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Just got off the phone with WellGoUSA-Good News!


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I just got off the phone with WellGoUSA, while discussing my defective disc with them, I also had a chance to discuss many of the issues fans have had with the releases and also pluses.

I have permission to post this from WellGoUSA:

WellGoUSA is hoping to insure that he next slate of Shaw Brothers Blu-rays (none are on the immediate schedule) will hope to have proper 1080p transfers AND correct and properly translated subtitles

I expressed how fans are really happy with the uncompressed Mono audio on the Blu-rays and to keep that feature as is, and do not use 5.1 mixes as a way to create mono mixes (downmixies). It's fine to include both (5.1 and Mono), but just make sure to keep that lovely uncompressed original mono audio coming!

See I'm not just obsessed with dubs. ;)

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I just got off the phone with WellGoUSA, while discussing my defective disc with them, I also had a chance to discuss many of the issues fans have had with the releases and also pluses.

I have permission to post this from WellGoUSA:

WellGoUSA is hoping to insure that he next slate of Shaw Brothers Blu-rays (none are on the immediate schedule) will have proper 1080p transfers AND correct and properly translated subtitles

I expressed how fans are really happy with the uncompressed Mono audio on the Blu-rays and to keep that feature as is and do not use 5.1 mixes as a way to create mono mixes. It's fine to include both, but just keep that lovely uncompressed original mono audio coming!

See I'm not just obsessed with dubs. ;)

Wow, really now? PROPER 1080p transfers? Now I'll actually be somewhat positive the next time they announce any blu-rays :wink:

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Wow, really now? PROPER 1080p transfers? Now I'll actually be somewhat positive the next time they announce any blu-rays :wink:

They hope to have them. It's something their aware of and they realize it's something that needs to be fixed.

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They hope to have them. It's something their aware of and they realize it's something that needs to be fixed.

At least they're trying, I'll give them that... meanwhile, I don't think we'll ever see proper 1080p Shaws from Dragon Dynasty. I honestly think whoever works on their blu-rays now (come back Brian White!) has NO idea how to convert a progressive PAL HD master to a progressive NTSC HD transfer. That's probably why they're steering clear of any films that have a PAL master for blu-rays now.

Btw, unrelated note, did you ever get my PM?

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Morgoth Bauglir

I expressed how fans are really happy with the uncompressed Mono audio on the Blu-rays and to keep that feature as is and do not use 5.1 mixes as a way to create mono mixes. It's fine to include both, but just keep that lovely uncompressed original mono audio coming!


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They could have both, if it's going to be an issue. Audio tracks don't take up that much space, especially since they aren't putting on extra features. If they can have the 5.1 AND original mono option (both english and mandarin and/or cantonese), that's cool by me.


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That is BRILLIANT news!

It would be great if we could have all titles re-issued (preferably with better covers too, maybe extras - not as important though I admit), but that probably won't happen.

Still though, this is excellent news. Just a shame it took them so long. I was going to phone them, but didn't bother (I emailed, but no response) - I wonder how their 'Ip Man' will turn out.


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That is BRILLIANT news!

It would be great if we could have all titles re-issued (preferably with better covers too, maybe extras - not as important though I admit), but that probably won't happen.

Still though, this is excellent news. Just a shame it took them so long. I was going to phone them, but didn't bother (I emailed, but no response) - I wonder how their 'Ip Man' will turn out.



I forgot to mention they plan on improving the specs on the back of the cover. IP MAN is actually already up for pre-order at Amazon. I suspect its going to be a port of the HK discs. Maybe for IP MAN 2 they'll use someone like Mike Leeder to do additional extras. I said things like that are a huge part of getting people to rebuy a title they already own.

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tell them to leave the finger off the DNR Buttons for christ's sakes. Their Wax Face Releases are unwatchable on bluray. OPIUM AND THE KUNG FU MASTER and DEADLY DUO are prime examples how a Bluray must look like.

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tell them to leave the finger off the DNR Buttons for christ's sakes. Their Wax Face Releases are unwatchable on bluray. OPIUM AND THE KUNG FU MASTER and DEADLY DUO are prime examples how a Bluray must look like.

Damn straight! I have both of these blu-rays, and I can vouch for this! :bigsmile:

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Jackie Fhan

its easier for them to say that when they are releases new movies, should have asked them if they meant for shaws. What shaw movies will they be releasing on bly, anyone have an idea?

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