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Mystery Science Theater 3000

Morgoth Bauglir

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Godzilla/Gamera eps.

The Movie..still LMAO whenever I watch it

There's very few I actually DON'T like lol

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Fang Shih-yu

Godzilla/Gamera eps.

The Movie..still LMAO whenever I watch it

There's very few I actually DON'T like lol

Good choices!:bigsmile: Which "Godzilla" episode had the comedy bit Rex Dark: Eskimo Spy?:ooh:

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I've got one MST3K 4 dvd pack:

Girl With Golden Boots

Space Mutiny

Overdrawn at the Memory Bank


Space Mutiny is my favourite of them, never fails to raise a chuckle.

Wouldn't mind getting a few others but I don't think they're easy to get hold of in the UK, my DVD is an American region one.

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Good choices!:bigsmile: Which "Godzilla" episode had the comedy bit Rex Dark: Eskimo Spy?:ooh:

Dear Brother

Godzilla vs. Megalon has Rex Dart. Rex Dart is Eskimo Spy.

Ahhh, The Movie. More laughs per minute than is humanly possible.

Devil Doll - I love Devil Doll! "You think he likes ham? Wait to you see me like ham."


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Good choices!:bigsmile: Which "Godzilla" episode had the comedy bit Rex Dark: Eskimo Spy?:ooh:

Godzilla vs Megalon

This title is still not (offically) available in the US and the DVD release of the mst3k ep was recalled after it was released. So copies are out there but hard to find.

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Godzilla vs Megalon

This title is still not (offically) available in the US and the DVD release of the mst3k ep was recalled after it was released. So copies are out there but hard to find.

Wouldn't mind watching them, youtube had a load of episodes on last year but they all got culled. Might have a MST3K hunt early next year and grab a load of dvds

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Thanks Inframan for that siting!

And it's true! Hulu.com has seven episodes of MST3K!

Ring of Terror

The Giant Gila Monster

Monster A Go-Go

Secret Agent, Super Dragon

The Starfighters

The Rebel Set

The Horrors of Spider Island


Hulu.com also has three FILM CREW (Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett in their pre Rifftrax work) episodes including Hollywood After Dark with Rue McClanahan.


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MST3K, a 2 hour long TV show, and yet at the end of every episode, I wish it would go on just a little bit longer. I used to stay home sick from school to watch it. It's a show I can never get tired of.

So what is your favorite episode(s)? Surely it has to be Manos right?!?!

Here's some other favs-

Warrior of the Lost World- with that Paper Chase guy.

Black Scorpion- the way they clap every time the doctors introduce themselves gets me to burst out laughing every time I watch it.

Santa Claus- a freaky funny Mexican movie about Santa.

Future War- Daniel Bernhardt's best movie, to laugh at.

some one told me it's a great show .


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Fang Shih-yu
The Giant Gila Monster

A real stinker, that one was! When the hero sang that screwy song (see above for part of the lyrics) to his sister (the one who's crippled --"Tugging at the heartstrings! That's not fair!", said Tom Servo), it really ground things to a halt! No wonder the MST3K guys later joked the gila monster saying, "And God said, 'DIE, children, DIE!'":yociexp115:

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"And the lord said - Laugh, children laugh. The lord said laugh, children laugh..."

"I just don't think the lord said it that many times." Crow T. Robot.

And I love -

"He's having a Montclair moment." Crow again.

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Fang Shih-yu
"And the lord said - Laugh, children laugh. The lord said laugh, children laugh..."

"I just don't think the lord said it that many times." Crow T. Robot.

And I love -

"He's having a Montclair moment." Crow again.

Thanks for the clarification about the song, MarsHarmony!... It was also great when Joel and the 'Bots observed how the hero and the sheriff ("Cinch up your own pants, Sheriff!") practiced the "stage direction" of putting up one leg on something for thinking...often!:yociexp115:

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Brother Fang, I was just singing along with you. And don't forget -

"She sings whenever she sings whenever she sings".

I love "cinch up your own pants", so great! Yes, the leg up or knee up position is a staple of modern film making. Love when his French girlfriend catches him doing it, while he is waiting for her - "Did you have your knee up? Aren't I enough for you?"

The dvd has a wonderful interview with Don Sullivan (Chase Winstead), and he speaks quite a bit about the filming of Gila, and how popular MST3K has made him, he is a great sport about the whole thing. Don Sullivan also appears in The Rebel Set.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Giant Gila Monster, wow. The guys always having to have their knee up made it a very unique episode. I don't know why they had to have their knee up, but it made me laugh really hard.

Marsharmony is Godzilla vs Megalon the one where Tom Servo introduces the toy set? That was one of my favorite skits.

