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The Big Boss - Original English Dub....


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Someone has cut out the 'Fists of Fury' title card here.

Not necessarily, but thanks for reminding me why there's a jump:smile:.

Here's what is probably the original (ignore the music).

This is the one that was on the UK cinema print in 1974

The UK 1974 version footage-wise (ignoring the credits, etc) based on the US version, but was there any cuts (required by the BBFC)? Did those just apply to VHS releases post-1984?

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Guest Markgway
The UK 1974 version footage-wise (ignoring the credits, etc) based on the US version, but was there any cuts (required by the BBFC)? Did those just apply to VHS releases post-1984?

I'll let the BBFC answer that one...

"It was submitted - apparently uncut – in 1972 and a cuts list was drawn up by the Board to tone down some of the violence. However, the company withdrew that version and submitted an alternative American version which lost not only all the material the Board objected to but a lot of other (violent) footage as well. This pre-cut version was passed 'X' without BBFC cuts in 1973. In 1977 a new company, to whom the rights had fallen, resubmitted the film in a re-edited version with even more footage missing. Quite where this footage went - or why it

went - is unclear but this version was confirmed again as 'X' without BBFC cuts in 1977. It appears (although examiners were never 100 per cent sure) that the 1986 video version from Rank was at least very close to the heavily edited 1977 film version. It was passed '18' uncut. The version passed in 2000 for DVD appears to reinstate all the material removed by the

distributors in 1973 and 1977 and is - as far as we can tell - fully uncut. The material missing from the 1973 and 1977 film versions largely consisted of kicks to the face, heavy blows, knives into men's stomachs, ice picks in men's chests and sight of a chain being used as a weapon. However, because the edits were made by the company (in America) we don't have a really comprehensive list of deletions."

Bear in mind the BBFC aren't experts on Bruce Lee films and so the info may not be 100% accurate.

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Thanks Mark!

So it looks like in 1972 (perhaps prepared in that year too - maybe the saw scene was dropped from any version once it had been shown theatrically in 1971 because of the negative reaction?), all territories were given the export version (and elements with it) - some to dub into their respective language (including France, Germany, Middle East, Africa, Philippines and Greece?).

The American version (prepared by National General Pictures?) seems to edit this version down, only retaining some fighting yells/sound effects (the latter with added phase - to make it seem less violent?) and credits (albeit a new title).

Perhaps upon hearing a new polished American version would be (or was) prepared, the UK distributor (Cathay) opted for that. I'm not sure if their credit sequence was newly done by Golden Harvest (or an alternate one), but it obviously looks the same as the Chinese one.

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hi @ all

first I want say sorry for my bad english :squigglemouth: I cant better!!

I have a clip from Big boss Mandarin version, and when the two cousins cut in half is there a

Deleted second of sound where the movie was cut....!

from 37-40 seconds between there.


There is a little "aargh" to hear.

Is that sound from rare deleted scene?

what do you thing???

Thanks a lot

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it"s bad that we can not see this movie in the whole uncut:squigglemouth::squigglemouth:

example the "revenge" scene by the river, why did the censors cut out these?

because this scene have nothing to do with violence or so...

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Guest Markgway
I dont think it was censorship, the shorter running time probably means more showings per day...

That happened to many Lo Wei films.

He had a habit of making films longer than the average that distributors wanted.

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while on the subject of The Big Boss, I remember an old vhs my sister bought around '95. I think it had a blue cover, and it had the alt title Fists of Fury. the cover showed the scene from the night ice factory fight where Bruce is surrounded outside. this was the National general pictures version, but I remember this version was actually missing the nudity during the first bed scene. it never showed Malalene taking off her clothes there, but it did show her remove her top when she shows the scars from the darts later on. Anybody ever seen this release and know who released it? I'm sure it was some cheap company, but I had forgotten about this until just now, after doing a lot of research on the film, and re-watching it again.

actually this stock photo shows the cover right here- I guess it was the Good Times release?


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Today, a friend of mine found the old trailer from THE BIG BOSS - the one that contains the original, rejected English dub - on an old Danish trailer tape from the mid 1980s. I'm fully aware there's another version of this already on YouTube but just the mere fact that he found another release of this is awesome PLUS the picture quality of this one is better imo.

I have no idea why he chose to use the old US title but this is THE BIG BOSS:


And obviously now I'm wondering if this version was released on VHS in Denmark. o_O


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Son Of A Gun

The spelling mistakes on the trailer. :xd:

"Ameria and Asia"

. I've always loved this trailer. The music, the clips the nostalgia. Ahhhh... :angel:

The other similar one is the Cathay Films trailer found on the Rank and 4Front uk vhs. That'll be going on my custom dvd.

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The spelling mistakes on the trailer. :xd:

"Ameria and Asia"

. I've always loved this trailer. The music, the clips the nostalgia. Ahhhh... :angel:

The other similar one is the Cathay Films trailer found on the Rank and 4Front uk vhs. That'll be going on my custom dvd.

So true! I also mentioned that the dubbing and time when the music in the trailer is playing strangely slightly differs from the rejected dub version at some points (fe. @ "I`m not mad at `em.."). Anyway good choice with the cathay one, too. Can`t wait to finally see your ultimate version of The Big Boss!

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Son Of A Gun

That's right.

The trailer was dubbed especially by the same actors. They delivered the lines differently than on the actual movie. Same goes for the Fist of Fury english trailer. Check out when interpretor Wu says "What's wrong? Lost your tongue?!" It's delivered differently to the actual movie dub.

Same goes for a lot of HK trailers I've noticed.

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that trailer was shown on uk rank 80s vhs release of fist of fury after movie ended. rank found color original version of orphan starring bruce lee. everyone thought it was lost. wonder if rank had anymore bruce lee treasures in their archives :bigsmile:

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My friend who found the trailer on a Danish tape asked me about the intro credits. He's uploaded the intro from the Danish VHS release of THE BIG BOSS:


- and from memory it seems to me to be exactly the same as the one in the rejected dub version, i.e. not the same as the one in the DVD versions (that contain the "new" English dub):


So which versions carried the old intro and when was the new intro made and for which versions? Cheers. :nerd:

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that trailer was shown on uk rank 80s vhs release of fist of fury after movie ended. rank found color original version of orphan starring bruce lee. everyone thought it was lost. wonder if rank had anymore bruce lee treasures in their archives :bigsmile:

Yes here on lower page there`s the story about the coloured print


Plus in 2000 the HKFA made special screenings of his films along the found print of "The Orphan" to celebrate his 60th


I wanna see the "Intercepting Fists" Trailer which was on the reels along uncut Big Boss.

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Son Of A Gun

There's around 4 different opening credit reels for Big Boss, that I've seen.

1) We have the original chinese version opening. (seen on the remastered dvd prints)


2) We have this one on the Danish VHS. The official first export opening I guess. Probably made around 1972. http://youtu.be/DRMf4tgkmsc

3) Then we have the Rank home video version from the UK VHS, which is very similar to the chinese opening.

4) And then we have the USA ''Fists of Fury'' opening.

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