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Karate Kid (2010)


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Huh, forgot about those pictures of Chan fighting Yu. If anything, it probably is reminiscent of how the ending for the original Karate Kid went on well past Mr. Miyagi smiling and went into the parking lot where Kreese tries to fight Miyagi, only to break two car windows and bloody his knuckles. Of course, this footage was cut and used at the beginning of Part II instead. I'm hoping the footage of the Chan/Yu fight makes it somewhere, whether it's in an extended cut, deleted scenes, or at the beginning of the next film.

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Guest Yi-Long
Yi Long, what do you mean "Numskull"?

It was an 'ode' to a former member

Dude, just ordered Happy Together on Blu-ray. See how much Karate Kid screwed me up? Now I'm going back to the motherland of movies...

Never seen Happy Together, hopefully it's good.

It's great, but like most WKW movies, the greatness only really reveals itself after multiple viewings. Not sure if you will like it, or think it's pretentious shite, but personally I feel it's great.

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OK I just got back from seeing this movie tonight, and from all the negative feedback that this movie got I really was disappointed before I even sat down to watch the movie! Now with that said, I thought this movie was Great, yes it did have a lot of the elements of the original movie but much, much better. True Jaden was a little small compared to the other Kids in the movie but you wanted him to Kick there Asses that much more! My only gripe was that the fight scenes at the end in the tournament some of them were to shaky and you couldn't really see them that good! Jackie played a great part as Mr. Han, and when he was talking about his family that was a very emotional and deep part of the movie. But overall I thought it was better than the original!


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bamboo spear

Yeah it was better than I thought it would be. I think Jackie Chan surprised a lot of people who thought he was just "choppy-socky", and don't know his full range. Jaden wasn't as annoying as I thought he would be, but he IS starting to both look and act like his old man lol.

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Well, At a recent press conference for the film in Shanghai, Will Smith announced that he has two projects lined up to be filmed in China and both are involving Jackie Chan again. I'm guessing one of those films will be Karate Kid Part II since they did announce that the sequel is already in the developmental stages.

Here's the Will Smith announcement on JC's site


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I saw a Behind the Scenes of this...doesn't look like my kind of movie, but I did notice they went to Mt. Wudan and some wushu academies, I thought that was a nice touch.

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I saw it last week - what can I say, it's different from the original, and I think it should have been named The wu shu kid :)

Overall it has some good training scenes, decent preformances (both Jackie and Jaden), a touch of drama, a bit of love and a few spots of humour :)

Nice to see Jackie as teacher again, although quite diverse from the one portrayed in The Forbidden Kingdom. The fight scenes were fast enough for a USA production (do they had to speed them up on some ocassions?), however the part on the Great Wall was kinda out of place with the whole feel of the training.

But it is a small complain. Not a masterpiece, but solid entertainment and good 140 minutes.


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I laughed when I first heard this was being remade. Hollywood is doing so poorly financially, and so desperate for anything that won't lose them money, that they're not just re-making good movies, but bad, dated, crappy ones, too.

The original "Karate Kid" in 1984 was a lousy film. Painfully silly, pathetic, with awful performances and fight scenes; I gave it a 4/10 just for the unintentional hilarity. It symbolized 1980's cheese very well, but wasn't nearly as entertaining as the "American Ninja" series, for instance. Basically, it was a cartoon for children packaged as a live action "coming of age" story.

The new one is hilarious; a black kid gets bullied by Asians?! Wow. A story that was cheesy and dumb when it came out in 25 plus years ago taken seriously?

I think giving a film like this a 2/10 is being generous, really.

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I saw this film yesterday. Not groundbreaking but enjoyable for what it was. I was expecting they might stretch out the story with unnecessary humour or other filler but it was fairly straight and to the point for the most part. Jaden did well but moreso I hope this film will demonstrate Jackie's acting abilities to the Hollywood film audience and get him better roles there.

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I had no interest in watching this until I happened to meet a guy that did some stunt work for this movie. I've never met anyone who was even remotely famous, so I thought it would be pretty cool to spot somebody I knew in a movie. Now that it's available though, I've returned to having no interest again, and that's even after this film got some okay reviews.

