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Mystery Science Theater 3000

Morgoth Bauglir

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Morgoth Bauglir

MST3K, a 2 hour long TV show, and yet at the end of every episode, I wish it would go on just a little bit longer. I used to stay home sick from school to watch it. It's a show I can never get tired of.

So what is your favorite episode(s)? Surely it has to be Manos right?!?!

Here's some other favs-

Warrior of the Lost World- with that Paper Chase guy.

Black Scorpion- the way they clap every time the doctors introduce themselves gets me to burst out laughing every time I watch it.

Santa Claus- a freaky funny Mexican movie about Santa.

Future War- Daniel Bernhardt's best movie, to laugh at.

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Fang Shih-yu

Don't forget the notorious Coleman Francis "trilogy" that is The Skydivers, The Beast of Yucca Flats, and Red Zone Cuba! Now, there's "DEEP HURTING!":tongue:

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There are many I have yet to see but some favorites are Godzilla vs Megalon, Boggy Creek 2, the Final Sacrifice, Mitchell, Final Justice, all the Gamera's, Devil Fish.

I wish they could get the rights to release the Gamera and Godzilla eps on dvd.

There's a local group that does a live MST3K live show similar to MST3K at the Alamo, very funny stuff.

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So many awesome episodes.

I love FUTURE WAR!! Best fugative, futuristic, dinosaur fighting, martial arts movies ever made!!! :tinysmile_angry2_t:

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Bronx Rican

"Manos" is a natural choice, but not for me, because this was a case - and I'm sure all you fans have at least one like this - where the movie was so uncomfortably awful the humor couldn't bring it all the way to great hilarity. I still watch it, but not nearly as much as others. Same goes for "Hobgoblins" to an extent.

My favorites, I have noticed, tend to feature medieval-slash-sword-and-sorcery "epics", which I think may be the easiest thing in the world to screw up, therefore making them the easiest thing to riff on. That includes "Deathstalker", "Outlaw", "Cave Dwellers", "The Undead", all the "Hercules" films, etc. Also, all of season 7 goes in my top ten.

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Fang Shih-yu
"Manos" is a natural choice, but not for me, because this was a case - and I'm sure all you fans have at least one like this - where the movie was so uncomfortably awful the humor couldn't bring it all the way to great hilarity. I still watch it, but not nearly as much as others.

Yes, my brother has issues with Manos for exactly the same reason!:squigglemouth: Depending on your tastes, some movies are easier to warm up to than others! The Girl in Lovers' Lane is a great example of this! With Jack Elam, "Danny" and "Big Stupid", how could the "commentary" for this cheesy movie fail to entertain?

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Santa Claus- a freaky funny Mexican movie about Santa. Anybody know if this movie is available in non MST3K format?

Sure.. If you spent a day going to a couple thrift stores with large video selections you are sure to find it, although sometimes with a slightly different title. I got my VHS back in the early 90s at K Mart! There are also some dollar store DVDs out there, I am certain.

The names involved are Rene Cardona (I have many of his movies, and his son, RC Jr!) and K Gordon Murray. Two names it's tough to go wrong with! That said, don't be surprised if you don't see either name on the packaging . so it goes!

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Morgoth Bauglir

OK I didn’t realize Santa Claus is easily available. I remember looking for it awhile back and had no luck. I guess I didn’t look hard enough. Thanks for the info.

About Manos. It is by far my fav episode. I have shown it to many people, and nobody I’ve shown it to “really” likes it. A few people I have shown it to actually made up an excuse to leave about halfway through. They just can’t make it through the whole episode. I figured for sure if they made it to the intro of Torgo they would be able to get into the episode, but that's when they decided to leave. But that’s the great thing about MST3K. Everyone has their favorite episodes. There’s so many to choose from.

One thing I like about MST3K is that to watch it, you kind of have to be a fan of, well, everything. They reference everything from Sammo Hung to Mark Eaton. Also there's such a wide range of different kinds of (bad) movies. There's something for everyone with this show.

It's too bad they never did any IFD/Asso Asia/Filmark movies. I guess that those movies were a little "too" terrible. Like Laserblast the movie itself would probably end up being funnier than their commentary (my opinion of course!:tongue:)

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Fang Shih-yu

In a related connection, what does anyone here think of the MST3K "revivals" like Rifftrax (online and DVDs), The Film Crew and Cinematic Titanic? I've only gotten some Rifftrax DVDs, myself, and I enjoy those a lot! Thank goodness they are so affordable!

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Morgoth Bauglir

I only have the Hollywood After Dark Filmcrew DVD. Good, but not as good as MST3K.

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Fang Shih-yu
I only have the Hollywood After Dark Filmcrew DVD. Good, but not as good as MST3K.

