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Don "The Dragon" Wilson

Jeru the Damaja

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Ring Of Fire is the only Don Wilson flick I can watch without wanting to kill myself!

I have similar feelings from vhs era.Don is good martial artist but not good actor,,,

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I remember watching a few of his movies back when I was a kid but don't really remember too much, I remember one where he fell in love with a girl that worked in a restaurant and they kept exchanging fortune cookies or something. I cant remember the name of it though.

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I remember watching a few of his movies back when I was a kid but don't really remember too much, I remember one where he fell in love with a girl that worked in a restaurant and they kept exchanging fortune cookies or something. I cant remember the name of it though.

That was Ring Of Fire.

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I have similar feelings from vhs era.Don is good martial artist but not good actor,,,

Nor was he a good screenfighter, which was probably the worst offense! But even if he was, you wouldn't have known it from the abysmal way the fight scenes was shot and edited!

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Yes, she gets sliced with a samurai sword, but it implies that she does not die.

She doesn't...Julie returned in Ring of Fire II, sporting dark red hair, but she was the same character and Brad (Dale Jacoby) and Chuck (Vince Murdocco) now were good guys.

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Jeru the Damaja
She doesn't...Julie returned in Ring of Fire II, sporting dark red hair, but she was the same character and Brad (Dale Jacoby) and Chuck (Vince Murdocco) now were good guys.

I remember that now. It's been a while since I've seen Ring of Fire 2, but I remember it being pretty bad. I mean bad even for Don the Dragon Wilson standards. It had Don battling some random 90's street gangs in underground LA sewers while trying to rescue his girlfriend. I kid you not, there was even a gang on roller skates in jump suits with neon colors. For any of you youngsters, the early 90's were a little different. I would consider it to be pretty much an extension of the 80's. Anyway, Ring of Fire 1 and Ring of Fire 3 "Lion Strike" aren't too bad. They are actually two of Don's better movies. I would stay far far away from Ring of Fire 2.

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Jeru the Damaja

Movies I like

Bloodfist 1-5

Ring of Fire 1,3

Out for Blood

Red Sun Rising

Future Kick

Black Belt

Night Hunter

Cyber Tracker

Haven't seen Virtual Combat, but I read that it's not bad.

Has anyone seen Virtual Combat? If so, I'd love to hear some feedback. That is the only one of Don's early movies that I haven't seen. I would have just bought it from amazon, but the dvd is out of print. They want like $90 for a new copy, and $40 for a used copy. These guys must be out of their mind if they think that someone is going to pay that kind of money for a sh*tty B movie starring Don the Dragon Wilson. I just want to see it for nostalgia purposes, and the fact that I have a soft spot for Don.

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Concerning "Virtual Combat":

It's been a while since I've seen it but I think I remember it not being too bad. It's certainly better than his last film along these same lines: "X-treme Fighter". Stay away from that one even though it has Cynthia Rothrock in it, too. It's awful.

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sifu iron perm

i used to watch my fair share of the 90's straight to rent western arts flicks, but i couldn't stand those don the dragon and jalal mehri flicks..

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Jeru the Damaja
Concerning "Virtual Combat":

It's been a while since I've seen it but I think I remember it not being too bad. It's certainly better than his last film along these same lines: "X-treme Fighter". Stay away from that one even though it has Cynthia Rothrock in it, too. It's awful.

Thanks for the info. I will be sure to check this one out when amazon comes down on their price. In regards to X-treme Fighter, I did see that one, and yeah it is awful. Not that any of Don's work is great, but I think his earlier work is much better than his later work.

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Jeru the Damaja
i used to watch my fair share of the 90's straight to rent western arts flicks, but i couldn't stand those don the dragon and jalal mehri flicks..

Jalal Merhi made some pretty bad flicks as well, I agree. I did like three of his movies though, but not necessarily for him. It was more for the big names that were in them like Bolo Yeung, Cynthia Rothrock, Billy Blanks, and 90's Fabio look-alike kung fu villain Mathias Hues.

Tiger Claws

Talons of the Eagle

TC 2000

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Jalal Merhi made some pretty bad flicks as well, I agree. I did like three of his movies though, but not necessarily for him. It was more for the big names that were in them like Bolo Yeung, Cynthia Rothrock, Billy Blanks, and 90's Fabio look-alike kung fu villain Mathias Hues.

Tiger Claws

Talons of the Eagle

TC 2000

Agree. But I think the choreography in JM's flicks were always better. And you've probably listed his 3 best films.

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Jeru the Damaja

By the way I finally got around to watching Virtual Combat. It wasn't good by any means, but it was far from being Don's worst as well. If that says anything.:neutral:

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i like dons movies i have a few and plan to buy a few more, and my faves are Ring of fire One gary daniels gets peed on in that one by eric lee lol,, and Two,, iunno why u guys are saying its aweful and stay away from it, i thought it was awesome, the 2 bad guys from one as good guys with Don plus his good guys he already had from One eric lee and Ron Yuan going through like a Gauntlet of bad guys in the underground to get to and rescue his gf

the ones i have are

Ring of fire 1 n 2


Bloodfist 1-2 n 5-plan on finishing those idc how bad they are lol

Cyber Tracker

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Don will be starring in a movie called 'White Tiger' at the beginning of 2012, which will be shot in Bangkok.

