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Why Born Invincible is one AWFUL movie!

Ninja Sinai

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Ninja Sinai

I remember back in the Fandom days when I first came out and said that I thought Born Invincible was one awful and crap movie, many fans were so shocked as if I said something sacrilegious.

However over the years, I have noticed many other fans of the genre have also come to the realisation of how crap Born Invincible really is.

Anyway here are the original reasons from back in the day as to why I think Born Invincible is just so damn right AWFUL!!

1. Carter Wongs damn irritating high pitched shemale bitch voice!

2. That damn irritating 'pop goes the weasel' sound effect whenever Carter Wong brings his palm in front of his face.

3. Dreary ass plot.

4. Jack Longs irritating hairstyle which has a 'just escaped from a 70's mental asylum' look to it.

The only thing I remotely thought was a little cool was when Carter Wong would make the ying yang shape while fighting, but then he would open his mouth and that shemale voice would come out again!

I really cant undastand why so many people like this?????

Overall the movie is just AWFUL! An im glad im not the only one who now thinks so. Hay its not as bad as 'Invincible Kung Fu Trio,' but its still awful said way.

On a side note.. I used to have Born Invincible on dvd and even watched like 3/4 times.. I thought to myself maybe ill start to like it.. but alas eveytime I watched it was like I was torturing myself!!

Finally I traded it for a copy of Rebellious Reign an I have to say it was one of the BEST trades I have EVER made in my LIFE!! RR wipes the floor with BA an then kicks it ass out into orbit and hopefully into a black hole where it rightfully belongs!!

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I think I like Born Invincible for all the reasons you don't! :bigsmile: I love Carter Wong's high girly voice! The slide whistle sound effect every time he lowers his hand ( I used to have one of those as a child). The over done old school revenge plot, and yes even the bad 70s hairstyles! There's something about this movie that I like, it entertains me. You and I will always disagree on this topic Ninja, if it's any consolation I also like Rebellious Reign, that's an excellent movie.

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It is a classic example of the Silver Fox genre. They are built around the the following formula:

1. revenge plot

2. the weak spot

3. ridiculous gimmick to defeat the Silver Fox

4. Taoist derived esoteric styles

5. SIlver foxes must cackle

Season the above with off the wall sound effects and music for added camp effect.

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I don't mind the Carter Wong character and the outrageous voice. And there are some cool moments like during his character's training sequence when someone jumps on his stomach from a high location and he gets up (or was it the other way around).

I'll have to revisit the movie again. I'm pretty flexible when it comes with bad plots. I will give a martial arts movie a pass or even glowing thumbs up as long as the fight scenes are well done. If they are shot well, move at a good pace, and feature some really good moves, then I will recommend a film, even if it's stupid as a whole. Most of those Korean kung fu flicks from the early 80s fall into that category.

Born Invincible fails for me in two ways. One, the Carter Wong character is supposed to be a Tai Chi fighter, but he doesn't ever use Tai Chi. Two, the fight scenes are too artificial looking. By that, I mean, there's either too much body doubling, or there's too much frame cutting. I absolutely hate fight scenes with that frame cutting method of speeding things up, even more than excessive undercranking.

Just one more thing: Does anyone know if this movie came out before or after Executioners Of Shaolin. I can't help but think that Carter Wong's character may have been a rip off of Pai Mei, or if it was the other way around and Pops wanted to make a Qi Gong master taoist fighter without the hyena laugh.


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I think Executioners pre-dates Born Invincible by at least a year. I also have to agree Born Invincible didn't do much for me. Carter Wong's on screen kung fu has never impressed me I always thought Of him as having a more bashing less fluid style. I certainly wouldn't put him in the same catagory as his co-stars Jack Long and Mark Long as far as on screen shapes ability. Again I say on screen because I'm pretty sure he could kick both their asses in real life, but that doesn't always translate well on film...... I think

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I know that Executioners From Shaolin came out in '76, which I thought was also the same year as Born Invincible. But I wouldn't be surprised if BI came out after.

Carter Wong is not my favorite on screen fighter either, but you should check his moves out in the finale of Skyhawk. Some real serious fancy locks and take downs. I was really impressed. Too bad it's such a short spurt.


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northern b

Some years ago I included Born Invincible in a list of over-rated movies.

As KFS mentioned the film contains way too much (BAD) edits and weak fights- a little surprising seeing as the Yuens worked on this (feel free to correct me)

Also Carter 'Watermelon' Wong is a poor screen fighter and cannot handle the intricate type of Choroegraphy the Yuens are renowned for he just lumbers around on screen flailing his arms around

This is yet another film that could have been a classic maybe if Chang Yi played the villain, better fights and more care was taken over the editing...

Never be swayed by the popular opinion of a movie its YOUR opinion that matters- What one person rates another won't and vice- versa

Nothing will ever convince me that Born Invincible is anything other than mediocre

Edited by northern b
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sifu iron perm

to each his own..

the high pitch voice caught me off guard and just added more "wtf" moments..it also had one of the best intros ever in a kung fu flick!

