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OMG....Why is there no topic on this brilliant movie??!?!?!!!!!

This is easily 10/10 ...easily 10 outta 10!!!!


I had kno idea what the hell this movie was about, but i went to see it because i heard it was good, and this movie is MIND BLOWING....BEST THRILLER IN YEARS....now even a personal all time favorite....yea its that serious....its clever, its deep as hell, its complex...but it flows and works and blows ur mind!!!

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It's a cool movie a little bit ambitious for my own taste... I love Cillian Murphy's character a lot and didn't care too much on Dicaprio with the same running theme as Shutter Island...

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Plan on seeing this film multiple times since there is a lot you'll pick up that you missed the first time. Yes, it was mind-blowing and awesome.

Finally!!! An original film that's not a remake, sequel, based upon a comic/t.v. show/animated series/toy line.

Occasionally, Hollywood can come up with something great.

A best picture nomination for sure!

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^Deff....i gotta go see this again to pick up on all the things....and the more I discuss this movie with friends that have seen it the more I think about other parts...

I wish every movie was like this!

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One Armed Boxer
Looks like the Little Rascals starring in a 007 movie. I'll pass.

It`ll definitely be your loss...your presumption couldn`t be further from the truth, `Inception` is an amazing movie...thought provoking and action packed at the same time.

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I saw it, it's worth seeing but didn't blow my socks off. Certain parts are resonating more than others, the score was good. It seemed to make up the "dream" rules and would change them or make up new ones just to move the plot along. Establish these rules early and the benefits or consequences of following or breaking them would give the plot more to believe in.

Acting was just okay at times, set design/wardrobe was at times grand and distracting/noticable when very basic or plain. It's not really that complicated and for a movie about dreams all you can come up with is bad guys with guns, car chases and a 007 snow chase?

I laughed out loud when the "limbo" plot device came from left field just to provide an element of danger. I laughed out loud when the floating dreaming people were tied together in multi-person mostly male on male "69".

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Very good film I thought. It can go so many different ways depending on how you think about it. Elements of Kubrick. All Nolan. Chistopher Nolan has been nothing but fantastic for a decade.

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Nolan is hit or miss with me. Liked INSOMNIA, BATMAN BEGINS and THE PRESTIGE. Didn't like MEMENTO or THE DARK KNIGHT. He can't shoot action worth a damn (or needs new editors) and TDK's overkill approach was annoying.

I'm of the belief that action stars should look like they could kick my ass. Leonardo DiCaprio and Joseph Gordon-Levitt are more suited for roles that include running a floral shop or teaching ballet. You can have the best FX in the world and a great script, but if your characters look like the cast of an Andy Hardy movie, I can't suspend my belief in the "dream caper."

At least THE EXPENDABLES is two weeks away.

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Nolan's done it once again. Story, cinematography, effects, action, camerawork, sound/music, BIG effort (Nolan's norm to success). I can't think of someone else in Hollywood doing stuff of this caliber as of now. It was an astounding experience. There were few things I felt dragged a bit (due to some expectations tbh) and that I made unclear (will have to watch it again) but that aside, everything was constructed (apart from some similarities of few other movies which still wasn't affective) and executed like no other has done before.

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Stuntman Jules

Yeah, I think Nolan probably is the biggest Hollywood player we currently have today. Everybody else is at kind of a low ebb.

I loved it. I'd say it could be Nolan's best movie to date: smart, beautifully shot and mature and uplifting in its themes. It's better than the slightly disjointed Dark Knight. I prefer Batman Begins over The Dark Knight, though I love both for different reasons.

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sheesh you guys are easily amused. the movie aims high but is slightly an above average mess, poorly executed with underwelming acting. i wouldn't see this in imax while on powerful drugs.

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Yeah, I think Nolan probably is the biggest Hollywood player we currently have today. Everybody else is at kind of a low ebb.

