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Joy Sales Legendary Collection - "Hate" Recommendations!

One Armed Boxer

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Yeah, 'Hong Kong Godfather' & 'Profile in Anger' are probably the only 2 modern day movies that feature Beardy as the main character.

Eeeh... not really true, unless you mean the only watchable ones, and ones where he does martial arts action. He was pretty good in Danger Has Two Faces, but the film as a whole was not that great. He was also a good sidekick in The Last Blood and Red Shield!

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Eeeh... not really true, unless you mean the only watchable ones, and ones where he does martial arts action. He was pretty good in Danger Has Two Faces, but the film as a whole was not that great. He was also a good sidekick in The Last Blood and Red Shield!

TWC has Beardy made any good period martial-arts action movies that would fit in to this thread as "hate"?

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Im not really a 100% sure what the term 'hate' covers in this respect. But if it means anger driven, bloody action, then I seem to remember that Secret service Of The Imperial Court had some pretty angry and bloody stuff in it. Of course, you can never go wrong with the Thundering Mantis end fight. That is some angry/insane action, right there.

But I think the 'hate' term is mostly used to describe modern day action. Correct me if im wrong.

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One Armed Boxer
Eeeh... not really true, unless you mean the only watchable ones, and ones where he does martial arts action.

Hey TWC, yeah, the movies I mentioned where in relation to ShaOW!linDude`s question earlier in the thread -

Did Beardy do any modern set MA films? Seems like every one I catch him in is just typical action or he's only a supporting character.

I think in that regard `Hong Kong Godfather` & `Profile in Anger` are the only 2 movies that could be considered to fit the bill. The other movies you mentioned, while good, kind of fall into the second sentence.

By the way OAB how was Killers Nocturne?

Ha ha....I`m embarrassed to say I`m only half way through it...I promise to finish it off this week & I`ll post my thoughts. So far so good though.

Im not really a 100% sure what the term 'hate' covers in this respect. But if it means anger driven, bloody action...But I think the 'hate' term is mostly used to describe modern day action. Correct me if im wrong.

I think that pretty much covers it, as far as I`m aware the phrase was coined by forum member rdenn. I don`t think it`s necessarily just restriced to modern day action movies, I believe it`s just more the case that it tends to be modern day setting movies that contain that kind of intense violent action.

TWC has Beardy made any good period martial-arts action movies that would fit in to this thread as "hate"?

I`d second `Secret Service of the Imperial Court` (as a sidenote, this was loosely remade recently as the Donnie Yen movie `14 Blades`), it`s a great all round movie which contains some great fights and is pretty bloody thoughout.

As most of the period movies Beardy did where done during the peak of the comedy kung-fu boom, it`s difficult to find one of them that doesn`t have a large comedic aspect to it, which is by no means a bad thing. But with Beardy you can almost always guarantee to get a hate filled final fight, he was just one of those actors in my opinion who could convey rage and anger, while performing intricate choreography, really well.

As mentioned `Thundering Mantis` is the obvious one, although the rest of the movie is wildly different in tone than the insane final 10 minutes....I`d also go with his Sammo choreographed movies, particularly `The Victim`, but also `The Odd Couple` where he gives a great performance as the villain.

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Originally Posted by One Armed Boxer

I`d second `Secret Service of the Imperial Court` (as a sidenote, this was loosely remade recently as the Donnie Yen movie `14 Blades`), it`s a great all round movie which contains some great fights and is pretty bloody thoughout.

Couldn’t agree more, OAB ! Totally gripping and super-dark late Shaw flick, well scripted and with an awesome performance by Beardy – or rather Brigadier, as I (and my Jamaican bredrin) prefer to call him. The crazy undercranking of the fight scenes was a stylistic device, granted, but sometimes I wish that director Lu Chin Ku could have restrained himself a bit though…

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Thanks to not having a TV, I only watch movies on my laptop computer...so unfortunately I have absolutely no idea, sorry!


naughty boys and angry ranger are anamorphic... or at least it says so on the back of the cases!:bigsmile:

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One Armed Boxer
naughty boys and angry ranger are anamorphic... or at least it says so on the back of the cases!

I'll take it that means you got them!? Now watch!

By the way OAB how was Killers Nocturne?

I finally got through watching this one just moments ago....such a dissapointment!

Actually first and foremost in this movie, before plot, fight scenes, characterization, or anything else.....is mahjong! So many scenes of mahjong, which tend to outstay their welcome by a least 2 minutes everytime, not knowing the rules makes these scenes even more arduous to watch, as the slow hand reveals and narrowing of the eyes just don't hold any meaning!

It does have it's moments, and yes the final 5 minutes features a really gritty throwdown with some very desperate, brutal, and very minimally stylized action...bottles are plunged into peoples faces, other peoples heads are (literally) smashed though solid walls, and even biting is featured, giving it an element of realism which was very refreshing.

However, it is in fact the only real fight scene to speak of in the whole movie. Yes Chin Siu Ho faces off agains Bolo very briefly, but it is completely unspectacular and hardly worth mentioning, and of course there is the infamous fight against the kangaroo, which if the movie didn't have such a serious tone would be laughable in it's level or ridiculousness.

