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The Big Boss - Original English Dub....


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Drunken Cat

I think there are more variations, depending on the country of origin. Seems like any localized version that used the original mandarin score has additional footage. Kinda curious what the runtimes of these versions are, including the Original English Dub. They probably don't fluctuate too much higher over the 99 minute range, but you never know.

Here is the full version of the OED trailer BTW:

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i seriously doubt there is anything much in this , other than the the dub itself.

i wonder if this is being sold by someone close to george tan , he can`t publicly sell it because he has already been stopped once.

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I spoke to the print's original owner. He confirmed that he sold it to the guy advertising the DVD for sale. From all accounts, he's legit.

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I spoke to the print's original owner. He confirmed that he sold it to the guy advertising the DVD for sale. From all accounts, he's legit.

I am guessing Toby got the £2000 he wanted for the reels then.

If this is the print that belonged to Toby then apparently chunks of footage (not the elusive missing footage) are missing due to print damage.

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The release has hit a snag. Someone contacted the seller and threatened to bootleg the release, so that he wouldn't make back any of the money he's invested. The seller is exploring other options right now. :(

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The release has hit a snag. Someone contacted the seller and threatened to bootleg the release, so that he wouldn't make back any of the money he's invested. The seller is exploring other options right now. :(

There's a shocker... we're never going to see this.

We'll never see this, we'll never see The Big Boss Part II, and we'll certainly never see the uncut Big Boss. I'm done :sad:

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There's a shocker... we're never going to see this.

We'll never see this, we'll never see The Big Boss Part II, and we'll certainly never see the uncut Big Boss. I'm done :sad:

Given the effort & $$$$$ that the guy has already put in, I don't think he'll sit on it. I've suggested doing a massacre survivor-type of thing, so this way he's insured that the project won't get booted right away & keep him from making some money.

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Given the effort & $$$$$ that the guy has already put in, I don't think he'll sit on it. I've suggested doing a massacre survivor-type of thing, so this way he's insured that the project won't get booted right away & keep him from making some money.

That does make sense, and I'd be happy to contribute.

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The release has hit a snag. Someone contacted the seller and threatened to bootleg the release, so that he wouldn't make back any of the money he's invested. . :(

great there is always someone that has to fuck up the party.:khi8m:

thanks for researching this at least we now know he is genuine.

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Why would you contact someone warning them they'll bootleg it?

That's like doing a robbery, but informing the police beforehand.

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Drunken Cat

The threat might be from some asshole that doesn't want it released. Or just an incredibly stupid bootlegger. Take your pick.

Either way, it a no win situation for the guy who bought the print. Unless you "pass around the hat" so to speak, to cushion the blow. Just remember things could get much worse.

Do not forget the threat of legal action against the Video Asia release. This is a very touchy subject, considering the Bruce Lee estate and Fortune Star. I just hope the guy would be happy to break even.

The way he was trying to sell it earlier, there is no doubt in my mind that there would be bootlegs everywhere in no time. He's better off trying to do a Massacre Survivor style deal for release.

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A Cheaper option is to ask the seller for the audio track (on a mp3 file or cd?), and synch it up with a regular version...maybe 'age' the visuals with scratches and glitches and voila! A reconstruction of the original!!

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A Cheaper option is to ask the seller for the audio track (on a mp3 file or cd?), and synch it up with a regular version...maybe 'age' the visuals with scratches and glitches and voila! A reconstruction of the original!!

Thing is, this version has snippets of footage not in the remastered versions... so, it'd be nice to have the audio AND visuals.

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A Cheaper option is to ask the seller for the audio track (on a mp3 file or cd?), and synch it up with a regular version...maybe 'age' the visuals with scratches and glitches and voila! A reconstruction of the original!!

Poor guy, no one wants him to make a cent. And people wonder why rares are horded.

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Drunken Cat

There is no easy way for this to get to the fans without the threat of bootlegs. Bootlegging is a major problem and could potentially ruin even a fan release. I'm sure there are tons of licensed old kung fu releases that were cancelled because of boots.

I feel bad for the guy. He bought the reels in hope to release it to the public, make a profit on it. I hope he can find an acceptable solution. At least he is making an attempt to release this version, so others can see it.

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if it were me i would work out how much everything cost add a little for my time and profit,divide it by a certain number (say 100) then take orders, when all 100 are in sell. then it can get bootlegged galore i won`t care i got my money back a small profit and the film is out there where it belongs.:smile:

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if it were me i would work out how much everything cost add a little for my time and profit,divide it by a certain number (say 100) then take orders, when all 100 are in sell. then it can get bootlegged galore i won`t care i got my money back a small profit and the film is out there where it belongs.:smile:

That's what he'll probably do. That's what I would do!

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Poor guy, no one wants him to make a cent. And people wonder why rares are horded.

You misunderstood me. Nobody wants the guy to be hassled by FS so I was trying to think of a way to at least hear the track. He must know that if he does sell copies it WILL be booted. This way the original print won't be and he could still make some money back -maybe pay to download the original track to marry to another print. However IF there is extra footage related to the track, it would be a case of cutting that portion out. Not the best remedy I know, but better than nothing.

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Received this email from this Brendon Williams:

For the attention of all the genuine Bruce Lee fans who have taken the time to respond to the

advert/blog offer.

We would like to thank you all for trying to make this offer available to many more fans.

Unfortunately a few weeks ago it was drawn to our attention that certain activities on namely

" Bruce Lees The Big Boss Appreciation Group" and other web site .

On reflection of some of the content posted on these sites, its apparent that certain members of these sites are

undermining what we are trying to acheive. We are aware of their intentions to undermine our efforts.

We also object to the publishing of private e-mails, been posted on these sites.

Therefore we have reluctantely decided to suspend the offer.

I don't see any reference to «bootleg blackmail».

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