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The Big Boss - Original English Dub....


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I recieved that same follow up email.

If they were truly bothered about "genuine Bruce Lee fans" then they would either just put the movie out there or put it out there at an affordable price like a fiver.

At the end of the day he just wants to make as much money out of everyone as possible for it and while I really want to see it there is no way these days that I am going to pay £50 just to hear the rejected dub track. If it was the complete uncut Mandarin print of The Big Boss then I would have bought the reels myself! :bigsmile:

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Fist Of Boss
I recieved that same follow up email.

If they were truly bothered about "genuine Bruce Lee fans" then they would either just put the movie out there or put it out there at an affordable price like a fiver.

At the end of the day he just wants to make as much money out of everyone as possible for it and while I really want to see it there is no way these days that I am going to pay £50 just to hear the rejected dub track. If it was the complete uncut Mandarin print of The Big Boss then I would have bought the reels myself! :bigsmile:

Fiver might be affordable price to you but if/as guy who bought reels is not millionaire it`s very understable he wants at least own investment back.Charity does not pay off(Toby does it neither) and if I`d paid 2k from reels I would rather burn them than sell away for fiver and see bootleggers cash by it.

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I don't see why anyone who had no intention of making a legit release of film reels would pony up the cash expecting to make any kind of return profit on a vintage kung fu film, especially on an edition of The Big Boss that doesn't have a modicum of the hype a certain other edition has. No one agreed to pay this guy with the English dub for anything, so unfortunately it's more fool him if he's expected this entire thing to go swimmingly without the vague threat of either uploading, trading or selling or some kind of en masse swarming response of fifty quid donations from people who at this point only really want to

This version is more of a curiosity than anything else. It's entirely different to something that's been hyped up and missing for years ala Massacre Survivor, or the version with the deleted footage which you'd probably be smart to pile you money and resources into, rather than any other version.

I'm happy that something like this is almost out there, and it's nothing against the seller at all. If it was me who had a bunch of rare reels sitting round i'd probably feel hesitant about doing it all out my own pocket too and trying to run a one man show.

Poor guy, no one wants him to make a cent. And people wonder why rares are horded.

Again i'd have to question why a fan would pay so much for reels for a genre of film like this expecting to make any kind of profit when legit (or semi legit as the case often seems to be with these type of films) martial arts DVD distributors come and go at the drop of a hat.

Like I've said, it's honourable enough the guy has at least tried to put it out there and isn't just hoarding 'til one big offer comes along out of the mist and restarts some vicious circle of hoarder bragging rights.

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Remember this was a dub rejected by distributors for not being good enough.

Is it the dub or the chance of seeing some unseen snippits that have people excited?

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have you seen his other utube clips. BS phony deleted scenes of mr han from enter the dragon :wink: tan and toby would have had dvd's produced so maybe a few got sent out to fans from one of these 2 sources.

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Drunken Cat

It's the snippets of footage, as far as I'm concerned. I think the extended footage at the ice factory got quite a few people excited.

The original english dub is a curiousity. Remember this is before it got cut again for the 2nd english dub. The possibility of more snips of footage is there. Hopefully no one believes the old story that it is synched to the original 1971 mandarin version. I know this is just wishful thinking.

Does anyone know if it was it re-cut in 1983 for the cantonese version? or was it just scored and dubbed?

have you seen his other utube clips. BS phony deleted scenes of mr han from enter the dragon tan and toby would have had dvd's produced so maybe a few got sent out to fans from one of these 2 sources.

Yeah, I noticed the fake Enter the Dragon deleted scenes. What movie are those clips from anyway?

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does anyone know if the Original English Dub version contains the uncut version of the film itself? including the scenes we all like to see? :D

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I will put this all to rest now.

There is no alternate ENG dubb of Big Boss with the saw scene.

I have researched Bruce Lee footage since it's availability to the masses early 1980s.

This John and his facebook page, he was the same John who came to me about searching for traders on this site. I got a copy of said disc and I will tell you one thing, it is not the Tan or Clouse's alleged Big Boss uncut 35mm cut.

It is movie with clips inserted from trailers with early ending to the finale with credits in Comic Sans Serif font. Apparently it is the version spliced by Lo wei to pitch to distributors.

This again has been hard to believe, this is why:

1. All the bonus cuts are the same exact scenes that are missing from all known versions. In other words, the scene with bleeding Tien headshot is cut at the exact same millisecond the footage from the Spanish trailer starts and ends. And it continues, the scene with the cousins "grabbing balls" is the mandarin print with audio (yep as seen in trailers).

2. I will add there is UK ENG dubb scene with Lee at the riverside. What's interesting here is it switches to the Rare English dubb and then back to the known FOX dubb. And guess what everybody? It is the same exact sample scene in one of the many Bruce Lee docs that sampled that footage.

3. Looks like a splice job to me, although I am very curious to the source. John states it was from a BETA, yet I could get no picture sent to me of the original BETA. When that did not work, a facebook page was made claiming it was from the film reels now!

