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Guest WuxiaFan

"Living up to the expectation that it's a serious homage to the action movies of the 1980s, The Expendables received an R rating for "strong action and bloody violence throughout, and for some language." Written and directed by Sylvester Stallone and starring a bevy of action stars like Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren and Mr. Stallone (and featuring cameos from Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger), The Expendables go into battle Aug. 13 against Eat Pray Love and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World."

:bigsmile: That's just awesome! It would have been dreadful at PG-13!

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Hells to the yeah!!! Great news...not that I need bloody violence all the time...but in a movie like this........yeah I need it!!

I'm so looking forward to this movie!!

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Thank you Jesus!!!!! Finally, finally an action movie with all that hype get's stamped with an RRRRRRRR!!!!!:tongue::tongue::tongue:

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Entertainment Weekly posted a tournament like article called "Who's the Biggest Badass of The Expendables".

Here were the match-ups:

Eric Roberts vs. Sly Stallone

Mickey Rourke vs. Terry Crews

Arnold Schwarzenegger vs. Steve Austin

Jason Statham vs. Bruce Willis

Dolph Lundgren vs. Jet Li

Randy Couture vs. Gary Daniels

Semi-Finals were:

Stallone vs. Rourke vs. Schwarzenegger

Statham vs. Lundgren vs. Couture


Rourke vs. Lundgren

Mickey Rourke was voted by EW staff as Biggest Badass.

What I didn't like what they wrote was about Gary Daniels. They said "kickboxing icon turned straight-to-DVD goon". IMO, Daniels was one of the best stars in American MA films and yeah, just because he played more minor roles as of late doesn't make him a goon. To me, he will always be one of my favorites IMO.

So who do you guys think is the biggest badass of these 12? LOL

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I choose Mickey Rourke, as well. =D

A real boxer, a real bad-ass, and he played Stanley White in YEAR OF THE DRAGON. And he was able to make a remarkable comeback, despite his roughed up looks.

Need I say more?

PS Kinda cool to see Gary Daniels get mentioned in mainstream Hollywood magazine.

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Stuntman Jules

I might even see this, this is a movie where every badass ever kicks ass. Though where's Norris and Van Damme?

They should make a sequel or similar film where all those guys (with Norris and Van Danme tagging along of course) get together and beat up pedophiles like righteous droogs for two hours. There would be some very thin plot about how they're trying to dismantle a child pornography ring and there's some master pedophile running it played by some creepy actor like Steve Buscemi or Brad Dourif who knows kung fu and Stallone and Norris and Van Damme take turns fighting him. That movie would gross more than Avatar and generate more online meme buzz than Snakes on a Plane.

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Dolph Lundgren for me, the guy is the real deal in my opinion :xd: And I wouldn't rule out Gary Daniels either.

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Guest Markgway

If this movie does well then Norris and Van Damme and co will be lining up to appear in the sequel...

Er, not sure about that paedophile plotline though. Questionable taste for an action blockbuster methinks.

Harsh calling Daniels a 'goon' because he's in DTV films. No need to disrespect an actor just because he didn't make the A-list.

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Stuntman Jules
If this movie does well then Norris and Van Damme and co will be lining up to appear in the sequel...

Er, not sure about that paedophile plotline though. Questionable taste for an action blockbuster methinks.

Maybe, I was joking anyways, but people love emotionally manipulative, black and white stuff like that in their Hollywood blockbusters and I was making fun of that.

Maybe they could all go to the Middle East, drive around the Afghan/Pakistan border in Hummers and pull Osama Bin Laden out of his cave and then proceed to beat him to death gruesomely for 25 minutes?

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Guest Markgway
Maybe they could all go to the Middle East, drive around the Afghan/Pakistan border in Hummers and pull Osama Bin Laden out of his cave and then proceed to beat him to death gruesomely for 25 minutes?

Sold. :xd:

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the UK gets a cut version, 15 cert. :sad:

Yeah, 2 seconds are missing.

It sucks but I HAVE to see this on the big screen!

Also, an extended version for DVD/Blu-Ray was mentioned by Stallone at a recent screening.

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Jet Li vs Dolph Ludgren I'd pay to see that alone, and choreographed by corey yuen?? Come on that alone is the price of admission, I could care less what the ratings are at Rottentomatoes.com!!!

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Noelle Shadow Kick
Jet Li vs Dolph Ludgren I'd pay to see that alone, and choreographed by corey yuen??

Is that true?? I didn't know Corey Yuen was a part of The Expendables. Where did you find that out?

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If this movie does well then Norris and Van Damme and co will be lining up to appear in the sequel..

