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I finally watched Enter The Dragon again


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Why is it Bruce HATE, everytime someone disagrees that this man was the best thing since sliced bread???

I don't hate him, or his movies for that sake.

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Bruce is no doubt an icon, but I think people seem to discount some of the Shaw output at the same time, for my money I think Boxer from Shantung is a far better movie with Chen Kuan Tai being just as good a lead as Lee imo.

Lee definitely had a dominate charisma and screen presence with one hell of a shtick, every kid in the 70's and early 80's was going OoooooooooooOOOHohhhh, I've watched Enter the Dragon a few times recently(they keep repeating it on cable, play another one of his movies for fs sake!). Shame we'll never seen what would of been, Bruce getting more control of his movies, or maybe getting Sammo's Choreo down the line.

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Morgoth Bauglir
Why is it Bruce HATE, everytime someone disagrees that this man was the best thing since sliced bread???

I don't hate him, or his movies for that sake.

Forum member Fist of Boss said his movies are crap. I see that as Bruce hate, which is why I said I don’t get the hate for his movies on this forum. Is he allowed to hate his movies? Of course he is. Am I allowed to disagree? I don’t see why not.

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You are certainly allowed to disagree. And maybe FistofBoss IS a Bruce hater (although why a Bruce hater would name himself FistofBoss is kinda curios???)

But if someone says like "I thought Triumph Of Two Kung Fu Arts was a pile of rectal waste". No one jumps out and proclaims that guy a Chan Wai Man hater.

I guess I just see Bruce as one of many contributors to matial arts movie history, and others see him as this holy, untouchable relic (not saying you do).

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Bruce is no doubt an icon, but I think people seem to discount some of the Shaw output at the same time, for my money I think Boxer from Shantung is a far better movie with Chen Kuan Tai being just as good a lead as Lee imo.

Lee definitely had a dominate charisma and screen presence with one hell of a shtick, every kid in the 70's and early 80's was going OoooooooooooOOOHohhhh, I've watched Enter the Dragon a few times recently(they keep repeating it on cable, play another one of his movies for fs sake!). Shame we'll never seen what would of been, Bruce getting more control of his movies, or maybe getting Sammo's Choreo down the line.

Sammo and Bruce's choreography seems like oil and water to me.

Same with the Shaw's, it's almost apples and oranges. The Shaws are good for what they are, but I wouldn't pop any in to learn anything about hand-to-hand fighting, just weapons fighting and traditional Southern styles.

Not that there's anything wrong with that (and don't get me wrong, but I've never been a big fan of SB movies).

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Jesse Smooth
Sammo and Bruce's choreography seems like oil and water to me.

Well, Bruce did tell Sammo that in order to be a good martial artist and good fight choreographer, he would have to learn and study more than just Chinese and Oriental fighting styles. That includes boxing, wrestling, fencing, and just plain old dirty fighting in general. Bruce had also told him that no two people would have the same mechanisms and structures.

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Good movie in the sense that the makers of ETD have not made any really good movies since. ETD without Bruce Lee would stink as fighting in most films did a long time after bruce lee's death. In my opinion first time years after one could see some ok fight scenes. I thinking of Drunken master and Snake and the Eagle's Shadow.

Shaw Brother made some nice movies Filming/picture/color wise but the fighting make me wanna sleep

One scene in Enter The dragon that make me laugh is in the cave after bruce removes his ripped "tracksuit top" sweater and he delivers a sidekick to one of the guards face and he react way to slow. haha.

Other errors for them interested.. source IMDB

When Lee is discovered investigating the secret underground lair, the trap door is closed. But he had to open it to begin his descent. There is no way the door could be open with him on the rope.

When Lee is investigating the grounds he has to jump into a tree to avoid being spotted. This jump was obviously filmed in reverse.

When Lee first goes down the secret door in the garden, the rope he pulls out of his bag is new. When he descends past the secret doors the rope magically has big knots tied in it. Also the length looks a bit long considering he has to tie the other end to the gravestone.

The position of Lee's hands holding his head up after he places the snake in the radio room and waits for the two men two climb through the broken window.

During the final fight with Lee, the glove on Han's right hand disappears and reappears between shots.

Before it is revealed to be a fake, Mr. Han is shown moving his left hand.

In a Bruce Lee fight scene that includes a flurry of kicks to a guards head (toward the end of the movie), the extra in the background laughs after Lee inflicts this punishment.

The wire that's attached to Mei Ling's dart is visible before she blows it up in the air.

When Lee and Han are fighting in the trophy room, at one point Lee delivers a right crescent kick to Han's face, then quickly moves off to his right. As he does, a microphone or lighting bracket is visible to the left.

In the courtyard fighting scenes, many of the extras are wearing wristwatches. These would be banned at an actual martial arts contest.

