 of them.

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I figured to give this topic a jump start again seeing that there are so many movies coming back out the were just released about a year ago ,and now we have the Digital remastered copy of the movie coming out and the 3-Disc DVD set what do you Guys think of all this.

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Of Rambo IV I picked 1dvd release.I did not want to pay fiver more for 2nd disc with stuff I do not need/want.I also have not updated any IVL`s to DD releases because I do not care for interviews,commentary tracks or english dubs.However forthcoming Deadly Duo I see worth getting as sound in IVL release is not that good...

T2 directors cut was worth purchasing.

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I also have not updated any IVL`s to DD releases because I do not care for interviews,commentary tracks or English dubs
Well this is where I do differ I do like the Old SB Dubbed version's of this classic Kung Fu movies and I really would love for my Son who is 5yrs. Old to get into these as he gets older so I will buy the DD release of certain movies. I just hope they release the rest of the SB Classics from the Vault that IVL's has released already & some they didn't.
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Venom movies with dubs I am gonna pick anyway but likely it takes several years before dd releases those..hopefully not!!!

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i do like the special editions, partly because sometimes i do watch the special features. Films like Pulp fiction, dragon forever are so good that you want to know everything about them as much as possible. The SE comes in handy. Also the SE's always look nicer on your shelf, fancy me.

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True the covers look nice but that's it. I had the movie "Pitch Black" unrated and to be honest I didn't see any difference in that version from the original. OK now as GD stated before the T2 extended version was really good I enjoyed that, but that come out years later not right away like 6months down the road and that is an Action Classic movie of all Time.

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Morgoth Bauglir

I could care less abotu special features, except when it's one of my favorite movies. Then I am very eager to see the special features.

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Sorry but I felt I had to jump back onto this topic once again. I just watched Taken on Blu-Ray with the uncut version and honestly there was nothing that made this movie to have an uncut version of this film! I've watched this movie several times I think its a really good movie, but again this is always my point don't call something that isn't what it promises to be! It was the same damn version!

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I recently watched the extended version of The A-TEAM on blu-ray and I must admit it was actually worthy of the title 'extended cut.' Lots more dialogue scenes that really let this crazy movie breathe a little.

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Don't you hate it when the so-called 'special edition' of a film is actually worse than th regular version?

Also, when the 'special features' are any thing but special, especially when it's a lot of padding or nothing to do with the feature that it's paired with.

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It all depends on the film for me... if special edition just means more interviews, behind the scenes and other stuff like that, well, I won't generally watch it so I won't spend extra money for it. The few exceptions are things like related short films, iPod versions or digital copies of books. If the special edition means the film is altered, such as a director's cut, I probably want the released version. I've found that 9 times out of 10 the release version is best... the exceptions are generally when there was heavy editing to get the right rating, there were massive struggles between the director and movie company or when the film was originally released in another country and re-edited when it hit the US. The only director's cut that I can think of right off the top of my head that is worth watching is Blade Runner. I take that back: the longer version of Highlander was better, too.

I hate commentary more than anything in the world. If I want to hear people speak over the film I'll pull up an MST3K episode on Netflix!

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See with Blade Runner I think the original version is the best, with Harrison Ford doing the narration of the movie, I've seen another version of the film without it and it wasn't as good IMO.

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I have never updated movie just because longer cut/extra features(ok,just remembered I actually picked punisher extended version but it was from 2nd hand shop and I did read that version is actually improvement).Not worth it.In many cases I guess it would just mean more dialogue.Likely never doubledip any modern movie because of directors/extended cut...

However I would consider seriously if longer version of old horror classics appear:nerd:

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To me, most extended movies are unworthy of being called that or really need extension. I mean come on!.......2-3 minutes of extra footage?.......just stick it in the "deleted scenes" where there's usually 10-20 minutes of stuff anyhow.

For me, the LOTR trilogy set a benchmark as extended version of films. Anywhere from 30-40 minutes?.......that's an extended movie.

Generally I've found I prefer the director's cut of a film as it has a greater depth of feel to me.

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True the LOTR extended versions were so much better and even gave more insite to the movies! I was very disappointed when the BR's came out and it didn't have the extended versions.

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See with Blade Runner I think the original version is the best, with Harrison Ford doing the narration of the movie, I've seen another version of the film without it and it wasn't as good IMO.

Yeah, but the narrated version has the BS happy ending, not the ending that is in line with Dick's original story...

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But that was the original ending and I'm happy with it! You really don't know if she is a Human or not. I have seen a few versions, not all of them just haven't had time too many other movies to watch.. And I have the ultimate edition with all the versions on it.

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Sorry but I felt I had to jump back onto this topic once again. I just watched Taken on Blu-Ray with the uncut version and honestly there was nothing that made this movie to have an uncut version of this film! I've watched this movie several times I think its a really good movie, but again this is always my point don't call something that isn't what it promises to be! It was the same damn version!

Well actually the action was way more brutal. In the uncut version he shoots the guy in the elevator with all his bullets to kill him, and in the original he just shoots him once after he got his info. When he tortures the one guy the pg-13 version doesn't show him impaling the guys knees or anything. Also after he attacks the driver of the one car, he slamms his head with the car door which doesn't happen in the pg-13 version. In my opinion the movie is a lot better and is more effective uncut.

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There are too many factors to me to have one opinion over another as a whole as to buy a rerelease for the extras, commentary, directors cut etc... It all comes down to the movie and release.

The Complete Metropolis: this was an easy decision to buy (again) as to get the missing footage and added extras for the Kino release. Though the added material is obvious when watching (the disc starts off stating this though) because of the missing top/bottom as well as the degraded condition of the footage.

Blade Runner: while I have the latest box set of the film I got burnt out of the movie after the first director's cut so I haven't watched the final cut yet. I liked the first narrative cut as well because the voice over reminded me of a film noir feature.

So many films like Taken I tend to just watch the unrated cut. Some films like Tropical Thunder where I've seen two different cuts I'm not always sure I prefer the latest one.

LOTR: love the extended releases.

On extras: this all depends on the quality of the extras and it helps if you like the movie. I have a huge Criterion collection so I have seen many, many extras. Criterion tends to have good quality extras that are not normally filler, but there are exceptions and like many extras they can go into the overly complimentary area instead of scholastic overview like in My Own Private Idaho). Some of the worst extras I have seen were on the Slacker release (partially because I couldn't forgive that release for having the slowest photo gallery I have seen or have seen since; I think it took over an hour).

But yeah I tend to get Criterion rereleases no matter what.

Commentaries: I don't listen much to commentaries as much as I did when I first got a DVD player. Too many bad ones. But that's not to say there are not interesting ones out there. Heck when I found out that James Stewart did one for Winchester 73 well that was a easy sell.

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But that was the original ending and I'm happy with it! You really don't know if she is a Human or not. I have seen a few versions, not all of them just haven't had time too many other movies to watch.. And I have the ultimate edition with all the versions on it.

It wasn't the original ending. The studio thought the film too dark (ie test audiences responded poorly) and had Ridley Scott change it... which he didn't want to do. Also, I don't think there is any question that she is an android in any version... only if she has the standard limited life span because she is an experimental model.

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