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Wu Jing


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While we're on the subject of Wu Jing, is it true that he had a feud/spout with Donnie Yen? He made some controversial comments about Yip Man, I think, and Donnie said something like "he's young, he doesn't really understand this stuff yet."

You're actually referring to Sin Kwok Lam, who publicly dissed and challenged Wu Jing to a fight for his comments on Yip Man. Donnie had no involvement whatsoever.

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Guest Masked Avenger

He needs a good director, action choreographer and a good script. That may give him a chance to have a good career. I like his fighting skills and he's not bad at acting either. Let's see how he handles his role in Shaolin.

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I'm with those who think Wu Jing is great as a villain. I can't really see him as a hero, though. Lack of charisma and acting skills. However, he CAN have a bright future. Look at Donnie - he's never been a charismatic, good looking guy. I understand, HK audience couldn't accept him as a leading man for the longest time. Look at him now - he's improved as an actor and all his hard work paid off.

The only difference between these two - Donnie gets to choreograph, plus he has a lot of experience behind the camera as a director, action director, etc.

If producers want to put their money on Wu Jing, they can make a star out of him, but it looks like they don't think he's bankable. I don't think it's a loss for martial arts fanbase, though. He still can please his fans by playing villains and be great at that

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I feel that there is some shady stuff going on in HK cinema when it comes to "New guys" becoing leading men. It seems its been Chan->Li->Yen with no real stars being made in between. There was Sammo and Yuen, but they never got the time to shine that they deserved IMO.

Despite what others say I think he can make a perfect good guy. He has a babyface and large eyes, I could see him being a hearthrob/action star easy. I think hes an okay actor. Great martial arts. I just think he is either being held back by politics or a bad agent.

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He needs a good director, action choreographer and a good script. That may give him a chance to have a good career. I like his fighting skills and he's not bad at acting either. Let's see how he handles his role in Shaolin.

Couldnt agree more....

He is young and im sure the right role will come along. It reminds me of the career of Chin Siu Ho, a great actor, martial artist he had the looks etc but for some reason never made it to star status.


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I think he could make an excellent leading man given the right film. But to be fair he's playing supporting/villain roles in far too many mediocre or worse movies. While he makes a good villain he's not getting the chance to shine.

What I really think Wu Jing needs to do is some lower budget martial-arts flicks that perhaps don't have much of a story but deliver high intensity action.:xd:

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Interesting. I wish he would do something along the lines of "Fatal Contact" again. I thought the action in that was really good. And he plays a good, young villain in SPL and "Invisible Target".

But if he's going to direct himself, he needs a plot with a hook and help with the choreography. He ought to start assembling a cadre of guys and form his own stunt team. If he'll take what he's learned so far and show a little innovation......who knows. He might surprise us.

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I think his look and demeanor are part of the problem for him...it seems he is more well-suited for bad guy roles, so while he was good in the mediocre Fatal Contact, he is always a better bad guy.

Too bad, he really is one of the best and has aged remarkably (hard to think that he's 36).

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Here is a recent post from Wu Jing's blog (12/31/10). Pretty interesting and heartfelt, but a bit depressing though.

Source: wu-jing.org

Since my first production, everyone has been calling me kungfu kid, but even till now, people still call me kungfu kid. All along, everyone within and without the entertainment circle has been telling me: you still lack a work, you still lack a chance. It happened that there was a slump in Hong Kong film industry after Tai Chi 2, I was approached by 7 scripts, but they weren't realised due to financial issues. It's 15 years already, yet, regrettably, I still do not have a something called a representative work.

I don't wish to blame it on fate, bad timing, or Heaven for making a spot of me. But, to be at my current age, time indeed doesn't freeze for me. Since going to Hong Kong 7 years ago, I have tried all kinds off roles, whenever there is an opportunity, I have never given up once. But, every field has its own set of rules and regulations. Hong Kong is very practical, if you have the name, you'll get infinite film offers, otherwise, no one would bother about you. Whatever it is, I'm a Beijinger through and through, to have me hiding behind one after another new set of clothes playing a nice Hong Kong lad over a long time, I feel that I have lost my bearing.

