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The Great Debate: Does "Fist of Unicorn" deserve a SERIOUS remastering?

Fang Shih-yu

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Fang Shih-yu

After such great feedback to my "Cottonmill" thread, I now would like to talk about that most notorious of "Bruce-ploitation" films: "Fist of Unicorn"! Do you think the WHOLE film must be given a digital restoration, or ONLY the Bruce Lee footage should get cleaned up? I think (with all due respect to the late Mr. Chan) we could live with the surviving Bruce material alone (including the related still photos) as part of a DVD compilation of all known short-form footage, just as we could manage with John Little's "Game of Death" reconstruction [of the finale] and FORGET that horrible 102 minutes of "old clips and new crap" Robert Clouse cobbled together! (It's a great BAD movie, otherwise, but can't we just leave "Game of Death" IN THE VAULT FOREVER?) How rare is "Fist of Unicorn", compared to, say, "Cottonmill"? Has Lee's estate ever commented about this film? Finally, if there are Unicorn Chan fans out there, what do YOU think? Brother Fang is curious! Let's get a coversation started!...:bigsmile::cry::nerd:

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For historical purposes (i.e. Bruce's involvement) I think this film deserves the best possible treatment.

As you said, Fang, if not the whole movie, then certainly the Bruce elements should be kept in as good a condition as is possible.

I remember visiting the place in HK a few years ago where a lot of this was filmed and it was so small!

It was very poignant to stand where Bruce once stood.

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It would be interesting to know how much footage of Bruce was shot.

But i think there are many more better films that need restoration because as a film Unicorn is awful.

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Fang Shih-yu

Didn't realize how low-budgeted "Fist of Unicorn" must have been 'til your little anecdote, Karlos! On the other hand, I think I made an inadvertent joke when I asked for fans of Unicorn to chime in on this topic, eh? Unless I missed a particular role somewhere, his ONLY high-profile part was in "The Way of the Dragon", and he was so much comedy relief there! (Has anyone noticed how his slightly doughy face made him look like an Asian version of a '70s-era Dean Martin :tongue: ?) If I recall right, Unicorn was more known for his juvenile roles in those older Hong Kong pictures he did (some with a younger [obviously] Bruce). We'd hardly be speaking about him AT ALL were it not for "FoU"! I'm guessing Betty Ting Pei has a BIGGER following :wink: !!

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that piece of worthless shit was just released in Germany in a nice-looking Widescreen Edition (2.35 16x9), alas German Audio only. so if you wanna start, use that as a source for an uncut Project - it looks MUCH better than the horrid Soulblade crap.

it's only missing minor stuff btw.

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Actualy i would like very much to see it digitaly remastered, first of all because i`m big fan of Bruce Lee, second i like Unicorn Chan.

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Fang Shih-yu

So somebody has tried to breathe new life into "FoU", even if the language is German! Thanks for the tip, spannick! :smile: If it's not been suggested, maybe somebody industrious could take the German visuals, combine them with the original languages (as in English and/or Cantonese from the one DVD that's still around), and make new subtitles for a definitive "last word" on this movie!... :yociexpress01: Here's to MG Lerox for stepping up to the plate for Unicorn! Considering all the characters that were in "The Way of the Dragon", one wonders why a couple of Bruce's fellow workers in the restaurant weren't eliminated to beef up Unicorn's role in the picture! After his character was defeated by Bruce's Chinese boxing, there was no real follow-up on him; if he wound up being shown training well with Bruce and (ultimately) saving his life by sacrificing himself during a fight at the picture's climax, it'd make for a better end to his character. It was BRUCE'S movie, however, so.... You know the rest.

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Fang Shih-yu

It's obvious that if people DESIRE to have the whole "FoU", have whoever is next to get the rights to it remaster the thing PROPERLY the first time 'round (anamorphic widescreen with Catonese and English languages/subtitles), including the accompanying photos as an "extra"! The better this piece of exploitation is presented on all levels, the more copies will be SOLD. If the German version is selling well, then my theory is verified! Will a major label here (Media Blasters? Image? Funimation? Well Go USA?) take up the challenge? Maybe if enough people email these companies, one shall show interest! :yociexpress01:

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I had begun creating a set of remastered English subtitles for a German DVD consisting of uncut 2:35:1 anamorphic widescreen video and both English/Mandarin soundtracks. Unfortunately, my resources were limited and now, I'm not sure if it'll be released again. If someone that knows Mandarin is willing to help (I'd do the precise timings and what I can), then maybe it can get started again (incase it does get re-released)? I will say that despite people's criticisms about the film, it can be saved in a way via a proper translation - as intended (often the case with Hong Kong Cinema).

