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Shapes and Aesthetics


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Please cite more examples from OTHER movies, please. "Massacre Survivor" CAN'T be the "end-all" of all the "shapes" movies you've seen....

I'm really starting to get an idea of what's meant by shapes now, personally, and the busting thereof within the advanced martial arts universe -


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There is certainly nothing past the mid-80s that could be described as complicated/nutty, unless a person is so thick that it might push them to the next level (level 2) where a shapes appreciator is on level 50. What shapes level are you at do you think?

Shapes level??? I don't even understand what this means. What's wrong with just enjoying kung fu movies for what they are? Why the need to analyze everything to death? I have alot of things going on in my personal life and watching some kung fu is just a way to enjoy some down time. Yes I've loved kung fu since I was in my early teens. Why? I have no idea I just do, it's not something I question, or feel the the need to think about endlessly. It doesn't consume every waking moment of my life.

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silver hermit

the only thing that seperates fans is access to films... oh ok there are other things lol (like mental illness) i guess what i meant was you can't appreciate what you have no access to. i grew up on shapes and had sleep for dinner now i have greater access to films i am now in love with hate!!!!!:tongue: give me chan wei man over jackie 70% of the time

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Fang Shih-yu
I'm really starting to get an idea of what's meant by shapes now, personally, and the busting thereof within the advanced martial arts universe -


LOL! Blacula may be on to something!:neutral: Anyone else thinking of the same Ethel Merman song I am?:tongue:falkor, it's your turn, seriously speaking....

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I might not have tested Massacre Survivor out on a 100 people, but when a lot of complex and unusual routines are being observed at very high speed, is it really so absurd to think this might demand a certain level/kind of intelligence coupled with some additional knowledge in order to understand and appreciate? What is so controversial about this?

It isn't true. It isn't proven, no matter how you insist that it is. And even though some people have an inclination towards appreciating the sort of fight choreography we're talking about, they still might not enjoy it solely because they don't enjoy it. Or because they don't like the movies themselves. Or because they don't see the value in choreographing fight scenes until they look nothing like an actual fight.

There is certainly nothing past the mid-80s that could be described as complicated/nutty, unless a person is so thick that it might push them to the next level (level 2) where a shapes appreciator is on level 50. What shapes level are you at do you think?

I wasn't talking about fight choreography.

And level 2? Level 50? Are you taking the piss?

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stay a while you have some interesting concepts in your mind.

falkor i don't think you understand where i was going with this but found a video where some scientists made a computer program that simulated the i chings geometry in a mathmatical equation. in my opinion the patterns athena mentions could be calulated by the same method.


silver hermit !

Thank you for posting that link , very interesting. My research is not from that same source , but the idea is exactly the same concept. The source materiel I refer to were from an other team of physicists and mathematicians. But as well known the greatest mathematicians see patterns not the numbers like us mortals.

falkor !

"I bet if I showed Massacre Survivor to an autistic bloke, he would love it first time!

I wanted to add to my previous post concerning patterns in martial arts chorograpy -about the effect on the human mind & body systems. Seeing these patterns visualized ( animated ) is also proven to produce positive results in autistic patients. ( Interestingly the younger the test subject.. the greater the long term results- better re routing of electrical impulses .)

I know this as a fact -It is not just my opinion , My degree is in genetics , & I were honored to have one of the researchers as my physics professor.

Xiexie Athena

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Mark, you cannot understand why Born Invincible is such a high level movie in spite of the undercranking and framecuts. For that reason, I would place you on a lower level to shapes and silver hermit, etc. I feel that you would fall somewhere between the range of 30-40.

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What's your "shapes-level" then, Falkor? Do you know your kum sau from your bong sau, your kup chui from your ping chui, your nau ma from your tau ma? The guys who made those old flicks made them for whoever, doesn't take much to appreciate physical skills most see as unfeasible to develop personally, but would probably laugh heartily if anyone tried to claim to be an elitely intelligent high-level observer without any martial knowledge of what's really going on. They might be impressed at a volume watched, but at what measure. Can you even recognise what makes for a good or bad horse-stance or stance transition, even subtly? Deeper you get the more & more redundant the term 'shapes' should get, don't you think conceivably?

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I feel my shapes level is quite high, though I'm below people like rdenn and DESCENDENT to name a few; those guys have really studied shapes more than anyone I know.

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I was practicing my shapes the other day. I managed to buff up a magic lamp till it was æsthetically pleasing, and when the Kung-Fu-Genie popped out I asked them if it was good enough, and whether I understood anything. They promptly said no and sent me to the back of the line. Damn, perhaps if I ask for a new brain next year I can fully understand this topic! :xd:

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Has Jackie Chan seen Massacre Survivor yet?

I beleive that Jackie choreographed the shapes in this film under a pseudonym.

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This is so re-dick-cu-lious !

Is this a missing Monty Python episode.

HEY WHATS YOUR SHAPES RATING ( featuring silly walk shapes styles )?

I heard about it but never saw it.

GEEZ :tongue:


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By G-D its true.

Oh my!

The revelations never cease.

Ha Ha Ha! Good One! Wigsplitta. I sppliitta a gut with this one! Ha Ha Ha!

I am honored by your quick wit.


Save one.



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