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The Raid 2: Berandal (2014)


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I'd be shocked if this got banned, but that happening (or a heavily cut theatrical release) wouldn't be the end of the world because we'd get an unrated Blu/DVD release.

The Bui Doi Cho Lon situation sucks....I wonder what issues there are with a studio like Well Go licensing it to release on Blu.

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Wouldn't it be a kick to the nuts if this gets banned like Bui Doi Cho Lon?

May this happen to you a thousand times over if you jinx this film!!!!!!

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One Armed Boxer
Wouldn't it be a kick to the nuts if this gets banned like Bui Doi Cho Lon?

I don't think there's any chance of this getting banned, Indonesia & Vietnam are two completely different countries. Indonesia being one which has thankfully embraced its martial artists talents to show off to the world, without the rather backwards mindset of believeing that whatever we see on our screens must be what the country is really like. Of course if this was the case, most of the worlds population would believe that the White House gets attacked by terrorists at least twice a year.:tongue:

The Bui Doi Cho Lon situation sucks....I wonder what issues there are with a studio like Well Go licensing it to release on Blu.

If a movie gets banned in Vietnam then it means it's not only banned from being shown inside its own borders, but it's also banned from being shown anywhere else in the world. Considering how Johnny Tri Nguyen has made a name for himself on his native shores and has other movies in the pipeline there, it wouldn't really be beneficial for him to go against the ban, as it would make it impossible for him to make any more movies there.

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OK, not to worry guys, it won't get banned. Gareth Evans just stated on Twitter that the MPAA has given it an R rating, and only minimal cuts were made to it. although it would be better to see it uncut in theaters, he said the cuts literally involved only frames. guaranteed the DVD/BD will be uncut. so hopefully it's still on track for March 28th, and even better if it can go wide, if not on that day, within the following weeks

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If a movie gets banned in Vietnam then it means it's not only banned from being shown inside its own borders, but it's also banned from being shown anywhere else in the world. Considering how Johnny Tri Nguyen has made a name for himself on his native shores and has other movies in the pipeline there, it wouldn't really be beneficial for him to go against the ban, as it would make it impossible for him to make any more movies there.

That whole situation- the government banning the release of CHINATOWN (Vietnam, 2013, aka. Bui Doi Cho Lon)- is such a shame. I saw the rough cut and it was fantastic.

OK, not to worry guys, it won't get banned. Gareth Evans just stated on Twitter that the MPAA has given it an R rating, and only minimal cuts were made to it. although it would be better to see it uncut in theaters, he said the cuts literally involved only frames. guaranteed the DVD/BD will be uncut. so hopefully it's still on track for March 28th, and even better if it can go wide, if not on that day, within the following weeks

Thrilling news Mark. :nerd:

Gareth Evans strikes again! :bigsmile:

My son and I are going the day it opens. My wife, though she thought the original was great, said that she's fine waiting to see it until we buy the Blu-ray. :neutral: Okay, I knew she was crazy because she married me! But now, after this obvious admission of madness, I'm starting to get a little worried about her. :xd:

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My son and I are going the day it opens. My wife, though she thought the original was great, said that she's fine waiting to see it until we buy the Blu-ray. :neutral: Okay, I knew she was crazy because she married me! But now, after this obvious admission of madness, I'm starting to get a little worried about her. :xd:

My girlfriend and I were super giddy to see it on opening night too, but now I'm really paranoid about going.

Not because of the film, but because of the audience. When I went to see the first film, it was in a small, art house theater. Not only is it relatively off most people's radars but it's positioned to that is has absolutely ZERO phone signal. It's awesome.

There were about six people in the theater and, halfway through the film a girl seated to the right of me starts laughing. Nay, cackling. LOUDLY.

Getting mildly irritated I turned towards her, only to find everyone else looking at her as well. She turned her head to each of us and yelled, "I'm sorry! I don't even know how to stop. This is FUCKING AWESOME!" Basically, she was in hysterics because of the movie! We all gave her a massive "WOO!" in support and continued watching.