Also, the stuntman I met seemed closer to 30 than 20. And isn't it all kids in this other than Jackie Chan? He seemed like a normal-sized Chinese guy, certainly not as diminutive as a 10-year-old boy. :ooh: Oh well.

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My 10-year-old nephew has been wanting to see this so I took him last night. He really liked it, was on the edge of his seat for the finale. Definitely seemed a little bored during the filler parts though, and there were a lot of them -- the film is just too long. Anything over two hours is pushing it when a significant portion of your audience is children (but to be fair, so was the original at 126 minutes)

Beyond that I found it enjoyable too for the most part. I thought Jackie did a great job and Jaden was tolerable. This is from someone who loves classic Jackie but has more or less avoided his recent work.

Yes it's annoying that it's Will Smith's kid, yes the shaky cam was awful and yes the final kick was horrendously fake -- but they didn't make the movie for us, they made it for a general audience who doesn't really care about stuff like that.

That said, I took the opportunity to show him some highlights from Police Story, Armor of God and Project A, and now he's really hooked.

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I saw this film a couple weeks ago. And the other night I saw the original 1984 version for the first time! Yep I didn't grow up loving the original like so many people here did. So I am comparing the two without the sentimental value people usually give the first.

I liked this new one. It had good acting, great cinemotography, and it didn't have annoying 80's music playing throughout the ENTIRE FILM like the original did. I mean I couldn't tell if I was watching an old music video or not. It's distracting to say the least. The new film did not have hokey distractions. Well, you could say the romantic subplot could qualify.

The pacing of the first film is perfect. Everything about it is (Daniel never really becomes an "expert") believable (sorta like the 1st Rocky). Ralph's acting is much better. You can tell what's going on during the fights. The story is ORIGINAL

Yeah you could tell what was going on, fake fights with people missing each other badly. Come on, when comparing the fights it's no contest, the new film has way more exciting fights. True, a couple bouts at the kung fu tournament were choppily edited. But other than that, I loved how the camera moved around the fighters, zooming in and out, it all worked for me. This film was firing on all cylinders by the end.

Sure, there are a couple of "disappearing" character/plot threads (What happened to the blonde kid?

Ah, but the same thing happened in the original film I noticed. The 'welcome here' friend dissapears after Ralph's first go with the bad kid on the beach. Oh and speaking of which, was anyone else thinking William Zabka looks like Malfoy with Donald Trump hair?

In fairness to the original though, it was ORIGINAL. It had good acting and chemistry between the characters, a better director, and Elisabeth Shue. But this new one is solid too. No soul??? I don't agree with that. This film has a solid build up to the tournament and a great pay off. It's slow in the first half, but picks up real quick. You don't even notice how long it has been by the end. Jackie is solid. This film will open up doors for him.

Avatar. Karate Kid Remake. Armageddon. Transformers I and II

Fair, good, good (in high school when I saw it last), pretty good, and BAD.

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Karate Kid (2010) DVD9 and DVD5 (China Release)

This film is a Sino-Foreign co-production. In this kind of projects, the foreign party normally does not hold the product rights in mainland China. Just like The Painted Veil, Lust Caution. Official DVDs were released in China by the Chinese party and the release date often ahead of foreign markets.

Ref: China Film groups


Specification of the DVD9 edition:

Region 0 / PAL format

Soundtracks: English DTS 5.1ch, English DD 5.1ch, English DD 2.0ch

(All soundtracks partially in Mandarin)

Subtitles: Simplified Chinese, Off

Dual-layered SS diec (7.79 GB)

Runtime 2 hour 07 min 16 sec


Extras: 10 min approx.

Distributor: Dejin Cuture


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Karate Kid (2010) BD25 - China Release specification:

Region Free / MPEG-4 AVC

English True HD5.1 and English DD 5.1

Subtitles: English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese

Runtime: 2 hr 12 min 34 sec

Extras: Opening Ceremony (19:31) and Theatrical trailer (2:32)

Distributor: HEC Hua Lu





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I saw this recently and it wasn't a bad film as long as you don't have any expectations about great martial-arts sequences. I enjoyed this in the same way I would enjoy watching the original karate Kid films. Although the fight scenes are better in the newer version. I liked Jackie playing the equivalent Mr Myagi character and Will Smith's kid was very good in the role. I felt this update of the karate Kid had a nice innocence about it and is very much a film you could chill-out to on a Sunday afternoon.