4. The saw-in-head pics I posted (here they are again):


was from this "cut". Although I could just post at the time, I will tell you now that it is an animation of sorts with the saw cutting through a head and black blood spurting. And the nail in the coffin was there for the entire history of this legend of Cult Kung Fu Cinema - the point:

It begins and end just with this closeup. No extra footage and cuts back to the known scene with the Lee spin kick into the pole! If it was indeed the saw scene that we heard AND if it ever existed, we would be seeing much more here indeed!

Furthermore, if it were to be a splice job, they left our key ingredients. You see, I did one last Rare Bruce Lee footage project (winter 2007), and the Bonus Disc was, you guessed it, a comprehensive cut of all known Big Boss films in one.

It is pretty extensive and runs at 1 hour and 41 minutes including a fanmade montage of the cousins layed over with music after they all die. And the infamous lee finger stab in Boss stomach "extended" as scene on youtube.

Its rounded off with video production that makes all the footage seem seemless. Including, but not only:

1. Extended Tien comment to Boss when he is looking for cousins (yes it is longer when comparing the 3 available versions!)

2. Montage of Lee's return to Brothel part 2

3. Cousins returning to factory

4. Cousins in ice

5. Stab stomach ending (yes it is longer when comparing the 3 available versions!)

The downside is it was created before alternate dubbing and subtitle software was available (as I did with the Venoms boxed set), so I threw on the known FOX dubb. It's DVD-9 and has the soundtrack FREE to boot. Did I mention this was free? As for when it was released, the DVD authored footprint places it at February 8 2007. Years before this spliced farce.

I digress, because work was already done on this before people started posting false info on facebook. John didn't realize I put a project of my own together and wouldn't notice the difference. I believe he was hoping we'd try to milk it at some collector's forum.

During that time, I had to keep my word to him and at the same time not abuse the Fandom that has grown here. So I took alot of harsh criticism, which was ok. I would never want to throw garbage here, where the collecting is taken very seriously, and we all help each other when we can. I feel this way personally after the Venoms 2004 Documentary.

There is no known version of the Big Boss Uncut. It's a lie that will keep fans buying version after version with no change in results. No samples exist of it, there is no proof in all the 13 versions of the Big Boss that has been released over the past 15 years. People are believing what they never have seen, heard or otherwise.

Note: I do believe John is just a middle man from someone else truly hoping to exploit. Our Jedi senses are strong at this forum that they are. So this post is not to bash him, but the exploitation that has come out of this.

That's all. Hope you enjoyed the read.



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Since I've never been interested in dubbed versions I've never seeked out info on this version, but after having read this thread I did a YT search and found this trailer which states it's for the old, refused dub version (I'm sure you've all seen it before):

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I will put this all to rest now.

There is no alternate ENG dubb of Big Boss with the saw scene.

I have researched Bruce Lee footage since it's availability to the masses early 1980s.

This John and his facebook page, he was the same John who came to me about searching for traders on this site. I got a copy of said disc and I will tell you one thing, it is not the Tan or Clouse's alleged Big Boss uncut 35mm cut.

It is movie with clips inserted from trailers with early ending to the finale with credits in Comic Sans Serif font. Apparently it is the version spliced by Lo wei to pitch to distributors.

First thanks for clearing that up! As many fans may know that one of the first scenes that were filmed was the fight at the ice factory by first director Wu Chia Hsiang. So was the saw-scene filmed later by Lo Wei because they couldn`t get it to work right or was it filmed before?

BTW: why did you state in your "saw-scene-for-trade"- thread that it`s the real deal legit footage although you knew that it`s just a montage?

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roy mcaree had original english dub. george tan was gonna release it on dvd in 2003 before fortune star had their say. full film dub no lie. i've talked to ted thomas last year on the phone about this and other stuff. extras included full lo wei commentary.

fred weintraub and others received original uncut boss version back in 1972 from bruce lee prior to the enter the dragon deal with warners (ted ashley and other viewed it). fred also received unseen fist of fury trailer, bruce clashing shoulder to shoulder with bob baker (aka intercepting fists trailer - you've seen the pic). get real.

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So was the saw-scene filmed later by Lo Wei because they couldn`t get it to work right or was it filmed before?

The only record are the publicity photos in which Lo Wei obviously played a part. That's all.

BTW: why did you state in your "saw-scene-for-trade"- thread that it`s the real deal legit footage although you knew that it`s just a montage?

Once I viewed it I posted stills on this forum, I immediately began to look at what it actually was. That's when I didn't post and dug in deeper to the history of what I was watching. Hence the BETA verification, etc... You will notice the drop in conversation after that and I replied I was getting more info (to people's questions).

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george tan was gonna release it on dvd in 2003 before fortune star had their say.