However all in all I simply didn't find the story engaging enough to keep me from constantly looking at how long I had to go until the movie would finish, which is never a good sign. Still, I understand why the finale frequently makes it into peoples 'hate' lists and is a great example of a brutal throwdown, but sitting through the 85 minutes before it simply didn't warrant it as falling into the category of a worthwhile watch in my opinion.

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I watched Angry Ranger the other night and found it a good entertaining action film. It's not the greatest movie but I will definitely watch it again in the future I have to say I really liked the look of modern set Hong Kong action movies from this era, with the British influence of the former territory (especially seeing the old cars) mixed with the bright neon night life. I would have liked to have seen some more choreographed empty handed battles like the one against the character Macau Hua. But all in all a good movie. Has Ben Lam starred in any other good MA films?

Unfortunately naughty boys didn't work for me mainly down to the large amount of comedy used throughout. Like angry ranger the subtitles weren't great but I suspect with a better translation I would have found the humour more amusing. However that's speculation on my part. Most of the action takes place at the timber yard or the warehouse sequence at the end, most of which I had seen on you tube videos. It does feature some good action but I didn't find enough of it and with the translation extremely poor I kept getting distracted during the non action scenes. I actually paused the DVD to do washing up. I might watch the action sequences again in the future but never the whole movie.

By the way what's up with the art work on these DVDs? I don't recall seeing either cover art actually in the film? Or did I miss it?

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One Armed Boxer
I watched Angry Ranger the other night and found it a good entertaining action film.

Unfortunately naughty boys didn't work for me mainly down to the large amount of comedy used throughout.

Glad to hear you enjoyed 'Angry Ranger', and sorry 'Naughty Boys' didn't work so well for you, I feel some kind of personal responsability considering they where my recommendations! I'll have a transfer of funds ready to go once you've got through with 'Hong Kong Godfather' (although the fact you enjoyed 'Angry Ranger' is a good sign, both movies are directed by Johnny Wang Lung Wei!).

I would still say they're a worthy double bill, purely based on the fact that they where both choreographed by the Jackie Chan Stunt Team (both movies where also produced by Chan), and it was so unheard of at that period of time for Chan's Stunt Team to work on any other movies except his own.

From that point of view, for me it was a real thrill, and a very rare one, to see the Chan style of fast paced choreography applied with a gritty and violent tone in the case of 'Angry Ranger', and regarding 'Naughty Boys', it was also a treat to see Kara Hui performing in a modern day setting, with an equally rare main lead performance from Mars, one of Chan's stunt teams main members at that time.

On top of that, over the 2 movies you get Ko Fei, Carina Lau, opera school members like Tai Bo, a blink and you'll miss it cameo from Jackie himself, and members of the Venoms clan Lo Meng & Sun Chien...perhaps that's why I enjoyed them so much!

About 'Naughty Boys', fair enough about the comedy, although I definitely wouldn't say it contained anymore hijinks than the average Jackie movie of the same era, 'Wheels On Meals', 'My Lucky Stars', 'Police Story', and 'Armour of God' all have a liberal amount of their running time devoted to comedy, but people still consider them classics.

Most of the action takes place at the timber yard or the warehouse sequence at the end, most of which I had seen on you tube videos.

From your comments I feel even further inclined to rail against the watching of movie finales on youtube. Yes perhaps it gives you a taste of what to expect, but personally I did the same thing with a few movies a couple of years ago, and when I actually watched the whole movie after purchasing them on DVD, once it got to the finale...the part you should gain the most entertainment from...it kind of felt like a hollow enjoyment. I realized it was because I'd already seen it on youtube, I basically spoiled the catharatic experience of watching the bad guys get their come uppance for myself. When I saw the clips of 'Naughty Boys' and 'Angry Ranger' in the hate thread, I turned them off after a minute or so, I knew I'd seen enough to make me want to watch them!

By the way what's up with the art work on these DVDs? I don't recall seeing either cover art actually in the film? Or did I miss it?

I don't actually have the DVD's in my possesion at the moment, but the Joy Sales DVD's usually recreate 2 of the HK movie posters from the time of release for both sides of the DVD. The cover of 'Naughty Boys' with Kara Hui & Carina Lau jumping in gym wear is definitely a publicity still for the movie, likewise the image of Ben Lam on the motorbike riding away from the fire for 'Angry Ranger'. As I recall though the other images from the covers are all in the movies.

Has Ben Lam starred in any other good MA films?

So many! But always as a supporting actor, as far as I'm aware 'Angry Ranger' was his only outing as the lead. But you can check him out in supporting roles in anything from stuff like 'Eastern Condors' and 'Police Story 2', all the way up to recent movies like 'So Close' and 'Flash Point'.

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@One Armed Boxer

Just to clarify, Sing Ga Ban is the cantonese name for the JC stunt team, not the name of an actual member.