I still think it's a stupid name but the film is worth renting when it comes out on DVD, not really a keeper.

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Me and the Mrs. went and saw this on a date night for our anniversary(there wasn't anything else out that really appealed to us). We were really surprised and enjoyed the movie alot. My only qualm was that Jackie didn't mix it up with the other teacher(well, that and the title, I mean come on, call it what it is ---- kung fu). Would've loved that. I thought Jaden showed real promise both as an actor and martial artist. Yes, there were some gaffs such as the kick at the end. Yeah, that was kind of off the chain.

I saw the original Karate Kid in the 80's. I loved the story, Pat Morita, and the action. I absolutely detested Ralph Machio in that role. As an actor? Fine. As a martial artist? Awful. He just didn't sell it and I certainly didn't buy it. (Hey, I was a MA snob even way back then.)

I was honestly thrilled to learn that JC was in a remake of this. I'm looking forward to the sequel personally with great expectation from him and Jaden as well. I thought they had a good rapport and dialogue. I loved the bit with the coat. And consider the fact that this is the kid's first action role(and with JC so let's just all admit we're jealous). He'll get a few years of more training before they make the next one probably. We should see more out of him then and I think we will.

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The original was better. The kid in the remake is not a great actor or fighter. It's just laughable that he kicked the butts of kids who've been at it for years. If he was really good...a prodigy, it would make sense, but he was horrible.

Saw it in the theaters. Most likely rent it for a buck, but not worth watching at the theater. Not a bad movie, but not something that goes into the collection.

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Saw the ads for the DVD and Blu-Ray release and I think the Blu-Ray will have the fight scene between Jackie and Yu Rong Guang that was deleted from the theatrical release.

If anyone can confirm whether both do let us know :)

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Saw the ads for the DVD and Blu-Ray release and I think the Blu-Ray will have the fight scene between Jackie and Yu Rong Guang that was deleted from the theatrical release.

If anyone can confirm whether both do let us know :)

Yeah i wanna see that! ..

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Morgoth Bauglir


I could care less about this movie, though the Rongguang Yu fight is ok. but it pisses me off about this “exclusive to Blu Ray” crap that has been going on with releases recently. They better stop this.

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Caught this on Netflix instant watch last night. I wasn't expecting much, it was tolerable until the tournament started. Jackie was very good, Jaden was ok, but he basically is copying all his dad's mannerisms (maybe that's just him being his son? :tongue:) The rival kid was awesome and the love interest was blah - didn't really get it.

1) I don't know what happened to the film when the tournament started. The filming was horrendous and the choreography non-existent as a result. It was like they tried to turn it into a video game with the replays on the screen and the brackets. It was absolutely ridiculous. Plus, the amount of cheap shots that Yu Rong-Guang's kids gave out made it implausible later that the judges would finally take offense to it and disqualify the semi-finalist. The final exchange? It's not even worth trying to explain how lame that was.

2) I'm not claiming to be an expert, far from it, but I have been practicing kung fu for 5 years now. Other than a couple things, I didn't see any kung fu training going on. I don't know what style Jackie was trying to teach him, it just looked like stretching and strength training. And for the kid to bust out something like a reverse Guile flash kick at the end was laughable.

3) Not having Jackie fight Yu at the end is an obvious set-up for a sequel, just like the original version.

4) The trip to Wudan was pretty cool, but I'm 99% sure that is not Michelle Yeoh with the cobra. I saw that in another thread... there's no way it's her.

Maybe I was expecting too much, but when 50% of the credits included pictures of Will and Jada-Pinkett Smith, it was pretty obvious how this movie got made and a sequel is on its way.

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Not having Jackie fight Yu at the end is an obvious set-up for a sequel, just like the original version.

Actually they did film a fight scene but it got deleted from the final version. It's on the Bluray though as an extra :smile:

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Actually they did film a fight scene but it got deleted from the final version. It's on the Bluray though as an extra :smile:

I have a feeling it will be the opening of the sequel. I haven't seen the fight yet, is it quality or cut for that reason?

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