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Hong Kong Godfather has arrived!!!


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Just got the new funimation disc in the mail for review.

Pics and info coming a little later. I just got back in a couple of minutes ago and have to unpack from a trip.

It even has the 1980s Shaw Logo.

What's the aspect ratio of the film? My boot is 1:85:1 I think and the DVD is 1:78:1 (16X9). It seems slightly (and I mean slightly cropped from 1:85:1 to 1:78:1. It is not a lot as you'll see when I post cap comparisons later.

Oh the old boot runs 1:32:30 and I think is a PAL source

The new DVD (with celestial and Shaws logo) runs 1:35:43!!!

This print has NUDITY doing the opening sex scene.

The subs match the old theatrical print pretty close. The typing text is subbed!

Credits are new computer generated (sadly, but that was to be expected).

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Morgoth Bauglir

You are a lucky man!! Or at least you are lucky I don't live near you because I'd be pounding on your door with both fists so I could check this disc out!

A couple of obvious questions I have when you have time.

If you noticed the blur on Shaolin Handlock, can you check if HKG has the same blurry problem?

Also is there the same odd cuts of violence as seen on your youtube clip in the final fight?

I'm going to buy it anyways, but good to know this stuff so I'm not surprised when I get the disc.

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You are a lucky man!! Or at least you are lucky I don't live near you because I'd be pounding on your door with both fists so I could check this disc out!

A couple of obvious questions I have when you have time.

If you noticed the blur on Shaolin Handlock, can you check if HKG has the same blurry problem?

Well I can say that I see no blur so far.

Oh the sex scene ISN'T a sex scene its really just Playboy Lung doing pushups and his naked (some lower frontal nudity too) girlfriend counting. It's really a gag.

I'm going to do a full comparison later tonight.

If you did live near me I'd tell you to come over. No banging on the door need! :)

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In the final fight that saw blade into the shoulder, you then see the goons arm FLY OFF and hit a door!!

Also the knife to the head...someone gets a headache :)

Oh the opening scene is supposed to take place in New York's Chinatown according the new translated typed text.

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I second Morgoth... does it have the same blurring present on Shaolin Handlock and 14 Amazons? As I said before, the promo seemed to imply otherwise. Fingers crossed!

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I second Morgoth... does it have the same blurring present on Shaolin Handlock and 14 Amazons? As I said before, the promo seemed to imply otherwise. Fingers crossed!

Nope but it does have extra full frontal nudity of women jumping into and out of a pool!

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Sounds promising so far :tongue: Funny thing is people joked on that one YouTube video that the "sex scene" looked like he was doing push ups... well, looks like they were right :wink:

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Sounds promising so far :tongue: Funny thing is people joked on that one YouTube video that the "sex scene" looked like he was doing push ups... well, looks like they were right :wink:

Yeah, the chick is actually playing a handheld video game.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I have Old Pang Yau, who says that the DVD should have no blurring. Then I have gfanikf, who has the DVD, and says that there is no blurring, and is uncut with extra violence not seen on the VHS version. I will be looking at further evidence before I come to a final decision on whether or not this DVD is acceptable, but so far this is some good good good good good news.

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Thanks gfanikf!!!! I enjoyed this crazy flick even in it's edited form, so I'M REALLY EXCITED to see the gory goodies that were snipped! :nerd:

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Morgoth Bauglir
I'm personally going to keep an eye out at FYE to see if any early copies show up :wink:

I am sorry that you lost one of your eyes OPY, but I am going to be keeping both of my eyes out for this, and I will get it before you. I have already ordered a samurai sword, a laser gun, and one of those pair of shoes that have knives that pop out of the front. I probably shouldn't explain what exactly I have planned, but I will be getting this DVD very soon.

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i'm going to ask a rather obvious question--------does it have an ENGLISH DUB and if so is it the regular shaw dub crew ? :wink:

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i'm going to ask a rather obvious question--------does it have an ENGLISH DUB and if so is it the regular shaw dub crew ? :wink:

Sorry no dub. I was hoping there might be one, but alas no luck.