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Fang Shih-yu

The Ed Wood movies they attacked were easy targets, but these were done well! The Sinister Urge and The Violent Years stand out because they're not as familiar to everybody as Bride of the Monster or Plan Nine from Outer Space (covered by Rifftrax--twice)!... The earlier-made Racket Girls (with the lady wrestlers, including my fave, "Peaches"!) is especially amazing in that it reminds you of an Ed Wood production, yet it's not one of his! Many great lines on this one, the topper being the remark to [short guy] Joe's line, "Sorry, boss--" Gag line:"I killed that horse again!":tongue:

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Giant Gila Monster, wow. The guys always having to have their knee up made it a very unique episode. I don't know why they had to have their knee up, but it made me laugh really hard.

Marsharmony is Godzilla vs Megalon the one where Tom Servo introduces the toy set? That was one of my favorite skits.

Sounds like the action figure invention exchange, including "Johnny Long Torso" from the 'mads' Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank, with "Action Oxford" from Servo, woodscrew tapeworm human host from Crow and Wilma Rudolph by Gypsy action figures. That would be episode 421 Monster A Go Go, an absolute all time favorite episode, amongst so many many great episodes.

"A woman's purse. Flag on the moon. How did it get there?" :yociexp115:

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Fang Shih-yu

Love the "radio station called 'Frank'" bit, though I can't recall which episode that was on! (Once Dr. Forrester and "TV's Frank" were gone by the Sci Fi Channel era, it wasn't quite the same...excepting Bobo, of course!) @ MarsHarmony: do you have any Rifftrax DVDs?:ooh:

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Dear Brother Fang

That would be episode 610 - The Violent Years with the short Young Man's Fancy. "Turn your crank to Frank!"

I know how hard cast changes can be, but I truly enjoyed the three years on SCIFI as much as any season, and I do adore them all.

I don't have any hard copy dvd's of Rifftrax, but I have plenty downloaded to my computer, including their riff of Casablanca, which remains respectful and it is so dang funny!

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Morgoth Bauglir

Mars I've seen Monster a Go Go. The skit I'm thinking of Tom Servo introduces an army man set. "50 of this, 20 of that". I didn't want to go too in depth explaining it. It's 1000 times funnier watching Tom Servo talk about it.

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Morgoth! I finally found it!

The episode is #304 - Gamera vs. Barugon - with 5,000 piece fighting men and a monster. I always love how Joel appreciates the toys and what not's that Servo and Crow come up with.


Love the guy in Gamera vs. Barugon that goes nuts he's so happy they found the giant gem (which later of course hatches into Barugon), then happy guy is bitten by the scorpion, and the super fight sequence:wink2: later in the film.

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Fang Shih-yu

The Beatniks is another one I think of fairly often! You know we're off on a good start when we see the main title come onscreen and Crow says, "Wow! 'The Boatniks'! Where's Joe Flynn?" Many, many great riffs in this, one of my favorites being the one during an early scene in the soda shop where a certain sign on the wall prompts Joel to remark, "'Dish of ice cream'? Don't tempt me!" Those punks were anything but beatniks, including Peter Breck (you might remember him from The Big Valley TV show), who chews the scenery throughout the picture!:tongue: (His last bit of dialogue near the end did show he could act, however.) What was the name of the "hero", the aspiring singer?:ooh:

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LOVE that one - episode #415 The Beatniks starred Tony Travis as 'Eddy Crane', who said quite often "Shut up Iris, shut up I tell ya" and "Yeah, I decided to be a star."

Peter Breck is great as 'Mooney' - "I'm gonna moon you man" and his great line, "I killed that fat bar keep!" Peter is also in #106 The Crawling Hand. I like when Mooney is off on his walking rant through town and bother's the magazine/news stand and Joel says "The printed word is dead man." And Joel pointing out that "If those guys are beatniks, my mom is a beatnik. And she's not."

And the songs...!

Great stuff.

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Watched a few episodes on you tube last week:


The Final Sacrifice



I think Final sacrifice was the funniest overall but each had quality bits of humour in them.

Couldn't find any godzilla episodes though, might have to torrent them once I upgrade this pc.

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Fang Shih-yu
LOVE that one - episode #415 The Beatniks starred Tony Travis as 'Eddy Crane', who said quite often "Shut up Iris, shut up I tell ya" and "Yeah, I decided to be a star."...And the songs!
That's the name, all right!!:tongue: Can't forget the skit where Tom Servo plays the singer with his own share of ups and downs! Near the end, the destitute Servo sings in the seedy joint, "Leather bar...Slingshot briefs!" in a send up of one of Eddy's songs! Isn't it during a host segment they do the bit where they talk about Crane like he was a teen idol, including Gypsy's line, "I read in Dynamite he liked gum!"?
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Morgoth Bauglir

Thanks Marsharmony!! Gamera vs barugon is one of the few episodes I don't have on DVD. I think youtube has it so I will be watching it again soon!

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