I loved it. I'd say it could be Nolan's best movie to date: smart, beautifully shot and mature and uplifting in its themes. It's better than the slightly disjointed Dark Knight. I prefer Batman Begins over The Dark Knight, though I love both for different reasons.

I'm still a pretty big fan of The Prestige and Memento as one of his top films (probably both over Inception, but I liked that film as well). After recently watching Following, you can see so many themes that are present in most/all of his work after his low budget start (still a very good film though I think overdoes the twist). Heck there's even a Cobb in Following :D.

The only film I have not seen of his is Insomnia which I'm waiting to watch after I get the Criterion version of the original (in Barnes and Noble's limbo aka waiting for restock).

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My son saw this and loved it. So I went with him to check it out. I loved it.

Nolan is definitely a director that makes films I enjoy. I highly recommend that anyone that is even slightly interested in seeing this, do so IN THE THEATER![/I] It's very much a "big screen" worthy experience.

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Seen this tonight and was totally blown away, definitely and excellent movie. I enjoyed the whole Dream Idea of the movie, this is a must see in IMAX!

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I'm glad I didn't pay for IMAX, I would have been really peeved.


I thought it was a good movie, in that I wasn't bored for the 2 hours plus. I was just waiting for the whole 'it was all a dream' reveal, and I guess it happens at the end. The problem with that ending is that we the audience were tricked into believing the rules of the worlds of Leo's character's 'dreams' and 'reality', when the fact is, it could all be just a big dream. I don't know if it was intentional, but when you see him first spinning that top before he goes and hugs his daughters, you see it wobbling and it's about to fall, but then later after he's hugged his daughters, it's spinning perfectly. That's what threw me off, how could it be almost falling one second, then perfectly spinning 5 min later. Even if it was a dream, I thought the top had to spin clean right from the beginning.

One IMDB reviewer had an interesting take on it, saying that it was about Leo's character trying to come to terms with his life's problems, like not being close to his father, so the Michael Caine character father was the idealized version of his real father; and that he didn't feel worthy enough to see his kids, so that's why he had himself banished from them by concocting up the death of his wife and/or the murder charge.

What really bothered me, but again it could just be part of the fantasy world that Nolan created, was they never really explain how they were connected to each other in the dream world. All they talk about is some sedative compounds, which they pump into people's veins, but nothing about plugging stuff into people's brains or anything like that. So were they connected telepathically? Did the drugs enhance their extra sensory perception within the dream state? We just take it for face value that they can do this, but Nolan never says how it was achieved or maybe even the origins of it. I was kind of expecting there would be some nemesis character a la Freddy Krueger, maybe not that over the top, who could also enter into the dreams and they would have to battle him. My guess is that the dream machine technology was just a fantasy dreamed up by Leo's character.

I saw Shutter Island recently, so I couldn't help but compare this to that movie, and the irony is that they star the same person. Plus there's a little bit of Matrix and maybe Butterfly Effect if it's all in Leo's head.


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The casting was interesting too, they had Leo, the kid from 3rd rock, the other kid from Witness and Ellen Page. I was half expecting to see the Olsen Twins or Ricky Schroeder pop in for a cameo. :)


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Good guess since Taylor Swift was actually considered for the role that went to Ellen Page. In fact, Ellen felt like the weak link here. Her casting must have been a consolation prize for the creative team since she was only cast after they were rejected by Evan Rachel Wood, Emily Blunt, Rachel McAdams, Emma Roberts, Jessy Schram, Swift and Carey Mulligan.

Inception was influenced by a feature-length anime called Paprika.

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On 5/2/2021 at 1:58 AM, Cognoscente said:

Inception was influenced by a feature-length anime called Paprika.

I'm going to have to check that out. It sounds pretty cool. 

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On 5/5/2021 at 5:51 PM, DarthKato said:

I'm going to have to check that out. It sounds pretty cool. 

A film that is definitely worth watching.  It influences Inception, but some overstate the influence since both movies are worth watching and Inception has a life of its own.  Here is a tweet thread I did on the film: 



Edited by masterofoneinchpunch
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