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The Avengers (2012)


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Got My Tickets for tomorrow's early show!

I hope you didn't have to take the train like you did for The Raid... Avengers should be playing on every corner of every street...

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OK I just got back from seeing this movie and all I can say is that it was Off The Fucking Hook! As far as to who was the best character I would have to say it was Tony Stark/Iron Man he had some of the best one liners and really made the movie. Now being a huge Hulk fan I wasn't happy with the new casting of Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/The Hulk but I will say after seeing him in this role he owns it! I thought Edward Norton was Great but Mark Ruffalo brought a whole new dimension to The Hulk..

Note: This movie is made to be seen in IMAX!

And don't leave when the credits start to come up there is another scene at the very end which shows there is going to be a sequel made.

@OpiumKungFuCracker: No I didn't have to take the train this time! lol

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OK I just got back from seeing this movie and all I can say is that it was Off The Fucking Hook!

I will have to agree with you on that one. Joss Whedon has an eye for showing clear, uncut action showing our heroes do what they do best. And his comic timing is perfect. The audience was rolling. This movie is so great, I don't know how they can top it. See this NOW!!!!

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Saw this opening day, also. The Avengers was probably the best example of a team I've seen in a long time. I loved every Avenger and pretty much everyone had their time to shine, but the Hulk really did steal the show. Can't wait for the blu ray.

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Saw The Avengers and thought it was awesome. I almost look at it like the Lord of the Rings movies, in that it almost works better to think of Iron Man, Captain America, Thor and the Avengers movies as just a part of the same big story. Given the ensemble cast, there really wasn't room for much character development and slower moments in The Avengers---but we have the solo movies for that.

But as far a great action scenes, snappy, funny dialogue and a real sense of the team interacting, arguing with each other, and coming together in battle---The Avengers got it just about perfect, IMO. EACH of the heroes really got their chance to shine in the action scenes.

And yes, I agree about Mark Ruffalo. While I really liked both of the previous Hulk movies, Ruffalo really brought something different to the role, and it worked very well, I thought.

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I really want to see this tonight but I I don't think I can avoid the sea of nerds dressing up in their cosplay outfits... I guess I have to wait for a morning matinee, which sucks...

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OK Since most everyone seen it, I have to ask at the end of the movie after the credits who was the Alien Leader who turned around? I didn't know who he was?

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I really want to see this tonight but I I don't think I can avoid the sea of nerds dressing up in their cosplay outfits... I guess I have to wait for a morning matinee, which sucks...

Nerds are usually good movie watchers though. Shouldn't be any talking...

I mean, if someone is excited enough to dress up for a movie, they shouldn't be on their phones the whole time.

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The spoiler villain is a very ambitious move on Marvel's part, hope they can pull it off.

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Thanks Guys for the info! And believe me nobody had their cell phones out during the movie!

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The Dragon
@The Dragon, which character you think outshined everyone?? I keep hearing Bruce Banner/Hulk stole the show??

I wouldn't say Hulk stole the show-I'd say they allowed humor in proper places to get the audiences to buy into the characters more.For the 1st time, it wasn't about one-uping anyone. The stories from the other films came together here well because they tied in the cross overs.That's why the film is so long-they had to re-establish why we're going to this place. Everyone had great one-liners; Thor's referring to Loki as a "step brother" was great. Stark always has them, and even Ruffalo's "I'm always angry..." was great.

I have to say, Joss Whedon did a great job and even though I despised him for basically firing Ed Norton-he knew what direction he wanted to take and went there.

P.S. just this:

Could Iron Man's Mark XXXVIII (Mark 7) armor be any cooler?! Damn! It was like it's own character!

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Drunken Monk

This has set a new standard for superhero films. I'd be surprised if even "The Dark Knight Rises" is as entertaining as "The Avengers."

It had everything and catered to both the grown up and the little boy version of me. The action was superb, the comedy hit all the right notes and each and every character was given their time to shine.

It doesn't get much more perfect than that.

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:bigsmile:WOW!!!!...yeah, WOW! that's a DOPE FREAKIN' FLICK!!!! Hahahahahaha!!!! THANK FREAKING GOODNESS, too!!!! after ALL that BUILD up, it wouldn't be cool to mess this one up! this gives me hope for future projects, involving "Super Heroes"!!! YAY!!!

BUT,... the REAL TREAT, (of Many), was the "Jeen Kern" that THOR got from HULK!!! LOL!!! That was HILARIOUS!!!! 'Hung Gar' Family ought to know what i'm talkin' about! Overall, BRILLIANT MOVIE!!! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! do yerself a favor & see this on the "BIG SCREEN"!!! i'd say it's worth it!!!

word. :bigsmile:

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This has set a new standard for superhero films. I'd be surprised if even "The Dark Knight Rises" is as entertaining as "The Avengers."

yeah, DM, for real!!! can DC even REALLY compete w/this?!? we shall see, my friends. we shall see...!!!

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I don't think any Superhero movie can honestly top The Avengers! Now I love the Batman Movies but there more Darker and the Avengers was more comical but still an awesome movie! The best Superhero movie IMO so far.

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yea bar far the best super hero movie ever ....and not dark at all! it CAN be done!

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Just saw it at IMAX what an incredible piece of PURE entertainment.... Loved every minute of it...especially Hulk multi bitch slappin Loki..... Brilliant

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THE AVENGERS will be getting a sequel and it has surpassed the $700 million mark worldwide!!!!

Plus Kevin Feige, producer of the film and head of Marvel Films, announced that because Mark Ruffalo has received such praise as Bruce Banner, that he has decided to go ahead with a 3rd HULK movie in 2015.

Read these on IMDB and Dark Horizons.

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Plus Kevin Feige, producer of the film and head of Marvel Films, announced that because Mark Ruffalo has received such praise as Bruce Banner, that he has decided to go ahead with a 3rd HULK movie in 2015.

Ang Lee's film was okay, it had its moments.

I really enjoyed The Incredible Hulk with Edward Norton. Wasn't real keen on the interpretation of Hulk's foe, the Abomination, but it worked.

The key to a good 3rd installment will be to give the Hulk a worthy opponent....or two.:xd:

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I saw it- it was awesome. Joss really pulled it all off and made it look pretty easy, too. I could have just watched those guys (RDJ, Hemsworth, Ruffalo, Evans, Renner, Johannsen) do the rounds between each other all movie long. And Loki was just a great villain. It is worth seeing a couple of times IMO.

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The Dragon
Just saw it at IMAX what an incredible piece of PURE entertainment.... Loved every minute of it...especially Hulk multi bitch slappin Loki..... Brilliant



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