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Well, I had my futile attempt of looking for it at FYE yesterday. No luck yet. Perhaps next week, I dunno.

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Morgoth Bauglir

You probably didn't even bring any weapons. You are too weak minded. You probably won't get this DVD until the day it comes out. Get some damn courage already OPY and go get that DVD!

I called Suncoast today and my friend who works there confirmed that they don't have it in yet. I pressed him pretty hard. We had a good long conversation. Mainly me talking about how long I've been wanting to get this DVD, how the last release got cancelled, mainly the same stuff I always talk to him about. But get this, he actually had the nerve to tell me that he doesn't think he'll be able to sell me this before the release date. Wrong!

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You probably didn't even bring any weapons. You are too weak minded. You probably won't get this DVD until the day it comes out. Get some damn courage already OPY and go get that DVD!

I called Suncoast today and my friend who works there confirmed that they don't have it in yet. I pressed him pretty hard. We had a good long conversation. Mainly me talking about how long I've been wanting to get this DVD, how the last release got cancelled, mainly the same stuff I always talk to him about. But get this, he actually had the nerve to tell me that he doesn't think he'll be able to sell me this before the release date. Wrong!

This is slowly turning into a competition :wink: Well, I'd be surprised if it doesn't show up at least SLIGHTLY early at FYE. After all, I bought Flag of Iron the day before it was supposed to come out... AND on sale :tongue:

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Some minor bad news. The end credits which appear over a bunch of sponsers is not in the Funimation version. What I mean is the sponsor is (and the name translated), but the scrolling credits were not recreated, same with the onscreen opening ones. I'll upload them with the review. I guess Celestial forgot to redo them (I guess they forgot since most Shaw films don't have end credits).I also found Paulo Tocha on facebook and I'm seeing if I can interview him.

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Some minor bad news. The end credits which appear over a bunch of sponsers is not in the Funimation version. What I mean is the sponsor is (and the name translated), but the scrolling credits were not recreated, same with the onscreen opening ones. I'll upload them with the review. I guess Celestial forgot to redo them (I guess they forgot since most Shaw films don't have end credits).I also found Paulo Tocha on facebook and I'm seeing if I can interview him.

No surprise... I saw the ending of both the Celestial remaster and the "classic" version of Men From The Monastery, and the Celestial version completely cut out the final epic-looking wide shot... ugh...

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No surprise... I saw the ending of both the Celestial remaster and the "classic" version of Men From The Monastery, and the Celestial version completely cut out the final epic-looking wide shot... ugh...

Well there is no footage cut, just the actual credit text. They never generated new text. Nothing so bad here.

To make you feel better there is already a lot of violence and nudity I've found restored also the aftermath of when kids fly through glass windows!

I'm doing really super detailed notes and caps. Review should be up in a couple of hours and I'll start a new thread then.

You have no idea who hard it is syncing up two versions of the movie and watching them both and pausing and restarted. The things one does for Johnny Wang! :)

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Well there is no footage cut, just the actual credit text. They never generated new text. Nothing so bad here.

To make you feel better there is already a lot of violence and nudity I've found restored also the aftermath of when kids fly through glass windows!

I'm doing really super detailed notes and caps. Review should be up in a couple of hours and I'll start a new thread then.

You have no idea who hard it is syncing up two versions of the movie and watching them both and pausing and restarted. The things one does for Johnny Wang! :)

Well, the Celestial frame cuts don't help! However, I did the same thing for Righting Wrongs a few years ago between the Cantonese and Mandarin versions... wasn't easy!

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Well, the Celestial frame cuts don't help! However, I did the same thing for Righting Wrongs a few years ago between the Cantonese and Mandarin versions... wasn't easy!

Call me crazy, but I don't think there are any frame cuts.

Writing the review now. It will be up by noon.

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