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Choreography in Massacre Survivor


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I am looking for films with similar choreography to Massacre Survivor. The last films I watched--Iron Monkey and Crane Fighter--are different in terms of having intricate close-range hand movements.

I am wondering which other movies (77-83) you can think of with emphasis on twisting, turning, somersaults and flips, but without starring Hwang Jang Lee, as he always brings his own choreography to movies.

Corey Yuen Kwai

Instant Kung Fu Man (1977)

Hero of the Wild (1977)

The 7 Grandmasters (1978)

The Dragon and the Tiger Kids (1979)

Crystal Fist (1979)

Dance of the Drunk Mantis (1979)

Ring of Death (1980)

The Buddha Assassinator (1980)

We're Going to Eat You (1980)

Hitman in the Hand of Buddha (1981)

Ninja in the Dragon's Den (1982)

Yuen Cheung-Yan

The 7 Grandmasters (1978)

18 Fatal Strikes (1978)

Dynamo (1978)

Revenge of the Shaolin Master (1979)

Blooded Treasury Fight (1979)

World of the Drunken Master (1979)

The Brothers (1979)

Six Directions of Boxing (1980)

Dreadnought (1981)

What Price Honesty? (1981)

Challenge of the Gamesters (1981)

Gang Master (1982)

Legend of a Fighter (1982)

Which choreographer do you think was mainly responsible for the twists and turns? Instant Kung Fu Man doesn't seem at all similar. The only film I can think of that is similar is 7 Grandmasters. However, the MS style may not be unique to those 2 action directors, but might have more to do with the year 1979. I seem to recall Iron Swallow being quite acrobatic?

Massacre Survivor (1979) - complete end sequence!

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Instant kung fu man is full fo twists and turns you should re watch it, That was the first time we really got to see the acrobatics of Yuen Yat Chor on full display, i'll never forget that back flip he does with the half twist he did it twice or thrice on the trot.never saw it in a film since, simple enpough move but very effective. and the forward roll front sommersualt punch fornt he did in the at the end when he doubled Yip Fei Yang.

regarding the chroreo I am sure its a joint effort leaning more towars Yuen Hisang Ren on the flips and Corey on the weapons. Yuen Hsaing Ren loves putting mad flips in films even the Bruce Li's he did, he has some mad flip combo's in there like that mad death move Chiang Tao did in last strike.

Films with flips, Bone Crushing kid, Fearless young boxer, knockabout, daggers 8 , The Master , Mad monkey kung fu, all lee yi min films ,ect, ect, Iron Swallow has Lee Hai Shing in a main role so its gonna have tos of flips, ditto 18 weapons of kung fu.

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silver hermit

in my memory that film has the most unique choreography i have ever seen. perhaps some other opera manz could come up with something similar but i remember nothing on that level. imagine what a bit more undercrank would have done to your brain:ooh: the only other time i seen shih szu on fire like that was in chinese magic but that film did not have the whole spinning turns of the defence for the rings of death!!! one day i will get to see more than clips of MS then i will have a double bill with chinese magic and compare the 2. the weapons choreo looks very similar to the 1st fight in flying lee sword and some taiwan based wuxia like romantic double rings

good question i will have to come back with a better answer:angel:

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With Massacre, what I find aesthetically pleasing more so is the twists and turns over the flips. It would be hard to find a movie based purely on that factor alone.

I have been analysing this fight scene in MS for a quite some time. I noticed Shih Szu does what I would describe as "lifting crane" x 2 followed by kick, and it's this "lifting crane" which is used for the finishing move "crane strikes of death". Man... I am in heaven spotting all these beautiful artistic patterns in Massacre Survivor! :wink:

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This is what it all comes down to...

but that film did not have the whole spinning turns of the defence for the rings of death!!!

The defence of the weapons is what makes the twists look even better coupled with shapes. In MS unique in that respect?

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silver hermit
This is what it all comes down to...

The defence of the weapons is what makes the twists look even better coupled with shapes. In MS unique in that respect?

at times the old brain fails me but in my memory i would have to say MS is unique just judging from what i have seen on youtube. daggers 8 might have a few moments such as this. just not on that level. its been a long time since shapes have had that inpact on me.

as far as flips Meng Yuen Man comes to mind. that guy is off the charts. young meng hoi can tumble with the best of them. young jackie chan aswell basicly if you survived in an opera school for years you have learned the art of avoiding masters cane strikes by tumbling as if your life depended on it because it did! :angel:

now that i think about it. chin siu ho might have bust a few comparable moves in ghosts galore

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Thinking again, this "circular" choreography obviously stems from the hoops, though is used in such a consistent way, and not just through avoiding weapons even though it looks better when there are weapons. Again, 7 Grandmasters is about the only film that does come to mind, but I'll be sure to re-watch some of the others--in light of Massacre--mentioned by shapes and silver hermit.

Let's analyse these other Massacre clips without the hoops:


There is about 4 spinning turns near the end of the above fight scene when she's facing 2 guys at once..


Shih Szu avoids knives with 2 spins. There is another spin in-between 2 guys purely for show, albeit into a double block. Another spin to avoid the knives.

There is something else about the choreography I like in the 2nd clip: Shih Szu does a kind of a flick-kick twice, which is also very pleasing to watch. Words fail me when trying to describe such high level choreography. The style of Choreography in Massacre Survivor is definitely useable in movies with less esoteric weapons, but the question is: has it been seen before consistently throughout a fight scene in another movie? Definitely some of the lead actors mentioned by silver hermit and shapes would be the way to find leads, as they are confirmed peking opera guys, but getting Shih Szu to perform like the greatest ballerina of all-time must be 90% down to the AC/ADs?

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Mystery of Chess Boxing is another title that feature alot of twisting, turning, somersaults and flips. Jack long, Mark Long & Lee Yi min pull out some serious acrobatic skills in this movie.

I gta say Falkor, I know what you mean though. Massacre Survivor is a badass film, I must have seen it about 8 times now. The fight choreography is top notch.

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It does have great choreography. Who the heck is the guy with the lighter outfit that escapes with the Female character, after their friend dies with the rings of death around his neck? Then he ends up fighting the guy outside with the hand on the end of a stick. Ive seen that actor before but Ive seen so many of these movies, I cant place his face. :neutral:

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Its interesting how so many guys that did Taiwanese Kung Fu films had previously starred in Shaw films. :bigsmile:

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