After kneeing a man in the groin, Su Lin turns around quickly to escape. However, in the scene immediately following, the woman is 'still' facing the man she balled. Then she turns around a second time to escape.

When the one guard attacks Lee underground with the nunchucks (and subsequently stares in disbelief), you can see the shadow of a studio light on the crates in the background.

The first time Lee lowers himself into the underground lab, his jump suit is smeared with paint and concrete dust from the set.

Han's prison holds, "Old men who don't care where they sleep", as Han describes it. We see sad emaciated old men, presumably not being fed or treated well, dozens cramped into a cell. After they are released, they turn into dozens of healthy young men, physically fit and ready for a fight!

Roper walks into the rough looking for his golf ball with his club in his hand. We see three bad guys approach and his club disappears.

During the fight with the guards, Lee knocks one guard against the cell wall containing the prisoners, who immediately grab the guard and hold him against the bars. A cut later, the guard has disappeared.

In the fight scene between Williams and Mr. Han, Mr. Han is shown killing Williams with his Fake LEFT hand, but when Mr. Han slashes Lee the fake hand is his RIGHT.

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Imagine how many flubs you would find in HAPKIDO or WHEN TAEKWONDO STRIKES, if anybody bothered to watch those movies close enough.

THE HIMALAYAN has a completely inane plot involving impersonating a groom. But the fights and training scenes are great, so I tend to overlook it.

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Good movie in the sense that the makers of ETD have not made any really good movies since. ETD without Bruce Lee would stink as fighting in most films did a long time after bruce lee's death. In my opinion first time years after one could see some ok fight scenes. I thinking of Drunken master and Snake and the Eagle's Shadow. ...

Those errors in continuity that you posted from IMDB I noticed a number of them. I think the part about the sailors in the cages being old and emaciated (it's not even clear what they were eventually used for), suddenly became young men who were skilled at fighting. And I noticed Shek Kin's fake hand moving a number of times. I thought that claw he first uses against Lee was a little silly. What was the point of having that silly fur? Was it a part of a halloween costume? :) The laughing guy when Lee is kicking the crap out of Chen Lung was funny.

Other things they don't mention is the fact the same set of guys appear in different roles, like Lam Ching Ying, Yuen Wah, etc... Yuen Wah caught an apple with the dart, but later he was getting beaten up as a guard.

I'm wondering if part of the editing or continuity problems was due to the fact that Bruce just died, and they were rushing to get the film out? Then again, since it wasn't exactly an A movie, and not quite a B movie, it probably was put together somewhat on the cheap. Like I said, if they wanted it to be a little better, they would have hired on a better director. Perhaps it could have been like The Yakuza with Robert Mitchum and Ken Takakura in terms of the quality?


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It was a cheap production by WB standards. When Warners got a rough cut, they knew they had a winner, so the post-prod. budget was increased.

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Fang Shih-yu
Perhaps it could have been like The Yakuza with Robert Mitchum and Ken Takakura in terms of the quality?

What's that movie like? I enjoy Robert Mitchum a lot! I wish they'd put out The Lusty Men (found in rotation on TCM) on DVD; it's about rodeos, and it was directed by the guy who did Rebel Without a Cause. Mitchum was a REAL rebel, compared to James Dean!:tongue:

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i never liked the scene where Roper kills bolo just seems to jump then he is on the floor!
Might explain why they didn't show Bolo actually being killed, maybe they wanted to bring his character back in a sequel (or at least leave those possibilities open).
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Might explain why they didn't show Bolo actually being killed, maybe they wanted to bring his character back in a sequel (or at least leave those possibilities open).

Wouldn't it have been cool that as he fought Han, out of nowhere came Bolo?! I wonder if that was ever the feeling. I always assumed Bolo died, but a kick to the groin probably just made him take a brief nap. :)


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What's that movie like? I enjoy Robert Mitchum a lot! I wish they'd put out The Lusty Men (found in rotation on TCM) on DVD; it's about rodeos, and it was directed by the guy who did Rebel Without a Cause. Mitchum was a REAL rebel, compared to James Dean!:tongue:

It's a good one. Directed by Sidney Pollack, co-written by Paul Schrader. Mitchum is cool, I can't say that I've been a follower of his films. It does a great job of infusing hollywood style of film making, but being very sensitive in it's portrayal of the Japanese. Sure, you got lots of evil Yakuza, but there are attempts to educate non-Japanese on certain aspects of Japanese culture. A very nice film, especially the ending.

Edit: By ending, I meant the final fight scene, but even the stuff after that is really cool, but in terms of the dramatic aspect of the story.


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Imagine a Enter the Dragon 2

Bolo is the new boss of the Island.

Bolo had become a super angry Eunuch with a grudge to the Shaolin temple and towards American Gamblers who kick people in their nuts.