Yu Rongguang told me, it's very difficult for a Mainlander to blend into HK entertainment scene, you'd have to make many many sacrifices, and you have to be very careful and humble socially.

The past few years, I have wished to live life in a more frank manner, but in Hong Kong, there are many restrictions, like you mustn't wear the same clothes, in which you make an appearance, twice, but the firm won't help newcomers acquire clothes, where do you think I would have so much money to buy clothes. There are all kind of don'ts, don't do this, don't do that, don't sit on the kerb to stretch yourself when you're tired from filming, don't wear shorts. You have to present yourself in a squeaky clean image, to me, in my heart, all these are crap.

I had been recalcitrant, and did whatever things I want. But I also knew that, you've just arrived in people's territory, you definitely had to abide by the rules of their game, especially when you had no power, no rights to talking.

I seek my own path, without harming or stealing from anyone, why couldn't I live life according to my own style? Perhaps, if I could let go, I might have made breakthrough myself already.

I'm not suitable to be in the circle, for actors have to know how to seek fame and popularity. When the tabloids reporters surround you, they would ask who you are seeing. Many people would use them to generate buzzes, what a load of crap. While promoting City Under Siege, a Malaysian reporter kept asking, could you and Zhang Jing Chu be together? Would you mind developing your relationship further? Asking all these the whole day long, don't you think it's vexing? Even if I don't mind scandals, what do you think she, as a girl, could do? Wouldn't her name be smeared? There's a problem with the society's direction on the whole.

A martial arts star, and actor, opening the vulnerability in the heart, would not be able to even withstand one blow. In this world, not just women need a shoulder to cry, when we guys are braving the world outside, our hearts would long for a peaceful coast too. I do not know if my other half would be someone from the circle, I just know that subconsciously, I'm longing for a reality. This kind of loneliness is something anyone else cannot see.

An actor's focus is ultimately his works. Sometimes, I feel that I'm over ambitious, hoping that my career would reach a certain height, and receive recognition. Ambition is abstract, faintly more uninhibited than the goal you set.

I believe that, you have to make sacrifices to fulfil your ambition, such as generating some buzzes. But to sell myself, I simply couldn't do it.

"Then, how could I realise my dreams?" I ask.

I have external strength, while inner strength is lacking a little bit, if the goal is more distinct, and gives me a push, I would know what to do.

So, I've decided to return to my homeland, to seriously ponder things over. I don't wish to live my life behind a certain fixed front, even if I trained myself till I'm swarthy and lanky, so what? Farewell, pale face scholar, I want to see, if I could summon a primitive impulsive deep within my heart, could I be a soldier?

I have no idea since when, people draws a clear distinction between movie stars and TV stars. Those who are in the film industry, would try their best not to touch TV series. Actually, this has put me at a loss, especially after I met novelist/director/script writer Liu Meng, he invited me to star in his TV series, I really hesitated a bit.

Then, one late night, when Chen Kaige's Farewell to My Concubine was airing, Yang Xiaolou says to Cheng Dieyi, "You have to allow your own self accomplish your own wishes."

This line was like splashing cold water on me, drenching me thoroughly.

It has long been my wish to be a soldier since young, and now that I have a chance to act as a solder, what's there to hesitate? Why bother if it's movie or TV series, as long as you get to convey the artistic image you wish, what celebrity halo, as long as you could do what you desire, you're a successful actor. It's most fortunate in life to be able to fulfil your own wishes. Didn't you say I'm lacking representative work, opportunity? This is something that I have to help myself fulfil.

I wish to be a soldier, and so I be one. This is happiness.

