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Karate Kid (2010)


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Guest Yi-Long
I guess they just thought the other ending was better. Here's the deleted fight:


Decent fightscene but kinda ruined by the camera being a little bit too close and spastic, as well as too many cuts at times.

Not as bad as the Bourne flicks or Quantum of Solace, but not very good either...

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I definitely think there should have been a fight scene with Jackie and the Teacher but a little better on the choreographing.

Absolutely. This was pretty good, had real potential at times to be great but fell back due to that terrible editing again. Shades of old Jackie with the bench. Other than the mother decking Yu (typical Hollywood stupidity), I think this would have been a better ending.

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Well, I'll keep it unanimous that the camera work and editing just weren't working.

I agree that there should've been an end fight with Jackie and Yu in the film. I'm glad it wasn't this one. Honestly I wish it would've had more of an old school feel with shapes than JC resorting to his fight/run/fight repertoire. It would've been so cool to see him alternate styles on Yu: a little Wing Chun, some drunken style, some tiger or crane style, etc. As soon as Yu adapted, JC could've segued into some monkey style, ba gua, tai chi, etc. Okay, I'm giving myself a buzz thinking about it.

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Maybe worth a rental.

Judging from few clips...not worth the effort.I`m pretty sure not worth watching even for free.Easy for me to skip as I am not huge fan on Mr.Chan and he has not made decent movie for very long time:khi4b:

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I could care less about this movie, though the Rongguang Yu fight is ok. but it pisses me off about this “exclusive to Blu Ray” crap that has been going on with releases recently. They better stop this.

That's the only fight i truly liked out of all the action in the film. Jackie did an impressive job as Mr Han and Jaden was tolerable enough that i didn't picture myself smacking him upside the head as i would Ralph Macchio who i found anoying to a curtain degree, im not a Will Smith to be honest i didn't see for the Smiths i saw because of Jackie but i dont like is the title which threw me off i prefer it to be called the Kung Fu Kid than Karate Kid. I'm happy Jackie showed America that he can find sucess away from Rush Hour and that little Bastard Bret Ratner i hate that guy with a passion he's so anoying makes me want to go all Vegeta on him such a tool to me, now regrading the kick Jaden did ill admit it did look fake to me i didn't feel it should'ev been in there at all period overall Jaden was decent if it's true that he still trains then maybe he might become even better in Part 2.

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I've avoided watching the movie as I'm a big fan of the original trilogy. Then again, apart from the title there is no connection. In my opinion Jaden Smith is far too young for the role. I think Never Back Down shares some of the spirit of the original movies.

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Like I said I did enjoy this movie, it was a lot better than I thougjht it was going to be except for the title, he didn't learn Karate he learned Kung-Fu!

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I've avoided watching the movie as I'm a big fan of the original trilogy. Then again, apart from the title there is no connection. In my opinion Jaden Smith is far too young for the role. I think Never Back Down shares some of the spirit of the original movies.

I agree with you there Never Back Down did share alot of the spirit of the original Karate Kid flims and Never Back Down is even underrated nobody talks about it much.

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Son Of A Gun
In my opinion Jaden Smith is far too young for the role.

This was one of my main problems with the film. Good little actor but too much attitude and too young for the character he was playing. Great scenery though. :wink: Plus, when watching it, I felt like "I've seen this scenario done before, and better."

The original Karate Kid films are the biz! Forget the dodgy, fake Karate. The chemistry between Ralph and Pat is dynamite. Pat Morita got an Oscar nod for his performance if I remember correctly. The music by Bill Conti, you can't beat it!

Hi Res production stills. Some of them show the beautiful China landscapes.


th_Karate_Kid_Intl_DF-28491.jpg Before 'wire removal'
















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I guess they just thought the other ending was better. Here's the deleted fight:


Just watched this for the first time.

IMO this SO should have been left in. It makes a lot more sense for why the students acted the way they did at the end (gratitude, etc.).

I enjoyed it a LOT more than I thought I would going in. Does it have issues, of course (as does the original...nostalgia can be a bitch). This falls in the "Forbidden Kingdom" for me...good for what it is, and it's intended market (families/kids/etc).

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I agree with you there Never Back Down did share alot of the spirit of the original Karate Kid flims and Never Back Down is even underrated nobody talks about it much.

Never Back Down is a very good film in my opinion and the plot is engaging. I also think the fights are well choreographed/edited. I agree that it's underrated.

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They should have got Jet Li for this because then he would enlivened it with his Buddhist philosophy.

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