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Think you seen it all??? A Serbian film. (makes Irreversable, hostel etc like Disney

sifu iron perm

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sifu iron perm



I'm gathering bits and pieces, and keep hearing there's some godawful moment in this film, something that makes the tunnel rape scene from Irreversible almost pleasant by comparison.


Milos is a former porn star who is down on his luck financially. When he receives a call from his long-time movie actress partner, Layla, he welcomes her call. Apparently she's heard that a new film director wants to hire Milos to star in his "artistically-designed" porn film for a very generous price. He is easily lured form his semi-retirement by the lucrative offer, agreeing to meet the director in an isolated mansion.

As the filming progresses, Milo begins to suspect that the director's intentions may be darker than mere pornography. As the film begins to devolve into a horrifically violent production, Milos finds escape may not be an option.

incase you dont want to know about the specific sick details..then Don't Look any further...

Well, from what I've heard :

- a woman has her teeth pulled out and is forced to perform fellatio on a man with her bloodied mouth until she chokes to death on her own blood.

-and apparently a woman gives birth to a child and the newborn child is immediately raped and sodomized to death.

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OK I just seen the preview and yes it has that Hostile movie feel to it. But what you said about the newborn child that is just Fucking Tasteless! And I cannot see anyone producing that type of sick twisted shit! Sorry for the language!

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Here are 2 reviews of people who have seen this film, I have found on the IMDb

Cinema at its most Extreme......I dare you to see this..., 10 April 2010


Author: arthur lang (grindhouse74) from United Kingdom

So you think you have seen it all???? Think again, i reckon i have just witnessed the most disturbing extreme movie ever, and you know what, for the first time i have no idea whether to give this film a good review or a bad review, its not a film that you can enjoy, although it was very well made and preformed by the actors, so in a visual and technical term it was impressive.. The premise for this little shocker is simple, a semi-retired porn star is lured back to his profession to do this once in a lifetime shoot so he can make lots of money and secure his family, but he has no idea what the shoot will contain, so we the viewer have a birds eye view in the dark and very murky journey he goes through, as the porn shoot becomes more extreme he begins to realise what he's got himself into and the director has a shocking surprise for his lead actor in what he wants him to do, not to spoil anything (its a taboo busting subject) but lets just say that if you put Canabal holocaust, Irreversible, Emanuel In America, and Martyrs in a blender, throw a baby in the mix and you have an idea what your letting yourself in for.....I know some people will be very upset watching this film and some people will demand that this film be banned, there are some scenes of extreme sexual violence that will anger some of the mainstream crowd, i just hope that the censors will leave this film the way the director intended.. Be cautious when you see this movie, if it gets a proper release this film will get mixed reviews, it will be sure to divide people apart and thats the beauty of this controversial film, love it or hate it, you will never forget it. I must admit i was relieved that the police never came barging in and arrested me and everyone at the preview...

They want us to think all East-Europians are sick and twisted perverts?!?, 25 April 2010


Author: Coventry from the Draconian Swamp of Unholy Souls

"A Serbian Film" played at the Brussels Festival of Fantastic Film, and I simply had to watch it because it came with all kind of warnings like "this movie contains extremely violent scenes that might shock some people." Okay, usually I'm not the least bit impressed by this sort of clever tricks to lure more people to the theater, but in this case it must have some kind of significance, because the regulars at this festival are quite used to seeing extreme bloodshed, perversity and madness. If the organizers of this particular festival felt there was a necessity to provide additional warnings to this crowd of loyal genre fanatics, than this must be an exceptionally shocking film. And it is … Well, let's just say there are certain sequences that are too revolting for words, but naturally the film itself is nothing extraordinary or even half-decent viewing material. The explicit pornographic footage is shocking merely for the sake of shocking and the most controversial sequences (one involving a newborn baby) are totally redundant and have absolutely no adding value.

Personally, I'm having difficulties understanding what exactly the makers of "A Serbian Film"wanted to accomplish here. Thanks to films like "Hostel", half of the world already thinks that East-European countries are rotten places and that all the people living there are sick and violent psychopaths. With this film, writers Aleksander Radivojevic and Srdjan Spasojevic only seem to confirm and intensify this sordid reputation like they are proud of living in a country the rest of the world thinks is a hellhole. Both gentlemen were present at the Brussels Festival to promote their film to die-hard cult audiences and naturally they were asked why they felt the need to make such a heinous and disturbing movie. They replied that the movie contains a massive amount of frustrations that are irrevocably linked to living in Serbia, like continuous economic recession, post-Yugoslavian war traumas and political instability. Okay, I can relate to that, but is shooting a brutal and vicious pseudo-snuff film really the right way to process this oppressed anger?

The story introduces retired and literally hung-like-a-horse porn star Milos. He's worried about not being able to support his wife and son these days, but then he receives an offer he can't refuse. The sleazy Vukmir wants Milos to play the lead part in his supposedly experimental and artistic motion picture and offers him a paycheck he can't possible resist. The only condition is that Milos doesn't have any insight in the script and shoots his scenes on a day by day basis. Quite obviously Vukmir is producing a snuff movie and forces Milos, whether or not under the influence of drugs, to do extremely nasty stuff to his co-actresses in front of the camera. Undoubtedly, "A Serbian Film" is deeply unpleasant and grim, but the film isn't so much disturbing as it is gratuitous and provocative. You could tell the makers were proudly smirking when people stood up and walked out of the theater before the film was finished. The depiction of sex and violence are disgusting, but especially the tone and narrative are mean-spirited. And yet, all "A Serbian Film" is pretty well-made with imaginative camera-work and rough but professional editing. The soundtrack is terrific (that is, if you like loud and boisterous house tunes) and the acting is pretty decent. The film contains at least four sequences that I'll never ever forget in my life. Yikes.

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Sounds like a film version of American Psycho. And I mean what is described in the book, not the comparatively tepid film.

That being said, no thanks... I think I'll pass.

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