Everyone has some form of struggles that belong to them in their heart, so do I. After the struggle, seeing myself for clearly, this is a lucky matter. I struggle to accord my self with the clarity to see path and life I wish to take.

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God, he's so dramatic!

Still, I hope the show goes well. I'm disappointed that he hasn't had a good breakthrough role in a movie lately. Legendary Assassin was OK, if only it could lead to some more momentum.

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Kinda sad, but I guess he has to do what he has to do. Honestly most of the movies that he is in, I watched because of HIM. He is a great fighter and actor. It's a shame that such talent is not being recognized in HK, maybe he should just come over here and do movies with Scott Adkins or something.

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Kinda sad, but I guess he has to do what he has to do. Honestly most of the movies that he is in, I watched because of HIM. He is a great fighter and actor. It's a shame that such talent is not being recognized in HK, maybe he should just come over here and do movies with Scott Adkins or something.

I'd like to see Wu Jing team up with Collin Chou in a U.S. production. Chou bounces between HK and the US a lot as far as I can tell and has had some fairly high-profile roles like the Matrix sequels and Forbidden Kingdom. His English is pretty good too.

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One Armed Boxer
I'd like to see Wu Jing team up with Collin Chou in a U.S. production.

While not a US production, you can see them facing off against each other briefly in `City Under Siege`.

I would fear the worse if they shot a fight scene for a US movie, Jackie Chan versus Donnie Yen in `Shanghai Knights` anyone?

Interesting article from Wu Jing, and sad news, he seems like a humble guy and he had the talent, he could just never seem to find the right movie.

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I would fear the worse if they shot a fight scene for a US movie, Jackie Chan versus Donnie Yen in `Shanghai Knights` anyone?

I presume you're reffering to the theatrical version of the fight. Because there's an extended version of the fight among the DVD extras that is alot better.

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One Armed Boxer
I presume you're reffering to the theatrical version of the fight. Because there's an extended version of the fight among the DVD extras that is alot better.

Indeed I am....an extra feature on the DVD sadly can't be classed as a scene from the movie, watch 'Shanghai Knights' in the cinema or when it's on TV, you're going to be seeing the fight I'm refering too, and that's what 99% of the general population will see as well.

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Indeed I am....an extra feature on the DVD sadly can't be classed as a scene from the movie, watch 'Shanghai Knights' in the cinema or when it's on TV, you're going to be seeing the fight I'm refering too, and that's what 99% of the general population will see as well.

That really was a waste of Donnie Yen's talents appearing in Shanghai Knights.

As for Wu Jing I really do hope that he gets that break sooner. Unfortunately it seems that new talent doesn't get the chance to break through. If Donnie's career is any indication Wu Jing will probably get his chance in the final five or so years of his peak.

I have to agree with death Fu master that maybe he should try and ply his trade abroad. Maybe take on a few bad guy roles facing off against the likes of Tony Jaa, Scott Adkins and maybe even Van Damme to help raise his profile before taking on some more leading roles.

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That really was a waste of Donnie Yen's talents appearing in Shanghai Knights.

As for Wu Jing I really do hope that he gets that break sooner. Unfortunately it seems that new talent doesn't get the chance to break through. If Donnie's career is any indication Wu Jing will probably get his chance in the final five or so years of his peak.

I have to agree with death Fu master that maybe he should try and ply his trade abroad. Maybe take on a few bad guy roles facing off against the likes of Tony Jaa, Scott Adkins and maybe even Van Damme to help raise his profile before taking on some more leading roles.

I have to agree with you on that one it was waste of Donnie Yen's skills and time. I'm a fan of Wu Jing i hope he get's his wish to being a super star because he deserves it as much as anyone who's so talented in Martial Arts. As for him facing off against Tony Jaa now that's one of my dream fights that i want to see his Kung Fu skills against Tony's Muay Thai skills it would so epic with the right people on his side if they ever make a flim together sometime in the future. Not only guys like Wu Jing get overlooked but also what get's to me is guy's like Mark Dacascos even get overlooked too despite how talented he is like Wu Jing, as for the this interview it is depressing to be honest abit dramatic for my tastes but i hope he does get his chance at fame i don't see him as a Jet Li clone like some people say he is.

