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The Amazing Spider-Man


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Sort of like watching Mark Ruffalo play Bruce Banner in the Avengers, instead of Edward Norton!

The Dragon: You got that right! I was disappointed when I found out Ed Norton wasn't going to reprise his role, he was off the hook!

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They're going from a blond playing a redhead to a redhead playing a blond. Hopefully the Gwen character won't become as sentimental and sappy as the MJ character did. Don't get me wrong. I loved all the Raimi films. But one thing I could have done without was his taking MJ in a direction against her type. She is so happy-go-lucky and flirtatious in the comics. By the 3rd movie it was as if she and the Gwen character had switched personalities. Of course I also thought he should've led with Gwen as the first love interest but there you go.

(Am I coming off as an obnoxious fanboy or what? I'll stop now.):tongue:

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Sony Pictures announced that British actor Rhys Ifans (The Replacements) will play Spider-Man's nemesis. However, what villain Ifans will play is remaining a mystery!!!! They want to keep it hush-hush for as long as possible.

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A current post on another forum is saying it's been slipped that Ifans is to play the Lizard. Someone there noted that while that would be cool, if the studio is looking to make this a 3D film that Mysterio would make for a better villain. Who knows. This could all be disinformation until an official announcement is made. Meanwhile, fanboys everywhere remain in a riotous debate over mundane details.

Now for our financial segment, we go to the ghost of Nostradamus for today's stock tips for tomorrow on yesterday's market. Well, what do you have for us, Nostry......

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Dark Horizons reported today that MAD MEN's John Slattery is the front runner to play Daily Bugle editor J. Jonah Jameson as well as Sam Elliott. IDK, I liked the way JK Simmons pulled it off in the Sam Raimi trilogy. Guess we will see.
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Now for our financial segment, we go to the ghost of Nostradamus for today's stock tips for tomorrow on yesterday's market. Well, what do you have for us, Nostry.....


"... In the year 2012, as the eastern nether star interjects the half sphere Atlas, The Earth shall be plunged into an eternal darkness and the plight of mankind will be expired upon a ghost's amulet. Thereby, causing the fall of civilization and ruining the followers of my quatrains viewing of Spiderman Redux... and a child shall lead them...

In greater Arabia. "


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We're all doomed!!!! The sky is falling!!!!!!!!

Wait, wait, that's just the spackling of my ceiling. Sorry.

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See I'm sorry but I don't think this series needs a total overhaul. Just start with a new fresh idea and work it from there not, start from scratch. I totally disagree with that theory! Damn you Hollywood, Damn you to Hell! Ur Destroying us Fans with every remake, and reboot you do!

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Maybe Sally Field will have to go the route of Forrest Gump and get made up to look like Aunt May...heard she has been offered the role.

What I don't understand is that they had to change the setting directly to college because Andrew Garfield is already 27 years old.

I think the plan is to start from scratch...but...

If they had really had planned to use James Vanderbilt's high school angle, I think Josh Hutcherson would have made a better Parker. I think he ended up getting 1st runner up like martial artist Michael Worth did when he auditioned for Robin in Batman Forever (he ended up doubling for Chris O'Donnell for his fight scene against Don Wilson and gang).

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Wait a minute. Just.....just.....wait a minute.

They've changed the setting to college? If that's the case, there should be no need to make this a complete origin story. Just touch base on it and go! Everybody in the world (I know that's a generalization but bear with me) saw Raimi's version so they all have an idea of how it happens. Do we really have to sit through that again? Come on!

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Here's the link ShaOW!lin


Yeha I agree...they should have casted someone that looked more like a high schooler rather than a college student Peter Parker. Kind of ruins it, but considering the star power now coming in, it does bring out a bit of curiosity.

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Bring in the star power...

The Wrap has announced that Martin Sheen is in final negotiations to play Uncle Ben Parker and The Hollywood Reporter is announcing that Sally Field is in "early talks" to take the role of Aunt May Parker.

I don't want to sound negative, but this sounds like shit.

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Thanks for the link, AlbertV.

Okay..........I'm getting to the point where I want the studio to put a gun to the head of this project and kill it. They can't seem to make up their minds and they're going to start pulling stuff out of their..............back pockets, if you know what I mean.

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Comic Book News announced today that newcomer Chris Zylka, who appeared in the TV series version of 10 Things I Hate About You, will play school bully Flash Thompson.

There is also an audition tape on the link for a youngster named Stuart Allan, who got the role of "Billy Connors", so it is pretty much all but officially conformed that the villain will in fact be The Lizard.

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IMDB through Empire Online announced Campbell Scott will play Richard Parker, Peter's father who in the comics was a spy. When Peter's parents were killed, he was taken in by Aunt May and Uncle Ben.
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I came across this today.


I admit I've been out of the comics loop for a few years but I've tried to maintain a finger on the pulse of the characters I once collected of which Spiderman was chief. Proto-Goblin? Never heard of him and I read the link to the bio of the character.

While a lot of the news is speculative, more and more I find that my spider-sense is tingling...........with dread.

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Wow! Yeah, that's Gwen Stacy right there.

So far this is the only casting decision they've got right, IMHO.

Andrew Garfield is a very good actor - but, like Toby Maguire before him, he ain't PP to me.

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Wow! Yeah, that's Gwen Stacy right there.

So far this is the only casting decision they've got right, IMHO.

Andrew Garfield is a very good actor - but, like Toby Maguire before him, he ain't PP to me.

Here, have another, my friend!


And I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment about Garfield. I've been watching a lot of films with Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Man, there's the dude to play Peter Parker/Spiderman. He's got the looks, talent, and body build.

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Yeah, J G-L would be an excellent choice.

I wonder why Garfield got cast and I think it might be beacause his hair looks like John Romita Sr drew it back in 1970!

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