I'm really surprised Soulblade released it again - it wasn't much better either.

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Fang Shih-yu

Hopefully, your speaker of Mandarin will be along sometime, chen lung! :bigsmile: Often, for us lovers of subtitles, it truly hinges on a good translation to help enjoy a movie, and we've all been exposed to the highs and lows! :smile::sad: For example, the only real flaw in Media Blaster's translation of "Heroes Two" happens upon entrance of my namesake's character; the translated Mandarin is very vague as to where Fang came from. Happily, the late Linn Haynes informed us [on his commentary] that the ENGLISH dub did a better explanation about Fang's arrival! A minor issue, that instance of translating, but it did affect my viewing of the movie a little bit. (Needless to say, don't get me started on MIS-SPELLINGS and BAD GRAMMAR!) On the flipside, MB really went the extra mile with its translation of "Five Element Ninjas"!...

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Hopefully, your speaker of Mandarin will be along sometime, chen lung! :bigsmile:

Me too! A friend called Michael very kindly helped me with the likes of 'The Tournament' and 'Seaman No 7' in the past.

Often, for us lovers of subtitles, it truly hinges on a good translation to help enjoy a movie, and we've all been exposed to the highs and lows! :smile::sad:

Absolutely. I've seen someone say that 'Once Upon A Time In China And America' seemed better than when he last watched it, and I believe that was to do with the remastered subtitles (featuring on the German DVD). People don't realise the integral part they play.

For example, the only real flaw in Media Blaster's translation of "Heroes Two" happens upon entrance of my namesake's character; the translated Mandarin is very vague as to where Fang came from. Happily, the late Linn Haynes informed us [on his commentary] that the ENGLISH dub did a better explanation about Fang's arrival! A minor issue, that instance of translating, but it did affect my viewing of the movie a little bit. (Needless to say, don't get me started on MIS-SPELLINGS and BAD GRAMMAR!) On the flipside, MB really went the extra mile with its translation of "Five Element Ninjas"!...

I've had discussions with Richard York, who was very kind in explaining the process behind the re-translation of 'The Brave Archer' - I really appreciated it.

Myself and a few others have found that sometimes though, the translation isn't as good as it could have been. 'Heroes Two' is an example, where I found from my limited Mandarin, it wasn't excellent - adding to some ill-chosen phrases and the likes (plus the presentation wasn't very smooth). My summary for the DVD is that they had a wealth of brilliant material and clearly the best intentions, but a lack of proper presentation because of some niggles/errors (it felt like a test disc really) - I'm eager for the forthcoming Blu-Ray to fix a number of things on the jump from DVD. I don't have a player myself, but it would be assuring to have a better release just there (obviously from what the corner-cutting Celestial have provided them - frame-cut video and over-filtered audio, etc).

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Fang Shih-yu

I do have a Blu-ray player, so for me, "Heroes Two" will be THE BD release of the year after "Casablanca"! :yociexp42: We'll be fortunate if Media Blasters makes the bonus Chen Kuan Tai interview anamorphic, at least!... Definitely, the "Heroes Two" DVD has some "interesting" translations, and you don't have to know Mandarin to pick up on certain phrasings, such as Fang saying, "You are talking through your hat"! :squigglemouth: Speaking of subtitles, chen lung, what did you think of the [temporary] Image set-up (on later Shaw reissues) where they tried to put the spoken words under whatever character was speaking? I think improving the font and shrinking the size of it was good enough, but very short phrases got easily overlooked by the reader. The worse aspect of this type can be seen on "The Lizard" DVD where, MORE than once, Lo Lieh's WHITE suit inadvertently got in the way of some of the equally WHITE type! :cry:

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We'll be fortunate if Media Blasters makes the bonus Chen Kuan Tai interview anamorphic, at least!...

I doubt it if it was shot 4:3, because people would complain about the masking. However, it probably should have been shot HD (or widescreen at least) initially.

Definitely, the "Heroes Two" DVD has some "interesting" translations, and you don't have to know Mandarin to pick up on certain phrasings, such as Fang saying, "You are talking through your hat"! :squigglemouth:

Yeah, there's a few bits that were weird - you can still taste Celestial's subtitles. I brought up some stuff within this thread.

