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The Raid 2: Berandal (2014)


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sifu iron perm
I will go on record to say I will challenge anyone who disapproves this movie. Whether by verbal or face to face. Try me, I dare you!

a blind person?


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sifu iron perm
maybe not, lol but yeah bout to see it for a 2nd time!!!

nice. Btw did you get the escalator scene (shown in trailer) ?

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OpiumKungFuCracker: I said a few of the Characters like Bejo and a few others, Hammer Girl and BB Dude were awesome! Some of the character were to stale. The Villains were all top notch.

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sifu iron perm
I didn't, I love that Japanese actor too.

cool. Yes the japanese bits was like watching a Kitano flick.

the film itself was a big massive homage to asian cinema..wonderful.

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Where I live it's barely getting shown at the (4!) cinemas the city has, which is insane but sadly par for the course for a film that's "in foreign and with writing". :squigglemouth:

BUT have managed to sort out a showing for tomorrow.

Obviously, the raves on here and elsewhere have got me counting the hours down... :tongue:

Can't wait to hear what you think! :smile:

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OpiumKungFuCracker: I said a few of the Characters like Bejo and a few others, Hammer Girl and BB Dude were awesome! Some of the character were to stale. The Villains were all top notch.

My fault for interpreting it wrong. I respect your opinion bro.

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I didn't, I love that Japanese actor too.

cool. Yes the japanese bits was like watching a Kitano flick.

the film itself was a big massive homage to asian cinema..wonderful.

Yeah, they were great with little screen time given. I was really fascinated by Uco's dad, I thought he was really good. Does anyone know anymore info on this Indonesian actor?

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One Armed Boxer
Not enough Yayan Ruhian. I was disappointed that he wasn't featured more. But I think he was also working on The Night Comes For Us with Joe Taslim at the time. If so, that's forgivable, but I was really looking forward to seeing him throwdown more.

Hey ShaOW!linDude....glad to hear you enjoyed the movie! Regarding Yayan Ruhian, Evans actually discussed this point in a recent interview (quote contains spoilers) -

And the thing about Prakoso and Yayan coming back to play all these roles in the films - well, this is a spoiler - Yayan, I just think he's really good at dying in my movies. It's been three times in a row, now. But to be honest, he such a huge talent, he's got such a huge skill set about him; it's kind of like this, whenever I write the film, I feel compelled to direct it. When he designs choreography, I guess he must have that feeling of being compelled to perform it. Some part of that performance must be his. If I didn't cast him at all, and I had him just as a choreographer, I'd feel like I would be not only wasting his time in that he didn't get to perform in the film, but also denying myself of being able to use one of the most talented fighters that we've got here. So for me, it's a no-brainer. It's like, yeah, okay, he does look similar. No matter how much we try to change his appearance, he still looks similar. But you know what, his performance is like a 180 on Mad Dog - totally different, this performance.

Not only that, I think having him in the movie as a character with significant screen time would further confound the confusion of some who are under the impression that he's playing the same character as the original. In this thread alone there are already 2 members who have referenced him as Mad Dog, unaware that he's a completely different character.

I think Cecep Arif Rahman more than made for a worthy final opponent though, both screenings I've attended had his fight with Iko draw rounds of applause from the audience.

Yes the japanese bits was like watching a Kitano flick.

the film itself was a big massive homage to asian cinema..wonderful.

Agreed, and did anyone else feel like the Bejo character was a nod to the style of Joe Shishido in the Nikkatsu gangster movies like 'Branded to Kill'?

I was really fascinated by Uco's dad, I thought he was really good. Does anyone know anymore info on this Indonesian actor?

The actor is Tio Pakusodewo, and he's been acting in the local Indonesian movie scene for over 25 years.

Most recently you can watch him in the action movie 'Guradian', starring alongside 'Final Destination 2' actress Sarah Carter. There's an existing thread with a link to the trailer here -


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Meeting up with my dad tomorrow to get my second viewing in! He loves the first one, and I'm sure he'll get a kick out of this one :xd:

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Ucok has very good stage presence, sexy as hell and at times reminded me of brandon lee.

Him and his father did an amazing job in the acting department. That slapping scene was great.

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sifu iron perm
Him and his father did an amazing job in the acting department. That slapping scene was great.

fully agree!!

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Hey ShaOW!linDude....glad to hear you enjoyed the movie! Regarding Yayan Ruhian, Evans actually discussed this point in a recent interview (quote contains spoilers) -

Not only that, I think having him in the movie as a character with significant screen time would further confound the confusion of some who are under the impression that he's playing the same character as the original. In this thread alone there are already 2 members who have referenced him as Mad Dog, unaware that he's a completely different character.

I think Cecep Arif Rahman more than made for a worthy final opponent though, both screenings I've attended had his fight with Iko draw rounds of applause from the audience.

