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Halloween 2007'

Guest Daisho2004

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Guest Daisho2004

I can't believe no one posted anything about this remake, but I guess I'll be the 1st. to review it.

OK being a huge fan of the Original Halloween I really can't say that I wanted to see a remake of this movie. But when I found out that Rob Zombie was going to do it, I felt it was going to be really different with his own spin on it. The 1st. 45 minutes of the movie really are about a young Michael Meyers and him being in the Mental Institute which was different from the original which I liked. But when he escapes it really was just a Slash-fest, and really mirrored the Original. Nothing different and not even scary. The Original had you on the edge of your seats. This one had the same scenes and you pretty much knew what was going to happen next. So there is really no big surprises in this movie, or even any spoilers. Overall a good slash movie but it will never out do the Original Cult Classic.



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Guest froffeecoffee

Was it a bad choice to devote so much screen time to Michael Meyers background story? I've been hearing a lot of complaints that it took away much of the inexplicable evil about him that makes him such a great horror icon. I'll be waiting for when I can borrow someone's DVD or catch it when I don't have to pay.

Saw the original a couple of weeks ago on IFC. Very creepy and it actually made me jump a little. Couldn't believe it did that. Shows the power of not showing everything and leaving to the imagination.

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Guest Daisho2004

I didn't think it was a bad choice to show his background story. I thought it was a little better and that is really what I only liked the most about this remake. To me Rob Zombie really didn't do this remake any justice he basically copied the Original movie from John Carpenter and just put his name on it. If that is the case I should start doing all of the Classic 80's Horror/Slash-fest movies myself and put my name on it.

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Guest GwaiLoMoFo

Huge fan of the original here. Wanted to see this remake in the theater but all the negative reviews made me decide to wait for the (director's cut) dvd. I guess after doing some test screenings Zombie had to go back and change some stuff up and do a bunch of re-shoots (which is always a sign of bad things to come). The reviewer on Arrow who watched the first cut of the film said it was better than the current cut in theaters. Amazing how such a small indie flick still stands out on top of the genre. From the simple eerie keyboard theme, to Michael's spray painted William Shatner mask.

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Guest Chinatown Kid

There's been so many sequels to this film, I imagine Friday the 13th is the only other horror film to have more. I believe the last Halloween I saw was Halloween H2O which had Jamie Lee Curtis back reprising her original role. I always liked ole Anthony Loomis's character in these films and his warnings about how evil Micheal Myers was.

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Guest iron flag

I liked it a lot. Cant compare with the original but how many sequels or remakes can be? I especially liked How they showed Michael Myers as a kid.

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Guest Markgway

I saw the workprint. Normally I wouldn't bother but I made an exception because I heard that it was considerably different to the theatrical release (ie. better) and the quality was DVD level (in its original aspect ratio). Therefore I can only comment on this version. But I wasn't impressed. If you're gonna remake a film don't pick one most genre fans love (I'm not crazy about the original myself - though it's good). The first half is from what I can gather very much Rod Zombie; all trailer trash talk and scummy characters. It's sole plus point is that it's different (we learn about Michael's background). That's not to say it's good, just different. The second half is a fast-forward rehash of Carpenter's movie without the skill at building suspense and sympathetic characters. The dialogue in the original wasn't gonna win Oscars, but it was Howard Hawks compared to what we get here. These kids aren't likeable so why should we care if they get sliced n' diced? As for the performances...? Well, Jamie Lee and Donald P. (the best thing in the original) have nothing to worry about. Strangest casting is Danielle Harris, who rather than reprise her role as Jamie, takes on the part of Annie, and plays her as a slut. OK, she gets away with being a teenager (she's actually 30), but was the ten mins of unflattering screentime (half of which is spent topless) worth her bother? Frankly, no. And that about sums up the film. Not worth anyone's bother.

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Guest The Running Man
The second half is a fast-forward rehash of Carpenter's movie without the skill at building suspense and sympathetic characters. The dialogue in the original wasn't gonna win Oscars, but it was Howard Hawks compared to what we get here. These kids aren't likeable so why should we care if they get sliced n' diced?

Because it wasn't about them. This movie was a movie about Michael Myers' whereas the original was about a town that gets attacked by Michael Myers.

This definitely was a very flawed movie, but I give credit for Rob Zombie for doing his own thing and giving it a unique spin which remakes rarely have the balls to try. Just wish he wrote the script with someone else so that the film could have maybe risen to it's potential.

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Guest dionbrother

Just watched the workprint. One of the lousiest movies I've ever seen. What's funny is Zombie more or less remade the tv version, which added scenes of Dr. Loomis and Michael to pad commercial time. It's so inept that suspense scenes are shot like action scenes. Dreadful acting and dialogue as well. Seems to have no clue what made the original work so well.

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Guest kungfood

I saw this but IMO it does not compare to the original. I thought the original was entertaining, and this was more depressing. What made the original Michael Meyers character what he was, was the air of mystery. The original Meyers was scarier without being 6'10" tall or over 300 pounds. When you take a character like that and try to psychoanalyze him to death, it "totally" ruins it. This version lacked the suspense. Plus, as a kid, I'd known some people whose households, while not as messed up, spoke and acted around each other a little too closely to the Meyers household in Zombie's version.

As somewhat crude as the original was, I also found the original characters were more likable and memorable. I've already forgotten the victims in the new one. And Donald Pleasance was irreplaceable.

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