Speaking of subtitles, chen lung, what did you think of the [temporary] Image set-up (on later Shaw reissues) where they tried to put the spoken words under whatever character was speaking? I think improving the font and shrinking the size of it was good enough, but very short phrases got easily overlooked by the reader. The worse aspect of this type can be seen on "The Lizard" DVD where, MORE than once, Lo Lieh's WHITE suit inadvertently got in the way of some of the equally WHITE type! :cry:

I haven't got any of Image's DVDs:bigsmile:.

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Fang Shih-yu

A fine further sampling of odd translations, chen lung.... Bottom line with Media Blasters: they are actually LEARNING from their mistakes, as opposed to Image:sad:and Well Go USA:sad:! (Funimation is still up in the air, and Dragon Dynasty is fine, though now we have to muddle through future Shaw reissues without extras:cry:!) Then again, some of us are waiting to see how Well Go's Blu-ray Shaw reissues turn out, but I lean on the skeptic's side about them:squigglemouth:.... I think all of us on these forums will be long DEAD before "FoU" makes it to Blu-ray!:tongue:

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Fang Shih-yu

That's the point of the debate, Dragon!:yociexp44: When you consider there are films WORSER than "FoU" (and there ARE) being given a deluxe DVD or BD treatment (in 2-or-more disc sets) --newer releases and older "classics"-- by virtue of what little Bruce connection there is to "FoU", it deserves some measure of special attention. (So far, that's been [partially] done with the German reissue.) At the same time, a potential NEW, DOMESTIC reissue of this film could include a feature (or featurette of a significant length) of the history behind the making of "FoU", including an extended profile of Unicorn and the "fallout" from fandom that arose after its release (up to the present day). To HELP sell this, like Ed Wood's movies, it must be acknowledged that EVERYONE knows "FoU" is a STINKER; treating it like it's a flawless gem (because BRUCE was "there") goes against conventional wisdom and would have an adverse affect on sales!:squigglemouth: An alternative to this would be for the Lee estate to take all Bruce "FoU" film and stills and combine them with all known rare short-form Bruce footage (like his "Charle Chan"/"Green Hornet" audition) in a DVD/BD box set, sort of like "The Beatles Anthology"!... If there's ever any doubt EITHER of these things wouldn't sell like hotcakes, they'd could be made as limited editions!:wink:

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Guest Yi-Long
For historical purposes (i.e. Bruce's involvement) I think this film deserves the best possible treatment.

As you said, Fang, if not the whole movie, then certainly the Bruce elements should be kept in as good a condition as is possible.

I remember visiting the place in HK a few years ago where a lot of this was filmed and it was so small!

It was very poignant to stand where Bruce once stood.

Where in Hong Kong was it filmed?

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Where in Hong Kong was it filmed?

I'm seeing my buddy tomorrow, Yi-Long, and I'll get the exact name of the village for you.

His brother now co-owns the village - which is a 20 minute or so bus ride from Sai Gung - and it's pretty much the last of those little villages left standing.

He and his sister actually saw Bruce and co. filming there - how awesome is that?! :tongue:

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Fang Shih-yu

So this village is not a tourist trap because of "FoU"? If so, I'd say that's a GOOD thing!:angel:

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So this village is not a tourist trap because of "FoU"? If so, I'd say that's a GOOD thing!:angel:

No, and you'd think it would be, wouldn't you?

There's only a few people who know of it, as far as I'm aware.

It may the only Bruce site that isn't well known! :bigsmile:

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Guest Yi-Long
I'm seeing my buddy tomorrow, Yi-Long, and I'll get the exact name of the village for you.

His brother now co-owns the village - which is a 20 minute or so bus ride from Sai Gung - and it's pretty much the last of those little villages left standing.

He and his sister actually saw Bruce and co. filming there - how awesome is that?! :tongue:

Thanks man, I appreciate it. I've been to Hong Kong a couple of times, and last year we also went to Sai Kong a couple of times, but also to those little villages in the neighbourhood, so maybe I already visited it :D

Hong Kong is just so fucking amazing. I doubt I'd ever grow tired of that city. Best city in the world. It has everything. :)

Still considering going again this summer, cause my girlfriend and her family is going as well, but I think I'll skip. :)

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