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Shapes and Aesthetics


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thats some good stances from john cleese in those pictures.

At last some Masters of Shapes have spoken. Both comments WOW! He He He Thanks you all!


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Finally we ALL can rise to the TRUE level of understanding of (shapes) do to the good cheer bestowed upon this T H R E A D.

My Rating has suddenly jumped to: 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%

I am almost there.

Oh, thanks Shapes for your help.



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I feel my shapes level is quite high, though I'm below people like rdenn and DESCENDENT to name a few; those guys have really studied shapes more than anyone I know.

falkor !

Maybe you could please explain WHY your shapes level # ( & what you believe yours are) are inferior to rdenn & DESCENDENT ? This may be better understood & received than starting your explanations based on superior perception & accumulation of enlightenment compered to us ??

You know the ART OF WAR / path of least resistant type of war fare ??!!!

Also what is the CORRECT WAY TO STUDY ( not just watch ) "SHAPES "???

Xiexie. Athena

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What's all this nonsense about a Shapes Level? Are we talking about a black belt, 7th dan, grandmaster status of kung fu film knowledge? :)

Falkor, I remember a couple of years ago you couldn't tell the difference between cantonese and mandarin. I'm just curious if that's changed. I don't understand either language, but I can tell the difference. I'm not saying it makes me more of a kung fu film expert, but at least I'm trying to understand the cultural aspects behind a kung fu film.


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I am not responding to anyone unless they've passed the test, otherwise you are too low level to be taking up any of my time:


I do not see if you are telling me to leave the forum or not , but should not the test be taken ( and passed ) as a requisite to be a member here? I understand you have a need to have your posts read by others, but you will not respond to honest questions because I am below you ?


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This thread and the other "test" thread, have to be some of the most daft nonsense ever. I truely believe falkor needs some psychiatric help. Personally, I prefer bashers over shapes.

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I am not responding to anyone unless they've passed the test, otherwise you are too low level to be taking up any of my time:


falkor !

I tough you referred to a real test , along the lines of knowledge I believe shapes ( & other members) only could pass . I had already answered that " test " tread by the time I asked you the question. ( look at the posting times) Since I commented on Enter the Dragon does that mean I failed -> & not WORTHY of your answer to my earlier question in this tread ? Are you serious ?


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Guest Markgway

OK, so I didn't like BORN INVINCIBLE, but it wasn't because I was too dumb to understand it. It wasn't because I don't like traditional Kung Fu either... it was because it was a really poor film. But I guess only those who possess a high level understanding of film would realise that. I'd put Falkor at about 30-40% on that scale. Me? I'm about a 75-80% after many years of hard learning. But those of you who possess an inferior understanding of what makes a good or great film should take heart. I'm currently taking on students. Not too many because I'm a busy man and my energy requires concentration. Don't thank me. I do this for the good of the forum.

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It's all in what part of the brain you watch kung fu movies with. Falkor obviously watches them using the left lobe as it's responsible for analytical thinking and seeing details. He analyzed every little miniscule detail of the final fight into nothingness.

I didn't get the part about autistic kids. It would probably be too much stimuli, trust me.

Shapes aren't everything though. Remember Bruce Lee had the shapes expert (Mantis?) on the first floor and the man who transcended all styles (didn't need or use shapes) on the top floor in the temple in GOD.

OK, so I didn't like BORN INVINCIBLE, but it wasn't because I was too dumb to understand it. It wasn't because I don't like traditional Kung Fu either... it was because it was a really poor film. But I guess only those who possess a high level understanding of film would realise that. I'd put Falkor at about 30-40% on that scale. Me? I'm about a 75-80% after many years of hard learning. But those of you who possess an inferior understanding of what makes a good or great film should take heart. I'm currently taking on students. Not too many because I'm a busy man and my energy requires concentration. Don't thank me. I do this for the good of the forum.

But you have viewed the deadly rare shapes film Shaolin Bollocks right? You must be over 9000!

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The Amazing Psycho Per

I already miss him...

Though I heard that if you stair at a mirror and do the five animal forms while saying his name five times, a giant Falkor appears, jumps in the air, splits in eight, and then starts doing the Bagua array...

Men, what a crazy day... And a "Test"? What is this, some kiddie private club?

By the way I agree, Born Invincible stinks. One good fight involving Yuen Kwai and Yuen Shun Yee, after that it's downhill... The whole thing is going in circles...

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falkor !

I tough you referred to a real test , along the lines of knowledge I believe shapes ( & other members) only could pass . I had already answered that " test " tread by the time I asked you the question. ( look at the posting times) Since I commented on Enter the Dragon does that mean I failed -> & not WORTHY of your answer to my earlier question in this tread ? Are you serious ?


Don't take falkor too seriously. His aim is to create discussion and controversy with different topics. A lot of times things don't go as he hopes and he stomps away in disgust.

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Fang Shih-yu

Would whoever stole falkor's "Star Wars" cards (1st series) back in '77 PLEASE return them to him? He's suffered enough!:cry: Isn't it interesting how the word fan (as in, a fan of Bruce Lee) is a shortened version of fanatic? Why does it seem MORE like we all here are fans, while falkor is a fanatic? Know what I mean?...

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Have no fear, he will be back. Maybe as Falkor. Maybe he'll return to the old Mantis2k name I knew him as back in the day.


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Fang Shih-yu
Have no fear, he will be back. Maybe as Falkor. Maybe he'll return to the old Mantis2k name I knew him as back in the day.


For us latecomers, tell us, kungfusamurai, what was this guy like "back in the day"?

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I think the shapes in Godzilla movies are far superior, 2 men in rubber suits face off hurling insults and taunts, then one gets pummled into submission, destroying sets of cities and countrysides, doesn't get any more entertaining than that in my book.

I guess I have to many other hobbies/interests that take up my time, I love my KF movies, but it takes the enjoyment out of it thinking about it to much, and I'm one to pick a movie apart, 90% KF movies in particular are usually lacking in plot.

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Nothing else compares with the shape of a beautiful woman!:kiss: Try to disputeTHAT!:tongue:

As soon as we get M.I.A Falkor A.K.A Mantis2k back he WILL dispute that ! In addition he will demote you SEVERAL SHAPES LEVELS Brother Fang ! So does that make him pro or con feminism ...Hmm.. :wink:


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For us latecomers, tell us, kungfusamurai, what was this guy like "back in the day"?

Do you have to even ask? ;)


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Nothing else compares with the shape of a beautiful woman!:kiss: Try to disputeTHAT!:tongue:

As soon as we get M.I.A Falkor A.K.A Mantis2k back he WILL dispute that !

In addition he will demote you SEVERAL SHAPES LEVELS Brother Fang ! So does that make him pro or con feminism ...Hmm.. :wink

Athena :kiss:

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