Also Jim Kelly got a small role in it as well, as a Zombie that are gnawing on Han's remains this scene was so shocking that it was cut away and burned. (but some collector in UK got it. lol) So this is ETD2's "Saw in the head scene" (Called Gnawing in Han's head scene)

So in this sequel the invitation to Bolo's Island contains some rules. no groin kicking or grabbing. But Bolo had a problem and that was that none of his hands were missing so he decided to put the claw where his body part is missing. And this made Warner dump the movie and I'm all out of silly ideas.

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ENTER, to me, was always the weakest of the Lee films.

I just prefer his HK movies over it because they have that 'kung fu movie' quality about them (obviously!), you know, good 'ol dubbed asian flick. Enter is way too polished, and at times, ruined due to Robert Clouse's poor direction, slow motion fights and a lot of boring scenes. The choreography is a step below what lee did in Way of the Dragon and the scenes he did for Game of Death... don't you think?

Don't bet me wrong, I still love it. I still will buy the movie every time it is upgraded to a better print. Just the least liked of his films. Heck, I think I prefer Game of Death 78 and Tower of Death over it! lol

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is a step below what lee did in Way of the Dragon and the scenes he did for Game of Death... don't you think?

Man, I have to go back and watch Way of the Dragon again...it's been a few years, but all I remember is how terrible a movie it is. Don't get me wrong, Bruce is good in it, Chuck Norris is good...but I don't remember any good fights in it besides the finale. It was more like Bruce showing off his double-chucks and side kicks (which are impressive enough).

I'm hazy, but I always remember it being overall the worst movie Bruce was in...:crossedlips:

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No, it IS a bad movie...

But try to eye in on the fight scenes. Not sure if it's just the sound effects, but look closely and look how swift he moves. I think I noticed it more during the fight scene with him and Wong In Sik...

Or maybe I'm just dumb.

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Fang Shih-yu
Imagine a Enter the Dragon 2.

Bolo is the new boss of the Island.

Actually, this idea was thrown around and worked upon by several people before it finally saw the light of day as the first Fantasy Island TV movie! From Bolo to Ricardo Montalban!:tongue:

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I think WAY is his best movie. Just a fun, fish out of water comedy with some really enjoyable fight scenes. Great dialogue, even in the dubbed version. Far more of a live action comic book than ENTER's shameless 007 plagiarism.

"It's a Rolls!"

"Chinese Spare Ribs"

"Bob's my student"

"Who know karate better than Japanese?"

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I agree. Way of the Dragon is the best Bruce Lee film. I'd say there is more of the REAL Bruce Lee in that film than any of his others. I just love everything about it.That includes the titles/music/colour/sets etc. It takes me to a warm and happy time in my life . I finally got to Rome last year and it was great to actually see most of the places for real that I've been looking at on a screen for so many years!

All together now....'dah, dah, dah dahhh huhhh, dah dah duh dah, huhh....'

Carl :)

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I had always said that Fist of Fury was my favorite Bruce movie, but after getting the box set last year and watching them all a few times, I'm also leaning towards Way of the Dragon as his best. The character does feel more like a real person instead of a typical movie hero, and the contrast between Bruce as the self-conscious bumpkin in a new culture and then the completely focused fighter against Chuck is pretty cool. And Chuck is such a great, badass villain----especially with his Morricone guitar theme!

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Fang Shih-yu

I, too, have an admiration for The Way of the Dragon, and if I have any issues with it, they would pertain to the remastering and the subtitles done for the 20th Century Fox DVD box set.:sad: Pictorially, we know of the blurred film at the beginning and the KILLER HAIR ("amateur hour" work, here) in the frame near the end!:cry: Since anyone reading this knows the subtitle mess-up, I won't restate those specific problems, but those many minor errors, combined with the picture, seem to imply Fox didn't care much for this movie! (Not counting the last two movies, The Big Boss and Fist of Fury are BETTER presented than TWotD in that collection.) If anyone has the TWotD Blu-ray Disc, have these issues been fixed? At least, that HAIR has to be gone--right?:ooh:

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Killer Meteor
I, too, have an admiration for The Way of the Dragon, and if I have any issues with it, they would pertain to the remastering and the subtitles done for the 20th Century Fox DVD box set.:sad: Pictorially, we know of the blurred film at the beginning and the KILLER HAIR ("amateur hour" work, here) in the frame near the end!:cry: Since anyone reading this knows the subtitle mess-up, I won't restate those specific problems, but those many minor errors, combined with the picture, seem to imply Fox didn't care much for this movie! (Not counting the last two movies, The Big Boss and Fist of Fury are BETTER presented than TWotD in that collection.) If anyone has the TWotD Blu-ray Disc, have these issues been fixed? At least, that HAIR has to be gone--right?:ooh:

The HKL DVD got rid of the hair and is a better DVD on the whole.

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