Yeah, I read that interview. No, I completely understand what Evans is getting at, still I just love seeing Yayan throwdown. How anyone could mistake him for the Mad Dog character is beyond me. And Cecep Arif Rahman was way more than just a worthy final opponent. That was such a good match up. The end fight wasn't one sided. A lot of give and take which escalated in speed and technique. The intensity was like watching a train pick up speed and knowing it's about to run off the rails at any moment.

Uco has very good stage presence, sexy as hell and at times reminded me of brandon lee.

I thought the exact same thing.

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Saw it last night as well, overall it's the most accomplished film to date by Gareth Evans, although I can't quite decide if I like the first Raid better. They're both top notch. The actor playing Uco also reminded me of Brandon Lee! Hammer Girl was awesome! Cecep Arif Rahman was great, although I don't think the final fight quite reached the heights of the Mad Dog one from the original, but it was great nonetheless. Overall, it won't be topped by any other action movie this year. No way. Funniest moment in the theater was about 2-3 minutes into the film, some woman came in to join two guys, and loudly said after glancing at the screen, "what are ya'll watchin', some Spanish shit?" haha very funny. By the way, does anyone know yet what frames were cut to get the R rating?

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Chinatown Kid

Got to see this soon, the first one had frenetic amped up fights with the 2 on 1 against Mad Dog being a highlight. If this sequel can keep up the same or better adrenalin charged action it will be worth it!

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Went the 2nd time, only like 10 people showed up at the screening where I was at, kinda sad really. I'm afraid if Evans do a part 3, it won't get this wide a release like it did here if it's less than stellar at the box office. Then again, I have no idea how promotion and sales work so??

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While I didn't go as gaga over the first one as many critics who'd apparently never seen another martial arts film in their lives did, I enjoyed it well enough. I'll go see this, in spite of my serious doubts about the 2.5 hour runtime. I'm blown away that a subtitled movie is playing at my local AMC in the heart of the suburbs. I'll see it for that alone, even though I shouldn't because of the R-rating censorship.

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The Amazing Psycho Per

Finally got to see this today.I managed to go in pretty fresh as I only had seen the first teaser trailer that came out some time ago. I purposefuly avoided being spoiled by any critic or too revealing trailers. The first thing that jumps at me is how violent it is! I mean, the fist one was pretty harsh and bloody, but this one takes it to a pretty extreme level. In fact, everything is pretty much cranked up a notch... for better or worse. The better is that there is more of everything, more fights, more stunts, more blood, more colorful bad guys.The car chase scene is awesome, Hammer gril is awesome (I think I'm in love), the final fight is awesome, in short, the whole movie is pretty much awesome. You could hear people in the theater loudly react (a rare thing over here) to the many hard hitting, bone crunshing, gut wrenching moments. The whole thing is pretty much wall to wall action.

But... The worse, is that ther is SO much violence played for shock value that I can't help to wonder if there is not too much... I mean after a while it just kinda started to loose it's edge. The camera work, mostly great, is also a tad too frenetic at time to the point of being a little dizzying. I was at time yelling in my head "Hold the fuching camera still for a second!" It also bugged me a little how late in the game and underused the trio of Hammer girl, Baseball bat man and Cecep Arif Rahman are brought in. This leads to hardly any build up to their confrontation with Rama and I actually had forgotten Hammer girl was in the movie until she finally showed up. But most of all, the worse is also at the same time a quality and a double edged sword as to it is so intense and over the top violent, where do you take it from there?

That being said, I can't hold it against a movie for setting the bar too high and no one here should even hesitate watching this as it's prety safe to say that we already have a winner for 2014. Heck, I can't think of a HK modern movie that can beat it. No doubt that we have a classic of the genre in our hands here.

at times reminded me of brandon lee.

He actually reminded me of Tak Sakaguchi

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I'll see it for that alone, even though I shouldn't because of the R-rating censorship.

To be fair, it was only cut by "frames", as Gareth Evans himself put it.

Also, second viewing today, and it held up! The final fight still left me shaken up, despite knowing what happens :tongue:

Going for viewing number three on Wednesday with some friends and my gf... it'll be interesting to see how she reacts, but I told her she'd probably find Uco hot :wink:

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Caught it yesterday – liked it a lot but, for me, it’s not as good as the first one.

This one at times felt flabby and indulgent. Hammer Girl and Bat Boy? Seemed like they’d been ported over from another film. Again, same with Mad Dog/whatever he’s called in this one. Nice to see him but he was extraneous (not to mention his sort of character has been done before in other films).

Maybe that shouldn’t matter, of course. Maybe I should just enjoy the well choreographed fights; but they didn’t feel organic this time around – they felt shoe-horned in.

The main villain – nice to see Dr Strangelove again but he poorly done. The plot itself wasn’t interesting to me, either.

Don’t get me wrong this is a very well made, entertaining fight film and one I’m sure I will watch again and again (with my finger on the FF button), but I missed the leanness, the single-mindedness of part 1.

Or maybe I’m just in a bad mood :tongue:

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