If it gets a wide release, I'm worried the theater will be filled with young dickheads, high on their own masculinity.

I want a crowd that will enjoy the film for what it is and not just a bunch of idiots hopping on the bandwagon, you know? Maybe I'm just being pessimistic, but I'll definitely been looking for a small, quiet theater and will probably go to see it at a weird time...like 10am.

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My girlfriend and I were super giddy to see it on opening night too, but now I'm really paranoid about going.

Not because of the film, but because of the audience. When I went to see the first film, it was in a small, art house theater. Not only is it relatively off most people's radars but it's positioned to that is has absolutely ZERO phone signal. It's awesome.

There were about six people in the theater and, halfway through the film a girl seated to the right of me starts laughing. Nay, cackling. LOUDLY.

Getting mildly irritated I turned towards her, only to find everyone else looking at her as well. She turned her head to each of us and yelled, "I'm sorry! I don't even know how to stop. This is FUCKING AWESOME!" Basically, she was in hysterics because of the movie! We all gave her a massive "WOO!" in support and continued watching.

If it gets a wide release, I'm worried the theater will be filled with young dickheads, high on their own masculinity.

I want a crowd that will enjoy the film for what it is and not just a bunch of idiots hopping on the bandwagon, you know? Maybe I'm just being pessimistic, but I'll definitely been looking for a small, quiet theater and will probably go to see it at a weird time...like 10am.

It's because you are a film snob, lol. It's okay, I'm one too.:tongue: and reasons why I rarely go to the cinema lately is because I don't want to get murdered or have it ruined by the general public. But say what you will about the general public I will risk my own life to see the Raid 2 in theaters.

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My girlfriend and I were super giddy to see it on opening night too, but now I'm really paranoid about going.

Not because of the film, but because of the audience. When I went to see the first film, it was in a small, art house theater. Not only is it relatively off most people's radars but it's positioned to that is has absolutely ZERO phone signal. It's awesome.

There were about six people in the theater and, halfway through the film a girl seated to the right of me starts laughing. Nay, cackling. LOUDLY.

Getting mildly irritated I turned towards her, only to find everyone else looking at her as well. She turned her head to each of us and yelled, "I'm sorry! I don't even know how to stop. This is FUCKING AWESOME!" Basically, she was in hysterics because of the movie! We all gave her a massive "WOO!" in support and continued watching.

If it gets a wide release, I'm worried the theater will be filled with young dickheads, high on their own masculinity.

I want a crowd that will enjoy the film for what it is and not just a bunch of idiots hopping on the bandwagon, you know? Maybe I'm just being pessimistic, but I'll definitely been looking for a small, quiet theater and will probably go to see it at a weird time...like 10am.

Well, you're not alone. The same thing's crossed my mind. I wouldn't mind a crowd that was looking to have fun, but there's a line. Like you said, I'd rather not watch it with a bunch of dudes who are more into themselves than the movie. That's why I don't go to the movies as often as I used to. My generation's screwed the whole thing up. Who pays 10 bucks for a ticket just to talk the entire time? You can do that at home for free.

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My girlfriend and I were super giddy to see it on opening night too, but now I'm really paranoid about going.

Not because of the film, but because of the audience. When I went to see the first film, it was in a small, art house theater. Not only is it relatively off most people's radars but it's positioned to that is has absolutely ZERO phone signal. It's awesome.

When I read that last sentence I actually gasped in excitement. LOL That's a sad testament to how the whole experience has changed over the years for me (and many others).

It may seem unbelievable to some of the younger members, but "typical" when I was growing up, was that no one spoke during an entire movie. Everyone knew that they wouldn't cease to exist if they were just quiet for two hours. Maybe 1 in 15 movies there would be one idiot talking, and after a few occurrences several people would shush him. He'd usually grumble, then shut up. Around the mid eighties is when it really picked up. But now? :tinysmile_angry2_t:

If it gets a wide release, I'm worried the theater will be filled with young dickheads, high on their own masculinity.