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Shaolin Chamber 36

I had only seen this movie once, and that was a few years ago. I do remember liking it but maybe because Jack Long is one of my favorites to watch. I do think that the whistle sound was greatly over used. I didn't mind it, but would of been ok if not used so much. With having such a bad memory, I really don't remember much else about it. I will have to check it out again soon.

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Chia Ling AKA Judy Lee

Firstly, Born Invincible features a guy training by blowing giant ball bearings deep into a tree, did you miss this scene Ninja??

I first was made aware of the film by a wu-tang clan compilation that gave away the killer ending. When I watched the whole thing I loved it. The training scenes are all fantastic, some great fights, interesting characters, good plot. When I rewatched it I realised the action had been over-hyped, it's tough to choreograph iron-skin technique, yet it's still a classic!

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Carter Wong always annoyed me on screen a bit...i find him incredibly boring to watch in a fight scene....although, i love when he blew himself up in "Big Trouble..."

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There's definitely some good action in there. But Carter Wong is crap as the main villain, i hate all the stupid looking hair do's, the hoakey sound effects, the girlie voice, and the movie as a whole, just doesn't work.

Didn't they make 7 grandmasters with leftover cast, crew and money from Born Invincible??? If so, that little side project stands tall as a tower over the misguided pile that is BI, in my opinion!

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born invincible awful !! am i on the right forum for kung fu movies ?, this is a perfect example why i am not that frequent on this forum as others.

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Well its no Raging Bull but its one of my favorites. You have to be able to appreciate the cheese! Its so bad that its good.

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The Lizard

It`s one of those crap movies you should watch with few friends+beers....

Bad filmmaking too,someone mentioned frame cut of fight scenes but I have always hated with passion thing camera zooms at villains face repeatly at rapidfire speed.

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One, the Carter Wong character is supposed to be a Tai Chi fighter, but he doesn't ever use Tai Chi.

Tai Chi means something like "Supreme Ultimate". They don't talk about Tai Chi Chuan, just the "Supreme Ultimate" Technique.

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Drunken Monk

I don't understand how a whole film can be terrible because of a haircut and a voice. I, for one, despise Carter Wong. I'd prefer to watch Dean Shek for 7 hours than a Carter Wong movie...and yet I love "Born Invincible."

The fights may be a little too "staged" and some of the gimmicks a little silly but I thoroughly enjoyed what's on offer here; great fights, good training and ridiculous styles.

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Drunken Monk:

"I for one despise Carter Wong".

What an odd opinion of 'ONE' of the 'GREATEST' kung fu movie stars of 'ALL' time.

May I please, ask why?

We are ALL in-titled to our opinions.

Except for Dean Shek, who many seem to HATE. I have not heard anyone despise another kung fu star like this.

I have never heard anyone "DESPISE" Sifu Wong before.

Most curious. And yet you like Born Invincible. :crossedlips:


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Guest Markgway

Carter Huang is only one reason why Born Invincible is awful.

When you factor in the dialogue, the characters, the plot...

Even the action is sub-par for the Yuen Clan (until the end).

Seven Grandmasters is a much better movie.

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Carter Huang is only one reason why Born Invincible is awful.

When you factor in the dialogue, the characters, the plot...

Even the action is sub-par for the Yuen Clan (until the end).

Seven Grandmasters is a much better movie.

The only Kuo films I like, because they don't have glaring frame cuts in the fights throughout the films, are Seven Grandmasters and Shaolin Temple Strikes Back. All the other ones a choppy. Even a guy like Lee Tso Nam, which did the undercranked classic Shaolin Vs Lama employed too much frame cutting with his productions.

Regardless of whether Carter was really supposed to be a Tai Chi Chuan or Qi Gong expert or both, it's the frame cutting (and body doubling) that has bothered me the most. That and Carter's Kevin-Costner-of-kung fu wooden fighting style.


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Killer Meteor
Carter Huang is only one reason why Born Invincible is awful.

When you factor in the dialogue, the characters, the plot...

Even the action is sub-par for the Yuen Clan (until the end).

Seven Grandmasters is a much better movie.

I usually quite like Carter Wong, but he is badly mis-cast. Lo Lieh would have been much better for the role.

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I usually quite like Carter Wong, but he is badly mis-cast. Lo Lieh would have been much better for the role.

Then it would be way too much like Pai Mei, and he would have been doubled in the fights so much that only when he stopped and talked it would be him. They should have let Jack Long or Mark Long play the Carter Wong role, and maybe Corey Yuen would have been one of the disciples instead of Mark Long.


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born invincible awful !! am i on the right forum for kung fu movies ?, this is a perfect example why i am not that frequent on this forum as others.

Falkor... is that you? Have you hacked into rdenn's account?

Just yankin' ya chain....

So if someone disagrees without you, you just leave?

Why don't you state your case, as to why BI is such a great movie?

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