Stallone just said on a radio interview.."I tried to get Van Damme, Seagal on board, but they chose to take their careers in 'other directions'..I tried my best, what can I do"

Having a little dig there I think :wink:

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Stallone just said on a radio interview.."I tried to get Van Damme, Seagal on board, but they chose to take their careers in 'other directions'..I tried my best, what can I do"

Having a little dig there I think :wink:

Over on AICN.com last week, Stallone spent 5 days answering fan's questions.

One of them asked for an explicit reason why JCVD wasn't in it.

Sly answered that terms couldn't reached, before adding, I like Jean Claude, and Jean Claude likes himself. :crossedlips:

Sounds like any Expendables sequel may very well happen without JCVD, but who knows?

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Is that true?? I didn't know Corey Yuen was a part of The Expendables. Where did you find that out?

Yep Todd Brown from Twitchfilms saw an advance screening confirmed it on his post...

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Opens in the UK the following week.

I've already got my ticket! ;)

Are you getting the preview showings this Friday and Saturday in Scotland, Markgway?

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Finally, in a packed house, I saw it today!

Feels like I've been waiting to see this since forever!

NO SPOILERS - I promise! I wouldn't want to ruin all the nice little moments that are in this.

Keeping it short, I LOVED IT!!

What Stallone has managed to do is sum up everything great about American action cinema in one film - it's up there, I think, with The Dirty Dozen or The Magnificent Seven.

The action is, for the most part, incredbily well done - there are so many set-pieces, and they all work.

Certainly, for those of us who grew up in the 70s and 80s this reads like a love letter to the action film that prevailed back then - and has been sorely missed!!

Anyway, that's my take on it and I look forward to reading what you guys think, in agreement of otherwise.

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Okay, I had promised my son we'd see this opening day, and we did.

We both really enjoyed it, and thought it was a great action movie.

My only complaint (let me warn you, and get this out of the way) is the (typical) shitty over-editing/too closely framed shit they did for the hand-to-hand fights. WHY?! :ooh: Why do they get the best guys, real, capable martial artists, an awesome action choreographer, put them all through their paces (all of the actors took quite a beating to create these sequences), and then NOT REALLY SHOW US WHAT THEY FILMED??????!!!!!!! That pisses me off. :tinysmile_angry2_t: Especially knowing that Stallone has always been a big Jackie Chan fan and has filmed terrific fights before in his ROCKY movies. He should know better, right? When will we get another chance to see Dolph fight Jet Li and Gary Daniels? Stallone against Steve Austin? And to not give us what they could have? :neutral: Thankfully I had scanned Gazz's review on the front page, so I went in knowing that this was the case. Otherwise, it would have ruined the movie for me. These fights were still effective, just frustrating to me for the reasons I've stated. Apart from that, the gunfights, use of knives, and plane, truck, and explosive action are phenomenal! Sure there were some crusty bits of dialogue, but Mickey Rourke gave a serious bit of drama to his small role. And Statham is great with the blades man! We enjoyed the Hell out of it. And Terry Crew's weapon? LOVE IT!!! Where do I get one? :xd:

A great throwback to the days of the big action films of the '80s, that I recommend people check out in the theater- where the explosions are nice and big. :bigsmile: The crowd cheered and applauded at the good parts, and there was a lot of "Damn!" and "Holy shit!" stuff coming from people too.

As far as action films go, I'd give it between an 8.5 and a 9.0.

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Thumbs down from me, for the exact reasons Kung Fu Bob mentioned---I guess they just bothered me more. I was fine with the characters, acting, story---but dang, that action blew! It didn't feel at all like a good 60s, 70s or 80s action movie to me. I couldn't even tell which car was chasing which, or who was fighting who, or if they had any trademark moves. To me, the action scenes completely disconnected me from the characters. I felt like I was watching a trailer! Very disappointing, because it was great seeing all those guys together on the screen. I'm hoping that Jet Li and Cory Yuen track down the editor and beat the crap out of him.

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Im gonna check this out tomorrow. Seems promising. Too bad on the 'too close' fight scenes though...

You know, it makes me wonder why Sly didn't pick Jackie to begin with? Afterall, they've always admired each other... so why go with Jet? I mean, since we're in 80's icon mode, what better choice than Jackie?

Does anyone know if Jackie refused? Maybe he wanted too much money? Schedule too busy?

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Im gonna check this out tomorrow. Seems promising. Too bad on the 'too close' fight scenes though...

You know, it makes me wonder why Sly didn't pick Jackie to begin with? Afterall, they've always admired each other... so why go with Jet? I mean, since we're in 80's icon mode, what better choice than Jackie?

Does anyone know if Jackie refused? Maybe he wanted too much money? Schedule too busy?

I don't know. I never even thought about it until after the film. While discussing the poorly presented action scenes with my son, I mentioned that Stallone has often praised Jackie Chan's classic stuff, so he should know better than too screw that up- even if just by example. Then we both sort of said at the same time "I wonder why Jackie wasn't in it?" Strange that I never thought this before.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it mpm74.

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