I hear you bro.

I want a crowd that will enjoy the film for what it is and not just a bunch of idiots hopping on the bandwagon, you know? Maybe I'm just being pessimistic, but I'll definitely been looking for a small, quiet theater and will probably go to see it at a weird time...like 10am.

My son and I either go on opening day, early- 1st show. Or we wait weeks into a film's run until the theater is nearly empty- still got to be the earliest show. Usually this works best. though not always. And recently it's a lot of older, should-definitely-know-better-than-to-be-so-rude people talking and texting too.

When we went to see GRAVITY there were only about five completely silent people in the theater. Two minutes before the trailers started five old, rowdy dudes came in and sat behind us. I could tell by how loud they were, and their insistence on joking with everyone around them, that they must have been the life of the party in their little world (at some deli, barber-shop, or bowling alley). I turned to my son and quietly said "Let's just move now, before the film starts." and he immediately nodded and got up. As we moved they made comments of course "Ohhhhh.... excuse me! Looks like we were bothering someone! Ha ha ha." :tinysmile_angry2_t: Grown men. A decade or two ago I'd have gone insane. LOL But we just ignored them. Babies- no matter 2 years old or 60- cry for attention. We were able to move far enough away that they weren't as annoying, but they talked loudly the entire time- during a very quiet film that we should've been able to get lost in. In situations like that you have to think- no matter how annoyed you are- just how fucking lucky you are to be sitting in a theater of entertainment at all, when people are out there with no eyes, no homes, no food, etc. Still, despite having the mental capacity to reason, and use logic, and have empathy for other living creatures... I wish it was legal for me to club them into unconsciousness. :angel:

It's okay, I'm one too.:tongue: and reasons why I rarely go to the cinema lately is because I don't want to get murdered or have it ruined by the general public. But say what you will about the general public I will risk my own life to see the Raid 2 in theaters.

Yes, for THE RAID 2 we will risk sitting next to the jabbering, thoughtless, texting imbeciles! :neutral:

Well, you're not alone. The same thing's crossed my mind. I wouldn't mind a crowd that was looking to have fun, but there's a line. Like you said, I'd rather not watch it with a bunch of dudes who are more into themselves than the movie.

You nailed it bro! The problem now days is that everyone is used to being heard all the time, and they think that what they have to say is worth hearing. News flash: SHUT YOUR FLAP-TRAPS MORONS! No one cares. They just pretend to care so that you'll listen to their nonsense! If Charlie Sheen was an adult in 1970, he would have talked the same shit that he does endlessly these days on Twitter, about three or four times in real life before he got the beating his Daddy should gave him. Then after he had some false teeth made, he probably would've been less vocal and more selective about who he talked out his ass to. :neutral:

That's why I don't go to the movies as often as I used to. My generation's screwed the whole thing up. Who pays 10 bucks for a ticket just to talk the entire time? You can do that at home for free.

Halleluiah! You're are preaching to the choir, and I am feeling your gospel brother. :wink:

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Yep, that's what Fandango's saying. Sucks we have to wait a couple more weeks, but at least we know now that we'll ALL get to see this sucker at the same time somewhere near home.

You nailed it bro! The problem now days is that everyone is used to being heard all the time, and they think that what they have to say is worth hearing. News flash: SHUT YOUR FLAP-TRAPS MORONS! No one cares. They just pretend to care so that you'll listen to their nonsense! If Charlie Sheen was an adult in 1970, he would have talked the same shit that he does endlessly these days on Twitter, about three or four times in real life before he got the beating his Daddy should gave him. Then after he had some false teeth made, he probably would've been less vocal and more selective about who he talked out his ass to. :neutral:

The only other person I've ever heard say that is me. :bigsmile: You're completely right. I'm 25, I hate twitter, didn't find out what the hell "hashtag" meant until about a year ago. I'm never on Facebook. It's just people advertising themselves, giving others "likes" and comments, not because they care, but because they expect the same in return. It's like currency. People want to be seen and heard and they don't understand that, sadly, not everyone is special. Hell, most people aren't really even interesting at all. ESPECIALLY people my age. Not a single interesting idea in their cotton candy heads. When I was a kid, I'd go to the movies with the family, and every one was quiet. Absolute silence, because it was Saturday afternoon, opening weekend, and we paid good money to see Johnny Rico kill some bugs. We didn't talk, because people used to go to the movies to watch movies. Facebook and Twitter have made everyone feel special and that crap's gone and spilled into the real world. You're absolutely right, no one cares. I'm here to see a movie.

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Totally with you guys on this!!! I can't think of anything more boring than Twitter and Facebook has given nonentities a platform to act like they're significant with all the pointless status updates and boring photos. Years ago if somebody pulled out an album of holiday snaps you'd roll your eyes and try to think of an excuse to get away, now this shit is celebrated!! As for talking in cinemas,why do these idiots even go? Why would you pay to watch a movie and then drown it out with the sound of your own voice (as well as obviously ruin it for everybody else too).:sad:

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Totally with you guys on this!!! I can't think of anything more boring than Twitter and Facebook has given nonentities a platform to act like they're significant with all the pointless status updates and boring photos. Years ago if somebody pulled out an album of holiday snaps you'd roll your eyes and try to think of an excuse to get away, now this shit is celebrated!! As for talking in cinemas,why do these idiots even go? Why would you pay to watch a movie and then drown it out with the sound of your own voice (as well as obviously ruin it for everybody else too).:sad:

Same as the answer to "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?" - The world may never know.

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Facebook and twitter are a goldmine for entrepreneurs and nosy people! Media - journalists and paparazzis hate it because there is no middle man. Who needs to pay a photographer when anyone can post their selfie whenever and however they want?

Facebook and Twitter of course has it's advantages. It's current and up to date. Gareth Evans, for example, has used it successfully to promote his movies with production stills and trailer updates.

Facebook will be dead in a few years - more than half it's users onto the next thing - by 2018.

BTW, has there been any official trailer - in theaters - for the Raid 2? Or has it all been on the internet?

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Facebook and twitter are a goldmine for entrepreneurs and nosy people! Media - journalists and paparazzis hate it because there is no middle man. Who needs to pay a photographer when anyone can post their selfie whenever and however they want?

Facebook and Twitter of course has it's advantages. It's current and up to date. Gareth Evans, for example, has used it successfully to promote his movies with production stills and trailer updates.

Facebook will be dead in a few years - more than half it's users onto the next thing - by 2018.

BTW, has there been any official trailer - in theaters - for the Raid 2? Or has it all been on the internet?

I haven't seen one. But then again, I haven't been to the movies much lately. :wink:

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Trailers for Sony Pictures Classics films tend to only play in front of other SPC films or in arthouses in general. I remember seeing a trailer for another SPC release, The Intouchables, play in front of The Raid.

However, I *did* see TV spots for the original Raid two years ago late at night on Adult Swim, so that's a possibility for the sequel, at least :tongue:

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Trailers for Sony Pictures Classics films tend to only play in front of other SPC films or in arthouses in general.

Oh, that's probably why.


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There's probably going to be a second wave of reviews tomorrow, as this will be playing at the SXSW film festival tonight. No idea if it'll be the same cut as the Sundance version (extra frames of violence, not quite complete sound mix), or if it is the final US cut.

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There's probably going to be a second wave of reviews tomorrow, as this will be playing at the SXSW film festival tonight. No idea if it'll be the same cut as the Sundance version (extra frames of violence, not quite complete sound mix), or if it is the final US cut.

Which is why I won't be sleeping tonight. I will be on twitter and facebook like a muthafucker and you know you're obsessed with a certain film when you're waiting for word of mouth from people attending SXSW.

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