So why didn't they say "Let's release it on our DVD?"?

full film dub no lie. i've talked to ted thomas last year on the phone about this and other stuff. extras included full lo wei commentary.

Lo Wei passed away in 1996 of heart failure. No lie.

fred weintraub and others received original uncut boss version back in 1972 from bruce lee prior to the enter the dragon deal with warners (ted ashley and other viewed it). fred also received unseen fist of fury trailer, bruce clashing shoulder to shoulder with bob baker (aka intercepting fists trailer - you've seen the pic). get real.

This is what Fred Weintraub states in the UK Big Boss Release. Just what you said. Verbatum. The problem is:

1. Since he was producing this DVD AND has the footage to contribute to the DVD, then why didn't he?

2. This was the same featurette "Deleted Scenes Examined" that took what they heard from the internet. Some online fans contributed. The featurette and everything said an shown lost credibility when in the first scene it is a superimposed photo of Lee in The Big Boss running over a bridge in ROME. Fans online later identified the fan made image as a joke. Let's just say these creators didn't Absorb what was useful. Reject what was useless. And add to it was essentially there own.



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extras included full lo wei commentary.

The specs didn't seem to mention it either (just stuff about a location visit or something).

fred weintraub and others received original uncut boss version back in 1972 from bruce lee prior to the enter the dragon deal with warners (ted ashley and other viewed it).

Someone asked him and Fred replied that he didn't have it.

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Fist Of Boss

I`ve spent several hundreds dollars for "uncut" big boss versions.I do not believe any more it exists,surely it would have surfaced during these decades.

Those footage interest me a lot but not life or death situation.Rest of unreleased Shaw movies interest me lot more

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The only record are the publicity photos in which Lo Wei obviously played a part. That's all.

Wasn`t sure if first director shot the scene and it was dropped and later overdone by Lo Wei. Hard to tell but George Tan could know as he got many onset photos of the films. Maybe more from that and other scenes included in the workprint. Yes the pictures are the only visible proof but I personally believe that a premiere print still exists on reels - I know this is wishful thinking..

Someone asked him and Fred replied that he didn't have it.

Yes I`ve asked Bey Logan about the print couple months ago hence the release of upcoming films and projects he got with fortune star. He replied that he contacted FW who unfortunately doesn`t have it any more. Honestly see no reason why this shouldn`t be true. Maybe he put it in an archive for preservation..

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He replied that he contacted FW who unfortunately doesn`t have it any more. Honestly see no reason why this shouldn`t be true. Maybe he put it in an archive for preservation..

Excuse me, but that is my whole point. If he doesn't have it anymore, where did it go? he knew exactly where the Enter the Dragon outtakes and Ahna footage. Not at all.

And I see the Lo Wei commentary comment has been neutralized.

I'm with Fist Of Boss on this one.

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who owned the company and was involved in the english dubbing for bruce's movies starting with big boss? who conducted and recorded hours of audio interviews with lo wei back in the 1980s?

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I believe that Roy McAree was involved in the dubbing process of The Big Boss and Fist of Fury. Wasn`t Ted Thomas dubbing some guys for the refused dub personally?

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Jeru the Damaja

Hey guys new to forum.

I thought I read somewhere that Steve Kerridge had the elusive uncut Big Boss print. I don't know if he does or not. I just hope that if it does exist it will be made available to the public one day before I am 90. That goes along with any other Lee footage we haven't seen.

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I believe that Roy McAree was involved in the dubbing process of The Big Boss and Fist of Fury. Wasn`t Ted Thomas dubbing some guys for the refused dub personally?

I could be wrong, but I think Ted Thomas dubbed Han Ying Chieh in the "rejected" dub.

Hey guys new to forum.

I thought I read somewhere that Steve Kerridge had the elusive uncut Big Boss print. I don't know if he does or not. I just hope that if it does exist it will be made available to the public one day before I am 90. That goes along with any other Lee footage we haven't seen.

Ah yes, Steve Kerridge and his supposed collector's print of the uncut Big Boss... yeah... I used to believe that, but I think it was more just me being hopeful than anything else. It would be wonderful if something cropped up this year so a decent semi-restored version (similar to what's currently going on with Fritz Lang's Metropolis) could be released next year in time for the 40th anniversary. But, I won't hold my breath... maybe for the 50th anniversary... or 60th :sad:

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Ninja Sinai

Or the 70th anniversary.. or 80th.. or 90th..

I honestly cant understand the whole issue with hoarders..

If the full uncut version is finally released one day.. it will be most likely be to a group of people who were not even around when the movie was originally released..

Or it will be lost forever when the hoarders kick the bucket.

On a side note.. one thing I could never understand was WHY the scene with Bruce purchasing prawn crackers and marching to the Boss's mansion while munching on the prawn crackers was CUT from many of the mainstream versions of the Big Boss!!?? This scene was definitely in the VHS version I owned as a kid back in the early 80s.

Did someone somewhere deem prawn crackers bad for your health?

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