The film also marks a return to the screen of Cynthia Rothrock :yociexp108:


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Don will be starring in a movie called 'White Tiger' at the beginning of 2012, which will be shot in Bangkok.

The film also marks a return to the screen of Cynthia Rothrock :yociexp108:


Holy Fawkin Shit! thx for that KokF a fan of Don and love cyn and its awesome shes gonna do a new film,, i just hate it when people re use movies titles over,, like gary daniels has a movie called white tiger already,,,and and daniels already has a movie called Recoil,, and steve austin and danny trejo have a new one called recoil,, and theres a new movie called Drive,, i dont like that cause mark dacascos has his awesome movie Drive.. but ne who i dont care what they call this they can just call it,, Don and Cynthia will Kick you, and id watch it lol,, thx for the news.

ps. why isnt the movie ur talkin bout on either of there imdb pages cyn has nothing in 2012 and dons in a geeky lookin superhero movie lol

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ps. why isnt the movie ur talkin bout on either of there imdb pages cyn has nothing in 2012 and dons in a geeky lookin superhero movie lol

Never rely on imdb :wink: Plus, negotiations have only recently been finalised. It comes directly from Cynthia herself, she said she'd be filming for 3 weeks and will be playing a villain apparently :xd:

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Never rely on imdb :wink: Plus, negotiations have only recently been finalised. It comes directly from Cynthia herself, she said she'd be filming for 3 weeks and will be playing a villain apparently :xd:

cool, but damn a villian, doesnt that mean probally her dying or something? lol

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For anyone interested, Don just did a 90 minute interview on Tapout Radio. He discusses lots of different topics, from his commentating in the early UFCs to his kickboxing career to his latest film WHITE TIGER mentioned above. He mentions the star is his BLOODFIST replacement, Matt Mullins!

Listen to it here:


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Jeru the Damaja
For anyone interested, Don just did a 90 minute interview on Tapout Radio. He discusses lots of different topics, from his commentating in the early UFCs to his kickboxing career to his latest film WHITE TIGER mentioned above. He mentions the star is his BLOODFIST replacement, Matt Mullins!

Listen to it here:


Good listen! A quick summary. I found his thoughts on some of his western martial arts movie star peers to be the very interesting. He spoke very highly of Cynthia Rothrock, and how hard she had to work to make it as a western blond female martial arts star in Hong Kong. He was also asked his thoughts on the the two biggest western martial arts stars during his era. Of course I am talking about Van Damme and Seagal. This was by far my favorite part of the interview. Don seemed pretty indifferent about Seagal. He felt he was legit as an akido instructor, but he couldn't understand why mma fighters were going to Seagal for training tips. Mainly because Seagal has no real credentials outside of his movies. Now Van Damme was a different story. I think you could tell that Don really doesn't care too much for him. At one point he called him Jean Fraude Van Dumme lol. He didn't like the fact that Van Damme came to Hollywood, and claimed he was an undefeated kickboxing champion. Don was basically just asking where is the proof. He said you can go on youtube, and see my fights. If I type in Jean Claude Van Damme kickboxing nothing comes up. He also said that most of the martial arts community at the time felt the same way. It comes down to the fact that Don thinks Van Damme is a fraud, and that he would kick his ass. Don probably could kick Van Damme's ass, and I think he legitimately wants to from this interview.

Don was later asked about his thoughts on Roger Corman, and gave him high praise. He said he has done more movies for Corman than any other actor. 12 movies in total. He went on to say that if it weren't for Corman he probably wouldn't have a career. Don seems to be very humble, and thankful for the career he has had in movies. He did acknowledge that his movies are B movies, but that he has had a great time making them. He felt that he was extremely lucky for his career, and the chance to make movies.

Don also talked a little bit about his kickboxing career, but not enough really to warrant a review. Most of the questions were about his feelings on mma. I didn't care too much about this portion though. For the simple fact that I am not really a big fan of mma. It is ok sometimes I guess, but my combat sport of choice is and always will be boxing. I did find it interesting though when Don said he didn't really care for UFC at first because he thought if was too unsafe. In particular the no weight classes and no rules aspect. His views later changed when he became a guest commentator for UFC 3 I believe, and obviously the rules have drastically changed since then. He now calls himself a fan.

Overall great interview. Much respect to the Dragon. Looking forward to catching White Tiger when it comes out.

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I actually came to this thread to post that :wink: Didnt have time to listen to all of it, only got bout halfway. Crazy that he was in talks to fight royce gracie and even matt hughes at one point, would of been very interesting to see him fight in mma given his kickboxing experience and apparent wrestling background. I think hughes would of been too much for him but the dragon in the earlier mma years would of been a force to be reckoned with.

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I've heard the JCVD-kickboxing issue in a 1995 interview on Joe Bob Briggs' Drive-In Theater. He said he had some respect for guys like Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris, and then the issue with Van Damme came up. Roger Corman was going to offer JCVD $100,000 in 1990 to take on Don in the ring, but it never happened. He did say "Jean-Fraud" and then he goes into his fight scene with Richard Norton in the film CYBER-TRACKER. They actually hit each other for real in the film, biting down on cotton to get the right shots and angles for the film.

And he talked very quick that he is half-Japanese and half-Irish and joked, "So I can hold my liquor down" :)

Looking for WHITE TIGER as well.

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