The one with Rue McClanahan, God rest her soul!:angel: (Interesting how her earlier films weren't even mentioned in more than one obituary I read for her...FOR OBVIOUS REASONS!:tongue:) I have two Rifftrax "shorts" collections, Reefer Madness, and Plan Nine from Outer Space (Mike-only version). All are very good, even the one with Mike solo!:bigsmile: A follow-up reissue of Plan Nine includes Kevin and Bill; I'm guessing Mike did things anew with them, because I cannot imagine somebody would edit in parts of the "old" Mike track with new stuff from the other two!:tongue:

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Morgoth Bauglir

You seem to know a lot about Rue McClanahan:tongue: Is that the lead actress in Hollywood After Dark? I haven't watched the DVD in awhile. I think she is supposed to be good looking in this movie:ooh:

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Fang Shih-yu
You seem to know a lot about Rue McClanahan:tongue:

Sure, and that's by accident!:tongue: Mainly, I watched The Golden Girls for Bea Arthur and her great comic timing!... Rue is in the movie you have, and I know (from, at least, going through the Sinister Cinema catalog) that her early years consisted of some trashy movies, in addition to TV shows. In older pictures I've seen, she looks cute, but she's NO Anne Francis (Honey West TV show, movies)!:kiss: Online at Rifftrax, I see where there's actually a comic soundtrack for Casablanca available!:bigsmile: I'll have to check it out sometime....

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Morgoth Bauglir

Ah, I see, you are a fan of The Golden Girls. I rarely watched that show, but from what I remember, I liked the really old lady the best. The one with the glasses. Estelle Getty I think.

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Fang Shih-yu

Yes, we can't forget her, and let's give the sole survivor of the quartet, Betty White, credit where credit is due!:bigsmile: The show's martial arts movies connections? Quentin Tarantino appeared on an episode as an Elvis ('50s-era) impersonator, and Keye Luke was a guest star, too!

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interesting glasses its an interesting thought, but the stereo-optics bother me seeing as i only have one good eye, however im use to it.... and again gw, i warn you. there are those of us whom slay the Dragonslayers ;-)

Pure Cleanse

Colon CLeanse


anyway, Golden Girls is a true classic for anyone born before 1983. I will never tire of that one.

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Prince of Space

Jack Frost (I think that's the tile...the one with Nastinka)



Pod People

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Morgoth Bauglir

Jack Frost is the title. It is going to be in the next box set from Shout. Those are some great episodes I agree Massa Yoda. Trumpy!!!!!!!:bigsmile:

Yes, we can't forget her, and let's give the sole survivor of the quartet, Betty White, credit where credit is due!:bigsmile: The show's martial arts movies connections? Quentin Tarantino appeared on an episode as an Elvis ('50s-era) impersonator, and Keye Luke was a guest star, too!

Quentin Tarantino in a Golden Girls episode?! Wow.

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Kudo's to Morgoth for starting this thread! Thank you.

With the exception of their first year at KTMA, I have all the episodes of MST3K.

I too, love when they clap at each introduction of the professors in Black Scorpion.

I won't bother to list my favorites, they all are, it would be easier to say that Squirm and Blood Waters of Dr. Z are my least favorites, not because they are not funny, and well done, but they are truly unpleasant movies, and Pod People "Trumpy, you can do stupid things!" is right down there with them, although the song and spoof of the song in Pod People (ninny on the highway burning rubber tires) is extremely entertaining!!! "Good? He's the best!" Huzzah!

I used to show newbies Manos or Red Zone Cuba as a trial run, they either survived and fell in love with the show, or their souls withered before me.

("Other than the fact that I will never again experience joy in my life, I don't think Red Zone Cuba had any kind of negative effect on me". Crow T. Robot. "Yep, even being Carol Channing couldn't shield me from this one." Mike Nelson) ... ah, the Coleman Francis trilogy!



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Fang Shih-yu

I used to show newbies Manos or Red Zone Cuba as a trial run, they either survived and fell in love with the show, or their souls withered before me.

("Other than the fact that I will never again experience joy in my life, I don't think Red Zone Cuba had any kind of negative effect on me". Crow T. Robot. "Yep, even being Carol Channing couldn't shield me from this one." Mike Nelson) ... ah, the Coleman Francis trilogy!

Don't you wish you could fly a plane like Cherokee Jack?:tongue: "I'm...Cherokee Jack!" ranks up there with "WATCH OUT FOR SNAKES!":wink:

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Fang Shih-yu
Rock climbing!

Ohh, man!! If it weren't for Hugh Beaumont in The Lost Continent, I wouldn't have bothered watching it in the first place!... Then, there's Teenage Strangler "...with ACTION HIPS!" Yipes stripes!:tongue:

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Fang Shih-yu

Morgoth.... If you've considered sampling a Rifftrax DVD, I suggest Shorts-tacular Shorts-stravaganza!, a nice collection of 10 short subjects that Mike, Kevin and Bill attack mercilessly! My favorites on this are Know for Sure (about syphilis) and Your Chance to Live: Technological Failures (self-explanatory...or IS it?)! It's readily available (and affordable) at Amazon, last I checked!:16_003:

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Morgoth Bauglir

Thanks for the rec Brother Fang. I'll definitely check it out one day.

Marsharmony I’m glad to see you on this thread! :smile: - I hear you on Blood Water of Dr. Z not being a pleasant movie, at all. I haven’t seen Squirm, but I’ll have to check it out. For some reason I’m attracted to those truly unpleasant type movies.

My least favorite episode is probably Devil Doll, because I thought the movie was actually really good.

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