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One Armed Boxer

Damn....how embarrassing, let me do some quick editing to my post so I don't look like such an ameteur..:Ayociexp118:

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We all have our 'Ric Meyer' moments, but atleast we own up to them:wink:

I thought, for the longest time, that Wai Pai was in Hard Boiled, untill I was corrected.

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I finally got around to watching this mid-80s triad movie and really, really enjoyed it. Even though I was forced to watch it over two nights I found this a terrific drama. I really found myself getting caught up in the story and the characters, especially liking the themes of brotherhood, honour, loyalty and revenge. The movie was pretty violent and bloody and even though the blood kind of looked off. I thought it was tenfold better than the CGI crap we see these days. Actors getting completely covered in blood rather than huge gushing CGI blood that never hits anybody in the slightest.

As far as "hate" goes this film had it in bucket loads as the heroes got their revenge. With the majority of it in the final throes of the film. From a martial arts point of view the film didn't rock my world but the way the film came together as a whole, as a truly well told revenge story, bloody, violent and a downright gritty triad movie. It's definitely worth watching.:xd:

The US region 1 remastered edition picture quality was very good, the subtitles were clear and easy to read and while there is no extras to speak of. I really thought that the quality of the image brought out the beauty of 80s Hong Kong, helping me enjoy the movie so much more. I also really liked that the subtitles included subtitling signs, which you don't always see translated. It's an excellent example of how an Asian movie should be remastered and released , in my humble opinion.

By the way did anyone else notice that shortly after being introduced to Beardy's dog Stallone when he's reading the newspaper features a picture of Stallone as Rambo ? I'm sure you all did but I thought it was a nice touch. It was also nice to see a little female nudity for a change but what was more surprising than seeing the girls completely nude, was such hairy bushes!:tongue:

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One Armed Boxer
The movie was pretty violent and bloody and even though the blood kind of looked off.

Ha ha...it's Shaw Brothers blood, the slightly off look is part of it's charm!

As far as "hate" goes this film had it in bucket loads as the heroes got their revenge. With the majority of it in the final throes of the film.

Agreed....the movies final freeze frame finish is just pure hate, I loved it!

By the way did anyone else notice that shortly after being introduced to Beardy's dog Stallone when he's reading the newspaper features a picture of Stallone as Rambo ?

I missed it! Going to have to go back and check that out, nice touch.

It was also nice to see a little female nudity for a change but what was more surprising than seeing the girls completely nude, was such hairy bushes!

Ha ha....what a note to end on! Well, it's Asia, welcome to my world:tongue:....the idea of trimming yourself down there is as alien to girls here as just leaving things as nature intended is to most Western females.

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I missed it! Going to have to go back and check that out, nice touch.


you can find it at chapter 6, 22 min and 10 seconds.:smile:

Ha ha....what a note to end on! Well, it's Asia, welcome to my world:tongue:....the idea of trimming yourself down there is as alien to girls here as just leaving things as nature intended is to most Western females

I don't think it was just Asian thing it was the 1980s and you were just as likely to see the same pubic growth in an American movie of the period. I really don't get the whole culture of plastic surgery, I mean some of the breast augmentation just looks absolutely ridiculous.:squigglemouth:

Agreed....the movies final freeze frame finish is just pure hate, I loved it!

Yeah it put a smile on my face.:bigsmile:

Ha ha...it's Shaw Brothers blood, the slightly off look is part of it's charm!

Absolutely, it's so much better seeing the actors getting bloody even if the colouring is off but it's also the interaction with the walls, floor, the weapons and the whole environment… As it should be blood everywhere stop

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One Armed Boxer
Absolutely, it's so much better seeing the actors getting bloody even if the colouring is off but it's also the interaction with the walls, floor, the weapons and the whole environment… As it should be blood everywhere stop

Agreed....on a sidenote, if you want to see Beardy unleashing some equally blood splattered hate on people, all be it in a period setting as opposed to a modern one, 'Secret Service of the Imperial Court' is another Shaw Brothers movie well worth tracking down.

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Agreed....on a sidenote, if you want to see Beardy unleashing some equally blood splattered hate on people, all be it in a period setting as opposed to a modern one, 'Secret Service of the Imperial Court' is another Shaw Brothers movie well worth tracking down.

I'll definitely try to see that one sometime.:tongue:

By the way did you see the Rambo picture on the newspaper in Hong Kong Godfather like I mentioned in my other post?

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One Armed Boxer
By the way did you see the Rambo picture on the newspaper in Hong Kong Godfather like I mentioned in my other post?

Ha ha....yeah, I saw it....good one!

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I thought I would dig up this old thread and see if anyone has discovered anything new or old:tongue:

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Fiery Family was alright. I didn't expect that shocking end fight.

Who Holds The Golden Key?

I saw this one last night. There's hate in this but it turns into a shootout.

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Fiery Family was alright. I didn't expect that one dude to go zombie in the final fight.

Spoilers dude!!!:neutral:

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Blue Skies did you see Secret Service? Lots of hate in that one.

I did, very good movie.:xd: It was nothing like what I was expecting so was pleasantly surprised when it turned out so good.

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