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Pfft, Hong Kong, Mainland, all the same now, they're both making boring soap operas in hollywood form if you ask me.

I think one of his best roles was in SPL.

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I have to agree with you on that one it was waste of Donnie Yen's skills and time. I'm a fan of Wu Jing i hope he get's his wish to being a super star because he deserves it as much as anyone who's so talented in Martial Arts. As for him facing off against Tony Jaa now that's one of my dream fights that i want to see his Kung Fu skills against Tony's Muay Thai skills it would so epic with the right people on his side if they ever make a flim together sometime in the future. Not only guys like Wu Jing get overlooked but also what get's to me is guy's like Mark Dacascos even get overlooked too despite how talented he is like Wu Jing, as for the this interview it is depressing to be honest abit dramatic for my tastes but i hope he does get his chance at fame i don't see him as a Jet Li clone like some people say he is.

I can't say I think of him as a Jet Li clone but that's hardly a bad thing seeing as Jet Li isn't getting any younger.

What gets me is old and porky Seagal continues to make bad movie after bad movie and like you say Mark Dacascos and Johnny Yong Bosch and other talented martial artists aren't being given the chances they deserve, especially when they have proven to be in top quality martial-arts films

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I can't say I think of him as a Jet Li clone but that's hardly a bad thing seeing as Jet Li isn't getting any younger.

What gets me is old and porky Seagal continues to make bad movie after bad movie and like you say Mark Dacascos and Johnny Yong Bosch and other talented martial artists aren't being given the chances they deserve, especially when they have proven to be in top quality martial-arts films

Blue Skies i have to agree with you on this one about Seagal i haven't enjoyed any of his new flims to be honest with you. As for Mark Dacasos and Johnny Yong Bosch it get's to me that there overlooked and never given the respect they deserve along with other talented people like Yuen Biao who is so talented that man can move too. Gary Daniels the same ends up getting set in the back seat of bus with Jeff Speakman and Loren Avadon who are very talented people. Of Course Kane Kosugi as talented he is that man should be very popular already he's as good as his Father.

As for Wu Jing. Like i don't see him as a Jet Li clone but then again your not wrong it isn't exactly that Jet is getting younger these day's. If Donnie Yen who spent years finding his place in the HK Cinema only to break new grounds then maybe someone like Wu Jing can make it i sure agree with most people he deserves it.

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Big Wig series. Lu Feng was the AD. Took all that wu shu out of the weapons and had him looking great in the opera style. Its a wu xia series with wires and such but some smokin swordplay and long takes with lovely chor. First some eps that have some of the best action, albeit shortish, then the series links.

about 17 mins in: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDU5NjcyNjAw.html

about 18 mins in: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDU5ODk0NTE2.html

about 32 mins in: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/EP5r2wkDMEQ/



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How does a guy with incredible Martial Arts skill not get bigger/attractive roles? I know he's in a lot of movies but is it his vehicle? Since SPL or Fatal Contact, I don't remember which movie came out first, it seemed he has quietly turned it down a notch when it comes to starring vehicle or being the bad ass henchman. It's hard to find the movies he's in because he's barely in them. I haven't seen Shaolin yet but does he have a significant role in that one? I do love my Triad movies, does he have a big role in Triad Wars? Wu Jing where are you????

P.S, Wu Jing easily stole the show in S.P.L/ easily.

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He has worked on a lot of mainland tv shows which explains the gaps in his filmography. Though you're right, he never really broke out like one would expect someone with his talents to do. He did try to capitalize on his mid 00's career resurgence with the self directed Legendary Assassin, but that probably did more harm that good. It was pretty much down hill from there.

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